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Search results for: zebra



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Browsing news and articles:
World of the Bizarre

Escaped zebra repeatedly eludes capture in Washington state

 VIDEO  5-3-2024 | 5

A zebra is currently on the loose somewhere in the Cascade Mountains and nobody has been able to catch it.

World of the Bizarre

Rare zebra-donkey hybrid born in Somerset

 VIDEO  11-5-2018 | 7

Named Zippy, the new arrival, which was born last month, is one of only two known 'zonkeys' in the UK

Nature & Environment

A zebra's stripes are not for camouflage

 VIDEO  1-28-2016 | 10

Scientists have played down the idea that a zebra relies on its stripes to help it hide from predators.

Nature & Environment

Zebra stripes camouflage theory challenged

1-14-2015 | 15

A new study has suggested that a zebra's stripes might actually be used to help it cool down.

Nature & Environment

Scientists solve why zebras have stripes

4-2-2014 | 36

A new study has revealed the strongest evidence yet that the stripes help to deter biting insects.

Nature & Environment

How did zebras get their stripes ?

2-10-2012 | 13

Researchers believe zebras evolved stripes as a way to help keep blood-sucking flies at bay.

Nature & Environment

Zedonk: Zebra, donkey hybrid born

7-29-2010 | 9

It looks like a donkey but has a zebra's stripes and instincts - meet the zedonk, a cross between a donkey and a zebra.

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