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Spindle City Market investigation

July 24, 2009 | Comment icon 1 comment
Image Credit: ISIS Investigations
The ISIS Paranormal Investigations team investigated the building adjacent to the Spindle City Market on Ontario Street which is presently used for storage. The team received permission to investigate the location from the present owner, John Nolan, who was also available for an in-depth interview. The Spindle City Market is situated minutes away from the Hudson River; the building is 145 years old, has had numerous owners, and was built in 1864. The location has never been blessed or spiritually cleansed, and complaints include seeing unexplained shadow figures, seeing things out of the corner of one's eye, the sensation of being watched by something unseen, and unusual, static-sounding phone calls on a monthly basis to the public grocery store existing at the location. Nolan asserts that the land once belonged to Native Americans, and that it is possible that the land was sacred. The team investigated three floors of the location and an attic area.

John Nolan was raised as a Roman Catholic but he does not presently practice his religion; he illustrates little interest in the paranormal and does not watch paranormal television shows or movies. He also asserts that he has no interest in horror movies and he does not spend any time reading about paranormal occurrences, all of which might have otherwise had some influence on his experiences at the location. No prior media has been involved with this particular case, and no other paranormal groups have investigated the location. Nolan has made no attempts to put a stop to any questionable activity, and to his knowledge, an Ouija board has never been used on the site, and there has never been any seances at the location.

During a number of questions posed during our interview with Mr. Nolan we found that many common "haunting complaints" were not experienced or reported; Mr. Nolan asserts that at no time, to the best of his knowledge, have strange objects been found in unusual locations, and he has never experienced any lost sense of time or memory loss. Further, Nolan reports no difficulties sleeping when he returns to his home and no sleep disturbances whatsoever. Nolan makes no claims of hearing voices from unexplained origins, and no sudden drops or increases in temperature have been reported by the client.

[b]Case Statistics[/b]

Moon Phase: Full Moon at 2:12 pm
Geomagnetic Field: Quiet
Solar X rays: : Normal and no storms expected
Weather:65 to 75F cloudy and chance of showers

[b]History of the Location:[/b]
Cohoes is a small city just northeast of Albany, New York that is referred to as Spindle City because the city has played an important role in the industry of textile production. The term Cohoes has a Mohawk Indian origin and is derived from "Ga-ha-oose" which is a reference to the phrase "Place of the falling Canoe" and refers directly to the Cohoes Falls. The region was purchased from the Native Americans in 1630 by a leader of the Dutch West India Company, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, and the Erie Canal at one time flowed right through the city. The location is very near the Mohawk River where the mouth of the river meets with the Hudson River.

There was very little Internet or library accessible history on the location in question. Thankfully, the present owner of the location supplied us with some of the historical information that he had in his possession. We appreciate Mr. Nolan's full cooperation in the investigation and are grateful to have had the opportunity to investigate this historic location. Patricia also located a bit of information that was available at the Cohoes library, but the site offered very little information about the Spindle City Market building's history or any history related to the adjacent, original building that existed on the lot.

This location has exchanged hands in terms of ownership many times throughout the years. The original property was built in the year 1836 and there was an addition added to the original building erected on site in 1864. The location was the home of Egberts & Bailey: a knitting business until 1836. A sign outside of the location indicates that the building that had burned down was at one time the first building in Cohoes erected for knit goods by Power in America since the business used the first power knitting machine in the city the same year the business was established.

In 1864, some historical directories at the Cohoes library note that the address 302 Ontario Street was the former location of the Crescent Manufacturing Company which belonged to the proprietors Van Duzen & Gugerty and the location was use to manufacture Ladies', Mens' and Childrens' fine knit underwear, scarlet, chamois finish underwear and specialty clothing. There is no listing or any other references suggesting this business survived beyond 1895.

The Spindle City Market is located in the add on part of the former Egberts & Bailey business erected in 1874, was owned by Egbert Egberts and Joshua Bailey; the original construction for the latter business was built in 1836, and destroyed via fire on January 10, 1879. The brother of Joshua Bailey, Timothy Bailey, had invented the first knitting machine in the United States. In 1879, The Troy Manufacturing Company was in a building that was adjacent to and part of 302 Ontario Street. When the Troy Manufacturing Company was in the building that no longer exists, the location employed 260 people and was 1221 feet wide running southward along Ontario Street. The company was large and managed to create more than 300,000 shirts each year.

