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Edward Shanahan

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery tour

September 19, 2009 | Comment icon 2 comments
Image Credit: Wikipedia
The World can now view a tour of the haunted historic Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. My name is Edward Shanahan and this is an un-cut video that I shot back in 2003 and is a tour of the documented haunted cemetery. The article below about the haunted Bachelors Grove Cemetery is one I just created in August 2009.

Plus I may be one of only a few (if any), that has captured what appears to be the Ghost House of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on video, as commented below. Links to my web site of Paranormal Locations, more video tours, articles etc. can be found at the bottom of this article.

Since this video tour was posted in 2006 - it has had over 44,000 views. Plus - here are the comments left by visitors on the host page for the video, about the Ghost House:

[b]ghost house:[/b]
near the end of the video, after the well hole, as he pans around you can see the ghost house he is taking about--just before he focuses on the fire pit.
By ripleye2

[b]Ghost house:[/b]
I saw the ghost house too - when he pans to the left by the fire pit you can see it and then again more solid when he pans back to the right.
By dmva

[b]House at:[/b]
You can see the house at 15:11 and 15:34.. that's f...... awesome
By Wild Car

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery has become a Paranormal Tour Stop or a Paranormal Attraction right outside of Chicago, for those with an interest in Ghosts, legends, the paranormal of just a day out for some spooky fun at a spooky place to wander around. As you will see on the video here, there is much more to wander around, then just the cemetery section.

[b][url=""]View the video here[/url][/b]

The cemetery is under the supervision and responsibility of the Cemetery Trustees of the Cook County Board. Through intergovernmental agreements, maintenance of the cemetery is now shared with the Cook County Forest Preserve District. The history of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery (including the above), can be found at [url=""][/url] and was written by Brad L. Bettenhausen, President of the Tinley Park Historical Society.

I have always said "If you are a Tax Payer in Cook County, the location is as much yours to visit and tour as it is for anyone else". In all reality, I believe the Cook County Forest Preserve District should turn it into a 'registered' tourist location and even go as far as charging an admission for night tours (as that would be it's biggest draw), and help pay for the up keep of the location, security etc.

But it has to be run by one in the world of business or one who knows how to run a business dealing with the paranormal and general public, not a paranormal investigator or paranormal team, as the wrong person or team could end up feeling he / they own Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, just because they oversee it's operation, and that would not be true as stated in the paragraph above.

Also written by Brad L. Bettenhausen, President of the Tinley Park Historical Society: Periodically, families with ancestors buried at Bachelor Grove had the bodies moved to other cemeteries, that were more prestigious, closer to where they lived, or where there was more room for future family members. The cemetery's isolated location and vandalism of more recent years also compelled some families to move relatives to other cemeteries.

That has always made me wonder, how many are actually still buried there, if any? As part of the vandalism had to also do with grave robbers. For that reason I'm a firm believer in leaving Mother Nature take back what was once hers, and as you look at the video and see the trees that have broken down the fence, the trees seem to just topple over with their roots even still showing and collapse the fence around the cemetery, I think Mother Nature is winning. It also seems that some people, as one person called it, have done a "Rape and Pillage' of the nature at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery.

I've been told that there seems to have been pesticides used on flowers and plant life in the area, some of the trees have been spray painted (I've seen that), tree limbs cut (I've seen photos from a so called 'clean-up' a couple years back and a guy was holding a gas run tree trimmer in his hands), signs of areas cut down to make pathways for easier navigation and more. This kind of activity should be stopped, as it abuses nature and the grounds, that is one of the reasons I feel it would be good for the location to become a 'registered historic tourist attraction' run by the Cook County Forest Preserve as mentioned earlier in this article.

I have been involved in a Historical Society that took a group there, and at other times I have had individuals meet me and we track out to the location and beyond, usually once a year I do this, and this year it was with the people from the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery forum at the Bachelors web site at: [url=""][/url].

