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Paranormal trends for 2008

January 1, 2008 | Comment icon 0 comments
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Looking back at 2007 (and a little further) the paranormal investigation field has come a long way. Even more strides are on the horizon that may have significant impact on how investigations are performed. And, more importantly, improve the efficiency of the investigator’s time and the quality of the overall investigation. In this article I will out line the 3 most significant trends in the paranormal investigation field that I believe to have the greatest potential impact on investigators and investigations through 2008 and beyond. With so many improvements and new ideas it’s hard to pick just 3 but I feel these are both significant as well as reasonably attainable both for the field and for the average paranormal investigator on a budget.

First, the use of laptop computers on an investigation is clearly on the rise. With new faster laptops that now rival desktop computers in terms of features and power, as well as significant drops in prices (as of writing this Dell has a pretty robust laptop for only $539! – even cheaper if your employer has a supplier relationship with Dell!) this puts a laptop computer well with in the reach of most investigators. While few can still as yet afford an entire laptop just for investigations, combining a home-use laptop with investigations is viable.

Having a laptop on an investigation opens many possibilities. One that pops to mind immediately is the possibility of reviewing evidence (digital photos and audio especially) immediately on location. And with the proliferation of wireless hot spots it may be possible to contact other investigators during the investigation. For example, team members unable to attend the investigation can still be involved. A photo or audio recording can be sent to someone for immediate review, enhancement, analysis etc. Expert advise (both paranormal and technical support) can be obtained via email, messenger or forum. While no one wants (or should be) spending all their time on the computer during an investigation, investigators now have more options for tools and communication than ever before.

The second trend I see is more use of data capture and data loggers. These are remote (usually hard wired) sensors that can designed to detect a wide range of conditions including temperature, humidity, EMF, magnetism, vibration, radiation etc. These sensors are placed in locations of likely paranormal activity. Then data logging software tracks the readings these sensors return and provides a detailed view of conditions throughout the investigation. All with laboratory-level accuracy!

Even more advanced concepts of data capture and logging are being developed by individual investigators (if you know electronics it isn’t difficult to build and test data capture devices). All this helps paranormal investigators cover a wider area than just where and when they physically go to a spot.
Finally, the third trend – and the most exciting I think – ties these first two trends together: Real-time capture and review of environmental conditions during an investigation!

Until now there were few data recording devices with the sensitivity paranormal investigators require. Those devices usually just recording data for review later after the investigation. But by combining data capture/loggers with laptops paranormal investigators can now monitor in real-time a much wider range of conditions, review and analyze them in real-time during the investigation, and most significantly act on them during the investigation!

For example, while it’s interesting to note a 10+ degree drop in temperature in a suspected paranormally active room, obtaining that data days or even weeks after the investigation is over (it takes a long time to review evidence gathered) does little good to proving or debunking paranormal activity. At best it can be noted in a report as needing follow up on a future investigation at the same location. But if you had a data capture sensor in that area and your data logging software showed a sudden and significant drop in temperature then investigators can be sent to the location immediately to confirm the temperature change as well as utilize other instruments that might detect (or debunk) paranormal activity. The result is a much more time and resource efficient investigation (particularly important when you have to pay $$$ for limited time at some locations!).

Also, a trend of honorable mention is the reduction in price for thermal imaging cameras. While still priced out of the reach of most paranormal investigators and groups, overall the price is coming down. And there is talk of thermal imaging cameras that can be attached to DVR systems. Also very expensive (though not as much as a full thermal imaging camera system) but worthy of note for future reference.

Yes, the future is definitely looking very bright for the tools-of-the-trade!

Long Island Paranormal Investigators
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