See a layout of the former structures: [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/spindlecitymarket/DSC00245.JPG"]Access layout..
See a scanned photocopy of the old building structures available: [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/spindlecitymarket/DSC00246.JPG"]Access Photocopy.. [/url]

[b]About the 1879 Fire at the Troy Manufacturing Company[/b]
According to an article listed in the 1879 Troy Daily Times, the fire broke out between 10:20 and 10:30 am on January 10, 1879. The fire began in the picking room of the mills, and moved rapidly to the carding room. It took only minutes before the entire building was ablaze. The mill was in full operation when the fire broke out and of the 260 employees working there, many barely made it out alive. Reports indicate that boys and girls that were working at the location were jumping out of the windows to escape the fire to land on the cotton sheds just below. After about an hour's time, the fire was under control, but the damage was done. Only the addition of the building remained intact. One individual, a boy named Tim O'Hearn was badly burned; the report indicates that his burns were potentially fatal. The location was fully insured at the time of the fire.

That morning there were "unavoidable delays" in getting the fire extinguished. Snow made it difficult to get to the site to extinguish the fire and fire hydrants were frozen and refused to produce water. According to the report provided, the building was a "fine structure"; the fire was confined to the "L shaped addition" and the building was, at that time, valued at $150,000.00. The picking room, carding room, and dye house were completely destroyed by the fire.

It is interesting to note that the location narrowly escaped fire several years earlier in 1865 on June 1, at 12 o'clock, when the Conliss & Carter's mill were destroyed. According to a news article printed on June 2, 1865, J.V. S Lansing kept the building from catching fire by keeping it wet and protected from the extensive heat emanating from the fire that destroyed nearby properties. In 1901 the site became the location of the Troy & Cohoes Shirt Company; by 1910 the site was the home of the Mohawk Brush Company and remained so until at least 1915. The site was also the location of the Laughlin Manufacturing Company in 1915. By 1925, the location became the site of Cohoes American, the Laughlin Manufacturing Co. Knit Goods, St. Aubin, John, and the Trojan Manufacturing Company as well as the LB Supply Company.

By 1940, the sites 302-304 Ontario Street in Cohoes were home to Kyle Laughlin Insurance, The Law office of Charles Gildne, Mr. Lreary Machine Works, the Pyramid Brands Inc. Pickle Manufacturing Company, and Stillman & Kagan Company: a womens wear manufacturing company. In 1945, the location at 302 Ontario Street stood vacant for a time period. By 1955, the location was converted into the Empire Market and the Leisure Living Inc. Furniture Manufacturing location. In 1965, the Empire Market remained and the Pompi's Upholsters and Home Decorators office was added to the site. By 1970, the location 302-304 Ontario Street had become the site of the Food Circus, and Smith Electric Co Warehouse. Presently, the Spindle City Market resides at 302 Ontario Street.

[b]Photographic Captures
[/b]A number of photographic captures are presented in our gallery in association with this case. There are two images of an unexplained entity that was not visible to the naked eye; this image was captured on the second floor where we experienced great equipment difficulty, temperature fluctuations, and psychic sensations. The entity appears to be wearing a long black cloak, is impressively tall, and its facial features are very white and difficult to distinguish. This entity is first captured on Justyn Staley's camera, and appears behind two investigators. The entity is later captured on a second camera and moves behind the right side door of the area. Other images show that the entity later disappears. This capture is also the same location where Tracey captured a strange light anomaly on her digital camera, and the image correlates with Tracey's later report of seeing a fleeting black figure at the location.

[b]Video Footage:[/b]
At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible. Video is presented in our gallery along with our photographic evidence for this case. The video is still under analysis and will be uploaded as soon as analysis is completed if any evidence has been captured.

[b]EVPs Readings:[/b]
We captured several EVPs at the location, all of which are available in our EVP gallery.

[b]EMF Readings:[/b]
10:33 am: Positive EMF reading of 3.5 milliGauss on first floor. No mundane sources could be identified for the cause of the reading. While the EMF reading was detected, an abrupt fluctuation in temperature was noted; the thermometer indicated a change of temperature from 75 degrees to 72 degrees to 84 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few minutes time.

11:06 am Positive EMF reading of 2.0 milliGauss on the second floor with no mundane origin. Dowsing rods were later used which aimed in the same area where this reading was detected.