A great group of individuals there and most likely the largest group forum about Bachelor's Grove with over 700 members. So there usually is no problem in finding others with an interest in venturing out to Bachelors Grove on any given weekend, all you have to do is post and ask.

They are not an Investigation Team, no-member dues etc.. just a nice group of individuals interested in the Paranormal and Supernatural besides just Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. The web site is owned by an individual who I gave the name of 'Mr. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery', for the fact of the number of individuals that visit his web site and are members of his forum. The owner is Mr. John Stephenson.

We even had Mr. Bachelor's Grove, John Stephenson as a guest on my Internet radio show 'The Unexplained World' and he talked with Annette and I about the location, his findings and more. You can hear or download the re-broadcast of the show here [url=""]The Unexplained World[/url] and it is an hour of information and history.

[b]I for one ventured back into Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, way back in 1976 for the first time, back then there was no Paranormal Investigation Teams etc.. Bachelor's Grove to me, was what is was to many, just good teenage spooky fun. I could claim that my Paranormal interests and study goes back that far, but I would be lying to you and my self. As the only resource about Haunted Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, goes back to the Chicago Paranormal Legend, Mr. Richard Crowe and like many, we would hear about the legend of Bachelors Grove when he would appear on the radio.[/b]

A lot has changed since that time back in 1976, I will be written about in two more books about the Paranormal this year, and one will include what I have to say and photos on Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, as the author came to me about a year ago. That makes a total of four paranormal books that authors about the paranormal have included me in, and I'm not even a Paranormal Investigator, but have lived my whole life in the Chicago land areas most haunted and active areas. But I have been given the title of 'Paranormal Spirit Observer' and I also do Conscious Channeling / Medium work and Psychic Readings. Also I am a member of Historical Societies that have haunted locations, like Mansions, a Senator's house etc.

For more haunted locations photos, video tours and articles, go to my
large paranormal web site: [url=""]The Unexplained World[/url]

For our Internet Radio Show - The Unexplained World with over 3 1/2 years of broadcasting,
go to: [url=""]The Unexplained World Internet radio show[/url].

For information about Haunted Historic Locations and Tours,
go to: [url=""]Haunted Historic[/url]

For information on me, my public entertaining Psychic Readings, entertaining Psychic Parties
and more of what I can do and the articles I have written that have been published, go to
my personal web site: [url=""]Edward[/url]

I will be appearing at the one and only Chicago Ghost Conference on Saturday Oct. 3rd, 2009
and I will be doing readings and talking about the paranormal, for more details
go to: [url=""]Chicago Ghost Conference[/url](general admission is just $10).[!gad]The World can now view a tour of the haunted historic Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. My name is Edward Shanahan and this is an un-cut video that I shot back in 2003 and is a tour of the documented haunted cemetery. The article below about the haunted Bachelors Grove Cemetery is one I just created in August 2009.

Plus I may be one of only a few (if any), that has captured what appears to be the Ghost House of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on video, as commented below. Links to my web site of Paranormal Locations, more video tours, articles etc. can be found at the bottom of this article.

Since this video tour was posted in 2006 - it has had over 44,000 views. Plus - here are the comments left by visitors on the host page for the video, about the Ghost House:

[b]ghost house:[/b]
near the end of the video, after the well hole, as he pans around you can see the ghost house he is taking about--just before he focuses on the fire pit.
By ripleye2

[b]Ghost house:[/b]
I saw the ghost house too - when he pans to the left by the fire pit you can see it and then again more solid when he pans back to the right.
By dmva

[b]House at:[/b]
You can see the house at 15:11 and 15:34.. that's f...... awesome
By Wild Car

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery has become a Paranormal Tour Stop or a Paranormal Attraction right outside of Chicago, for those with an interest in Ghosts, legends, the paranormal of just a day out for some spooky fun at a spooky place to wander around. As you will see on the video here, there is much more to wander around, then just the cemetery section.

