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Browsing news and articles:
Modern Mysteries

Audio of mystery 'bangs' from Titan sub disaster heard for the first time

 VIDEO  3-4-2024 | 5

The banging sounds were picked up during the search for the Titan submersible which went missing last year.

Archaeology & History

Does the Aztec death whistle make the creepiest sound in the world ?

 VIDEO  12-16-2023 | 12

First used centuries ago, this unique form of whistle makes the haunting sound of a blood-curdling scream.

Science & Technology

NASA to test its secretive X-59 supersonic plane in 2024

10-31-2023 | 23

This cutting-edge experimental aircraft will be capable of breaking the sound barrier without creating loud sonic booms.

Science & Technology

Boston Dynamics robot can now have a conversation with you

 VIDEO  10-30-2023 | 6

The firm's robotic dog 'Spot' has taken one step closer to world domination - and it sounds like a British butler.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

Mystery sounds heard in Loch Ness during major Nessie hunt

8-28-2023 | 40

Investigators picked up some mysterious sounds but then realized that their recording equipment wasn't plugged in.

Space & Astronomy

Does the Earth reside within the depths of a black hole ?

6-18-2023 | 8

It might sound unthinkable, but is our universe simply the interior of a black hole that is situated within another universe ?


As many as 1.7 billion Tyrannosaurus rexes once roamed the Earth

5-18-2023 | 7

This figure might sound a lot, but it is actually quite a bit smaller than previous estimates had suggested.

Nature & Environment

Intelligent hybrid 'super pigs' are starting to invade the United States

2-24-2023 | 28

It might sound like the plot of a movie, but these so-called 'super pigs' are very much the real deal.

Space & Astronomy

Perseverance rover records audio from a dust devil on Mars

 VIDEO  12-15-2022 | 1

Ever wondered what Mars sounds like ? This intriguing new audio recording offers the chance to find out.

Science & Technology

Scientists have spliced human brain tissue into the brains of rats

 VIDEO  10-12-2022 | 20

It might sound like an experiment worthy of Frankenstein, but we won't have to worry about 'rat men' anytime soon.

Modern Mysteries

Bizarre moaning sounds seem to be plaguing American Airlines flights

9-28-2022 | 23

Some passengers have been reporting very strange sounds over the intercom during their flight.

Space & Astronomy

Space sounds very eerie in this new NASA audio clip

8-23-2022 | 5

The newly released clip is a processed recording of sound waves rippling through clouds of gas and plasma.

Space & Astronomy

Here's what a supermassive black hole sounds like

 VIDEO  5-14-2022 | 19

Scientists have produced an audio clip from acoustic waves propagating through the gas around a supermassive black hole.

Science & Technology

Why do people hate or love the sound of certain words ?

2-27-2022 | 6

Certain words can invoke a positive or negative reaction from people simply because of the way they sound.

Nature & Environment

Fish, like birds, have 'voices' and make a lot of noise

 VIDEO  2-5-2022 | 0

You might not have heard them do it, but fish are capable of making all manner of croaks, chirps and other sounds.

World of the Bizarre

Icy lake's 'Star Wars' sounds spark outlandish 'alien base' claims

 VIDEO  12-9-2021 | 16

An impressive natural phenomenon has been misinterpreted by some as evidence of alien visitors.

Modern Mysteries

Is it possible to hear the Northern Lights ?

10-5-2021 | 6

For years, there have been reports of eerie, mysterious sounds being produced by the aurora borealis.

Science & Technology

Humans can learn echolocation in 10 weeks

6-5-2021 | 5

A new experiment has shown that humans are quite capable of learning how to 'see' with sound.

Space & Astronomy

Real-life wormholes may not be that far-fetched

5-24-2021 | 13

It might sound like science fiction, but the idea of linking two black holes together actually does have some merit.

Science & Technology

Why do we hate the sound of our own voices ?

5-17-2021 | 49

Your voice can sound very different (to you) when recorded and played back, but exactly why is that ?

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