[b]Temperature Fluctuations[/b]
10:16 am: Base temperature reading on the first floor of 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

10:18 am: Temperature increase noted from 75 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

At 10:21 am: A temperature reading of 80 degrees Fahrenheit proves a five degree increase in room temperature from baseline.

At 10:39 am: A temperature fluctuation of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit was noted at the time on the first floor.

At 10:42 am: Upon entering the second floor, a temperature fluctuation is noted from 77 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit was noted.

At 10:53 am: A temperature fluctuation of 75 degrees to 82 degrees Fahrenheit is noted on the third floor of the location.

At 10:56 am: Angela experienced vertigo while on the third floor and temperature fluctuation from 86 degrees to 93 degrees Fahrenheit was noted.

At 11:15 am: On the second floor, a temperature fluctuation was noted at the time from 75 to 84 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit; this fluctuation occurs simultaneously as dowsing rods indicate the presence of energies.

[b]Psychic Impressions and Artistry[/b]
At 10:18 am: Clairsentient Justyn Staley sensed the words "I worked here," from an unseen entity. This was experienced again upon entering the second floor of the storate area

At 10:16 am: Psychic sketch artist Angela Kaufman sensed the presences of a dark haired (brown haired male) with a mustache and white shirt on the first floor of the location. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:21 am: Sketch artist Angela Kaufman sensed the presence of an elderly woman, roughly sixty years of age with dyed blond, short curly hair, and eyeglasses. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:35 am: Angela senses a female energy, specifically "a female manager or boss," and men working at a table. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:40 am: Angela sensed a "vague impression of two young boys [possibly] teenaged who worked at the location. She notes an impression that they were brothers both had dark hair and were Caucasian." Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 11:02 am: Angela sensed a "vague image of [an] assembly line and people working metal."

[b]Dowsing Rods
[/b]At 10:54 am: Justyn used dowsing rods approximately fifteen feet from where our video camera was set up to record, just over an old swiveling office chair. The rods were parallel to one another upon using them and rapidly split apart and moved into opposite directions. This area proved positive for activity via photographic captures by our team.

At 11:15 am: Patricia and Justyn used dowsing rods on the second floor in the region furthest from the second floor entry. Both sets of dowsing rods responded in the same manner at the same time and pointed to the direction where a positive EMF reading of 2.0 milliGuass was captured just nine minutes earlier. A temperature fluctuation was noted at the time from 75 to 84 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

[b]Unexplained Occurrences Noted by Investigators[/b]
At 10:13 am: Angela notes feeling "very strong energies" when entering the first floor of the building.

At 10:18 am: Angela reports experiencing vertigo while walking around on the first floor; this feeling coincides with feelings reported by clairsentient, Justyn Staley.

At 10:20 am: Clairsentient Justyn Staley experienced vertigo; five minutes later the batteries in Justyn's camera, which were brand new, were drained in his digital camera down to low. At 10:29 am, the camera momentarily malfunctioned and would not operate.

At 10:42 am: Second floor: Justyn reports hearing an unidentified female voice call his name. He was standing nearby investigators Tracey and Angela at the time, neither of which called out to him.

At 10:46 am: Justyn's camera malfunctioned: the camera beeped, made a noise as if it took a picture, the display went "fuzzy," and then the camera shut down.

Both investigators Angela Kaufman and Justyn Staley complain of head pain upon entering the building. Justyn notes "a slight pain in the right side of [his] head," and Angela notes, "a slight headache when entering the building [that] subsided when [the team] went out into the parking lot."

At 10:24 am: Angela complains of sudden, mild back pain and notes" I do not typically have this issue." At 10:25 am Angela sensed a "wave of energy," on the first floor of the location. A temperature reading indicated a temperature of six degrees above baseline at 81 degrees Fahrenheit.

At 10:39 am: Angela reports getting an oppressive feeling on the first floor, and a mild continuation of a headache. A temperature fluctuation of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit was noted at the time.

At 10:42 am: Angela notes "sensed a fire that destroyed this floor of the building." She also reports experiencing vertigo and sensing strong energies. Particularly, Angela sensed a "wave of energy in a doorway," where positive photographic evidence is captured of a possible entity.

At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible. Video capture is available in our gallery.

At 11:03 am: Angela reports continued back pain rated three out of ten and noted that it was not a common occurrence for her.

At 11:14 am: Angela reports experiencing "powerful stomach pains while Dayna is doing EVPs," rated a four out of ten in terms of discomfort.

At 11:17 am: Angela reports that upon entering the third floor of the location, the oppressive feeling in the air lightened some.
Around 11:17 am: Investigator Tracey notes upon entering the third floor. "While looking through a hole in the roof, a black figure passed over it to dark and large to be a bird." She felt as if the wind was knocked out of her after this sighting.

[b]Issues with Equipment[/b]
At 10:39 am: While attempting to set up the video camera, a brand new video was inserted into the device. For approximately five minutes, the camera continues to indicate that the new tape was at "the end of the tape," and would not record. The tape was checked and rechecked: it had just been pulled from its packaging and it was at the beginning of the video tape. After some time passed, the difficulties also passed and the tape recorder finally worked. This is in the exact area where positive photographic evidence is captured of an unexplained entity.

At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible.

[b]Conclusions: Haunted.
[/b]The lack of positive responses to a number of common haunting indicators can be the result of spending limited time at the location since the location is used primarily for storage purposes. This site proved to provide photographic captures, temperature fluctuations, positive EMF readings, positive EVP captures, and positive psychic sensations. The owner, Mr. Nolan has not, at this time, requested any type of clearing. We will follow up with the client, advise him of our findings, and help him in any way possible if he should desire further assistance.

Special Notes: The ISIS Paranormal Investigations team would like to thank John Nolan for allowing us to investigate and for providing a wealth of information on the location's history.

[b]Additional Evidence:[/b]

View our [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/Investigation_Gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=1320"]Photo Gallery [/url]for paranormal photos associated with this case.

View our [url="http://isisinvestigations.com/EVPS_40_Spindle_City.html"]EVP Gallery [/url]for Electronic Voice Phenomena captures associated with this case.

[img]http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/arrow3.gif[/img] [b]View:[/b] [url="http://isisinvestigations.com/SpindleCity_casefile.html"]Full Article[/url] | [img]http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/arrow3.gif[/img] [b]Source:[/b] [url="http://isisinvestigations.com"]ISIS Investigations[/url][!gad]The ISIS Paranormal Investigations team investigated the building adjacent to the Spindle City Market on Ontario Street which is presently used for storage. The team received permission to investigate the location from the present owner, John Nolan, who was also available for an in-depth interview. The Spindle City Market is situated minutes away from the Hudson River; the building is 145 years old, has had numerous owners, and was built in 1864. The location has never been blessed or spiritually cleansed, and complaints include seeing unexplained shadow figures, seeing things out of the corner of one's eye, the sensation of being watched by something unseen, and unusual, static-sounding phone calls on a monthly basis to the public grocery store existing at the location. Nolan asserts that the land once belonged to Native Americans, and that it is possible that the land was sacred. The team investigated three floors of the location and an attic area.

John Nolan was raised as a Roman Catholic but he does not presently practice his religion; he illustrates little interest in the paranormal and does not watch paranormal television shows or movies. He also asserts that he has no interest in horror movies and he does not spend any time reading about paranormal occurrences, all of which might have otherwise had some influence on his experiences at the location. No prior media has been involved with this particular case, and no other paranormal groups have investigated the location. Nolan has made no attempts to put a stop to any questionable activity, and to his knowledge, an Ouija board has never been used on the site, and there has never been any seances at the location.

During a number of questions posed during our interview with Mr. Nolan we found that many common "haunting complaints" were not experienced or reported; Mr. Nolan asserts that at no time, to the best of his knowledge, have strange objects been found in unusual locations, and he has never experienced any lost sense of time or memory loss. Further, Nolan reports no difficulties sleeping when he returns to his home and no sleep disturbances whatsoever. Nolan makes no claims of hearing voices from unexplained origins, and no sudden drops or increases in temperature have been reported by the client.

[b]Case Statistics[/b]

Moon Phase: Full Moon at 2:12 pm
Geomagnetic Field: Quiet
Solar X rays: : Normal and no storms expected
Weather:65 to 75F cloudy and chance of showers

[b]History of the Location:[/b]
Cohoes is a small city just northeast of Albany, New York that is referred to as Spindle City because the city has played an important role in the industry of textile production. The term Cohoes has a Mohawk Indian origin and is derived from "Ga-ha-oose" which is a reference to the phrase "Place of the falling Canoe" and refers directly to the Cohoes Falls. The region was purchased from the Native Americans in 1630 by a leader of the Dutch West India Company, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, and the Erie Canal at one time flowed right through the city. The location is very near the Mohawk River where the mouth of the river meets with the Hudson River.

There was very little Internet or library accessible history on the location in question. Thankfully, the present owner of the location supplied us with some of the historical information that he had in his possession. We appreciate Mr. Nolan's full cooperation in the investigation and are grateful to have had the opportunity to investigate this historic location. Patricia also located a bit of information that was available at the Cohoes library, but the site offered very little information about the Spindle City Market building's history or any history related to the adjacent, original building that existed on the lot.

This location has exchanged hands in terms of ownership many times throughout the years. The original property was built in the year 1836 and there was an addition added to the original building erected on site in 1864. The location was the home of Egberts & Bailey: a knitting business until 1836. A sign outside of the location indicates that the building that had burned down was at one time the first building in Cohoes erected for knit goods by Power in America since the business used the first power knitting machine in the city the same year the business was established.

In 1864, some historical directories at the Cohoes library note that the address 302 Ontario Street was the former location of the Crescent Manufacturing Company which belonged to the proprietors Van Duzen & Gugerty and the location was use to manufacture Ladies', Mens' and Childrens' fine knit underwear, scarlet, chamois finish underwear and specialty clothing. There is no listing or any other references suggesting this business survived beyond 1895.

The Spindle City Market is located in the add on part of the former Egberts & Bailey business erected in 1874, was owned by Egbert Egberts and Joshua Bailey; the original construction for the latter business was built in 1836, and destroyed via fire on January 10, 1879. The brother of Joshua Bailey, Timothy Bailey, had invented the first knitting machine in the United States. In 1879, The Troy Manufacturing Company was in a building that was adjacent to and part of 302 Ontario Street. When the Troy Manufacturing Company was in the building that no longer exists, the location employed 260 people and was 1221 feet wide running southward along Ontario Street. The company was large and managed to create more than 300,000 shirts each year.

See a layout of the former structures: [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/spindlecitymarket/DSC00245.JPG"]Access layout..
See a scanned photocopy of the old building structures available: [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/spindlecitymarket/DSC00246.JPG"]Access Photocopy.. [/url]

[b]About the 1879 Fire at the Troy Manufacturing Company[/b]
According to an article listed in the 1879 Troy Daily Times, the fire broke out between 10:20 and 10:30 am on January 10, 1879. The fire began in the picking room of the mills, and moved rapidly to the carding room. It took only minutes before the entire building was ablaze. The mill was in full operation when the fire broke out and of the 260 employees working there, many barely made it out alive. Reports indicate that boys and girls that were working at the location were jumping out of the windows to escape the fire to land on the cotton sheds just below. After about an hour's time, the fire was under control, but the damage was done. Only the addition of the building remained intact. One individual, a boy named Tim O'Hearn was badly burned; the report indicates that his burns were potentially fatal. The location was fully insured at the time of the fire.

That morning there were "unavoidable delays" in getting the fire extinguished. Snow made it difficult to get to the site to extinguish the fire and fire hydrants were frozen and refused to produce water. According to the report provided, the building was a "fine structure"; the fire was confined to the "L shaped addition" and the building was, at that time, valued at $150,000.00. The picking room, carding room, and dye house were completely destroyed by the fire.

It is interesting to note that the location narrowly escaped fire several years earlier in 1865 on June 1, at 12 o'clock, when the Conliss & Carter's mill were destroyed. According to a news article printed on June 2, 1865, J.V. S Lansing kept the building from catching fire by keeping it wet and protected from the extensive heat emanating from the fire that destroyed nearby properties. In 1901 the site became the location of the Troy & Cohoes Shirt Company; by 1910 the site was the home of the Mohawk Brush Company and remained so until at least 1915. The site was also the location of the Laughlin Manufacturing Company in 1915. By 1925, the location became the site of Cohoes American, the Laughlin Manufacturing Co. Knit Goods, St. Aubin, John, and the Trojan Manufacturing Company as well as the LB Supply Company.

By 1940, the sites 302-304 Ontario Street in Cohoes were home to Kyle Laughlin Insurance, The Law office of Charles Gildne, Mr. Lreary Machine Works, the Pyramid Brands Inc. Pickle Manufacturing Company, and Stillman & Kagan Company: a womens wear manufacturing company. In 1945, the location at 302 Ontario Street stood vacant for a time period. By 1955, the location was converted into the Empire Market and the Leisure Living Inc. Furniture Manufacturing location. In 1965, the Empire Market remained and the Pompi's Upholsters and Home Decorators office was added to the site. By 1970, the location 302-304 Ontario Street had become the site of the Food Circus, and Smith Electric Co Warehouse. Presently, the Spindle City Market resides at 302 Ontario Street.

[b]Photographic Captures
[/b]A number of photographic captures are presented in our gallery in association with this case. There are two images of an unexplained entity that was not visible to the naked eye; this image was captured on the second floor where we experienced great equipment difficulty, temperature fluctuations, and psychic sensations. The entity appears to be wearing a long black cloak, is impressively tall, and its facial features are very white and difficult to distinguish. This entity is first captured on Justyn Staley's camera, and appears behind two investigators. The entity is later captured on a second camera and moves behind the right side door of the area. Other images show that the entity later disappears. This capture is also the same location where Tracey captured a strange light anomaly on her digital camera, and the image correlates with Tracey's later report of seeing a fleeting black figure at the location.

[b]Video Footage:[/b]
At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible. Video is presented in our gallery along with our photographic evidence for this case. The video is still under analysis and will be uploaded as soon as analysis is completed if any evidence has been captured.

[b]EVPs Readings:[/b]
We captured several EVPs at the location, all of which are available in our EVP gallery.

[b]EMF Readings:[/b]
10:33 am: Positive EMF reading of 3.5 milliGauss on first floor. No mundane sources could be identified for the cause of the reading. While the EMF reading was detected, an abrupt fluctuation in temperature was noted; the thermometer indicated a change of temperature from 75 degrees to 72 degrees to 84 degrees Fahrenheit in just a few minutes time.

11:06 am Positive EMF reading of 2.0 milliGauss on the second floor with no mundane origin. Dowsing rods were later used which aimed in the same area where this reading was detected.

[b]Temperature Fluctuations[/b]
10:16 am: Base temperature reading on the first floor of 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

10:18 am: Temperature increase noted from 75 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

At 10:21 am: A temperature reading of 80 degrees Fahrenheit proves a five degree increase in room temperature from baseline.

At 10:39 am: A temperature fluctuation of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit was noted at the time on the first floor.

At 10:42 am: Upon entering the second floor, a temperature fluctuation is noted from 77 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit was noted.

At 10:53 am: A temperature fluctuation of 75 degrees to 82 degrees Fahrenheit is noted on the third floor of the location.

At 10:56 am: Angela experienced vertigo while on the third floor and temperature fluctuation from 86 degrees to 93 degrees Fahrenheit was noted.

At 11:15 am: On the second floor, a temperature fluctuation was noted at the time from 75 to 84 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit; this fluctuation occurs simultaneously as dowsing rods indicate the presence of energies.

[b]Psychic Impressions and Artistry[/b]
At 10:18 am: Clairsentient Justyn Staley sensed the words "I worked here," from an unseen entity. This was experienced again upon entering the second floor of the storate area

At 10:16 am: Psychic sketch artist Angela Kaufman sensed the presences of a dark haired (brown haired male) with a mustache and white shirt on the first floor of the location. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:21 am: Sketch artist Angela Kaufman sensed the presence of an elderly woman, roughly sixty years of age with dyed blond, short curly hair, and eyeglasses. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:35 am: Angela senses a female energy, specifically "a female manager or boss," and men working at a table. Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 10:40 am: Angela sensed a "vague impression of two young boys [possibly] teenaged who worked at the location. She notes an impression that they were brothers both had dark hair and were Caucasian." Sketch image available in our photo gallery.

At 11:02 am: Angela sensed a "vague image of [an] assembly line and people working metal."

[b]Dowsing Rods
[/b]At 10:54 am: Justyn used dowsing rods approximately fifteen feet from where our video camera was set up to record, just over an old swiveling office chair. The rods were parallel to one another upon using them and rapidly split apart and moved into opposite directions. This area proved positive for activity via photographic captures by our team.

At 11:15 am: Patricia and Justyn used dowsing rods on the second floor in the region furthest from the second floor entry. Both sets of dowsing rods responded in the same manner at the same time and pointed to the direction where a positive EMF reading of 2.0 milliGuass was captured just nine minutes earlier. A temperature fluctuation was noted at the time from 75 to 84 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

[b]Unexplained Occurrences Noted by Investigators[/b]
At 10:13 am: Angela notes feeling "very strong energies" when entering the first floor of the building.

At 10:18 am: Angela reports experiencing vertigo while walking around on the first floor; this feeling coincides with feelings reported by clairsentient, Justyn Staley.

At 10:20 am: Clairsentient Justyn Staley experienced vertigo; five minutes later the batteries in Justyn's camera, which were brand new, were drained in his digital camera down to low. At 10:29 am, the camera momentarily malfunctioned and would not operate.

At 10:42 am: Second floor: Justyn reports hearing an unidentified female voice call his name. He was standing nearby investigators Tracey and Angela at the time, neither of which called out to him.

At 10:46 am: Justyn's camera malfunctioned: the camera beeped, made a noise as if it took a picture, the display went "fuzzy," and then the camera shut down.

Both investigators Angela Kaufman and Justyn Staley complain of head pain upon entering the building. Justyn notes "a slight pain in the right side of [his] head," and Angela notes, "a slight headache when entering the building [that] subsided when [the team] went out into the parking lot."

At 10:24 am: Angela complains of sudden, mild back pain and notes" I do not typically have this issue." At 10:25 am Angela sensed a "wave of energy," on the first floor of the location. A temperature reading indicated a temperature of six degrees above baseline at 81 degrees Fahrenheit.

At 10:39 am: Angela reports getting an oppressive feeling on the first floor, and a mild continuation of a headache. A temperature fluctuation of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit was noted at the time.

At 10:42 am: Angela notes "sensed a fire that destroyed this floor of the building." She also reports experiencing vertigo and sensing strong energies. Particularly, Angela sensed a "wave of energy in a doorway," where positive photographic evidence is captured of a possible entity.

At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible. Video capture is available in our gallery.

At 11:03 am: Angela reports continued back pain rated three out of ten and noted that it was not a common occurrence for her.

At 11:14 am: Angela reports experiencing "powerful stomach pains while Dayna is doing EVPs," rated a four out of ten in terms of discomfort.

At 11:17 am: Angela reports that upon entering the third floor of the location, the oppressive feeling in the air lightened some.
Around 11:17 am: Investigator Tracey notes upon entering the third floor. "While looking through a hole in the roof, a black figure passed over it to dark and large to be a bird." She felt as if the wind was knocked out of her after this sighting.

[b]Issues with Equipment[/b]
At 10:39 am: While attempting to set up the video camera, a brand new video was inserted into the device. For approximately five minutes, the camera continues to indicate that the new tape was at "the end of the tape," and would not record. The tape was checked and rechecked: it had just been pulled from its packaging and it was at the beginning of the video tape. After some time passed, the difficulties also passed and the tape recorder finally worked. This is in the exact area where positive photographic evidence is captured of an unexplained entity.

At 10:47 am: Investigator Tracey Leach sees a strange, unexplained light anomaly through her camera above a doorway where positive photograph evidence is captured. This anomaly could not be replicated with other cameras, and there was nothing that could explain the strange movement seen through the camera at the time. This anomaly was witnessed by Tracey, Justyn, Angela, and Dayna. To the naked eye, the movement was not at all visible.

[b]Conclusions: Haunted.
[/b]The lack of positive responses to a number of common haunting indicators can be the result of spending limited time at the location since the location is used primarily for storage purposes. This site proved to provide photographic captures, temperature fluctuations, positive EMF readings, positive EVP captures, and positive psychic sensations. The owner, Mr. Nolan has not, at this time, requested any type of clearing. We will follow up with the client, advise him of our findings, and help him in any way possible if he should desire further assistance.

Special Notes: The ISIS Paranormal Investigations team would like to thank John Nolan for allowing us to investigate and for providing a wealth of information on the location's history.

[b]Additional Evidence:[/b]

View our [url="http://www.isisinvestigations.com/Investigation_Gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=1320"]Photo Gallery [/url]for paranormal photos associated with this case.

View our [url="http://isisinvestigations.com/EVPS_40_Spindle_City.html"]EVP Gallery [/url]for Electronic Voice Phenomena captures associated with this case.

[img]http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/arrow3.gif[/img] [b]View:[/b] [url="http://isisinvestigations.com/SpindleCity_casefile.html"]Full Article[/url] | [img]http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/arrow3.gif[/img] [b]Source:[/b] [url="http://isisinvestigations.com"]ISIS Investigations[/url] Comments (1)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by SirRedeye 15 years ago
* snip * no history of paranormal act.., its summer. after the 3rd story the temp might go up a degree or 2 * snip * quick edit to post this quote ("potentially fatal. The location was fully insured at the time of the fire. )"....jip

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