[b][url=""]View the video here[/url][/b]

The cemetery is under the supervision and responsibility of the Cemetery Trustees of the Cook County Board. Through intergovernmental agreements, maintenance of the cemetery is now shared with the Cook County Forest Preserve District. The history of Bachelor's Grove Cemetery (including the above), can be found at [url=""][/url] and was written by Brad L. Bettenhausen, President of the Tinley Park Historical Society.

I have always said "If you are a Tax Payer in Cook County, the location is as much yours to visit and tour as it is for anyone else". In all reality, I believe the Cook County Forest Preserve District should turn it into a 'registered' tourist location and even go as far as charging an admission for night tours (as that would be it's biggest draw), and help pay for the up keep of the location, security etc.

But it has to be run by one in the world of business or one who knows how to run a business dealing with the paranormal and general public, not a paranormal investigator or paranormal team, as the wrong person or team could end up feeling he / they own Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, just because they oversee it's operation, and that would not be true as stated in the paragraph above.

Also written by Brad L. Bettenhausen, President of the Tinley Park Historical Society: Periodically, families with ancestors buried at Bachelor Grove had the bodies moved to other cemeteries, that were more prestigious, closer to where they lived, or where there was more room for future family members. The cemetery's isolated location and vandalism of more recent years also compelled some families to move relatives to other cemeteries.

That has always made me wonder, how many are actually still buried there, if any? As part of the vandalism had to also do with grave robbers. For that reason I'm a firm believer in leaving Mother Nature take back what was once hers, and as you look at the video and see the trees that have broken down the fence, the trees seem to just topple over with their roots even still showing and collapse the fence around the cemetery, I think Mother Nature is winning. It also seems that some people, as one person called it, have done a "Rape and Pillage' of the nature at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery.

I've been told that there seems to have been pesticides used on flowers and plant life in the area, some of the trees have been spray painted (I've seen that), tree limbs cut (I've seen photos from a so called 'clean-up' a couple years back and a guy was holding a gas run tree trimmer in his hands), signs of areas cut down to make pathways for easier navigation and more. This kind of activity should be stopped, as it abuses nature and the grounds, that is one of the reasons I feel it would be good for the location to become a 'registered historic tourist attraction' run by the Cook County Forest Preserve as mentioned earlier in this article.

I have been involved in a Historical Society that took a group there, and at other times I have had individuals meet me and we track out to the location and beyond, usually once a year I do this, and this year it was with the people from the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery forum at the Bachelors web site at: [url=""][/url].

A great group of individuals there and most likely the largest group forum about Bachelor's Grove with over 700 members. So there usually is no problem in finding others with an interest in venturing out to Bachelors Grove on any given weekend, all you have to do is post and ask.

They are not an Investigation Team, no-member dues etc.. just a nice group of individuals interested in the Paranormal and Supernatural besides just Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. The web site is owned by an individual who I gave the name of 'Mr. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery', for the fact of the number of individuals that visit his web site and are members of his forum. The owner is Mr. John Stephenson.

We even had Mr. Bachelor's Grove, John Stephenson as a guest on my Internet radio show 'The Unexplained World' and he talked with Annette and I about the location, his findings and more. You can hear or download the re-broadcast of the show here [url=""]The Unexplained World[/url] and it is an hour of information and history.

[b]I for one ventured back into Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, way back in 1976 for the first time, back then there was no Paranormal Investigation Teams etc.. Bachelor's Grove to me, was what is was to many, just good teenage spooky fun. I could claim that my Paranormal interests and study goes back that far, but I would be lying to you and my self. As the only resource about Haunted Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, goes back to the Chicago Paranormal Legend, Mr. Richard Crowe and like many, we would hear about the legend of Bachelors Grove when he would appear on the radio.[/b]

A lot has changed since that time back in 1976, I will be written about in two more books about the Paranormal this year, and one will include what I have to say and photos on Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, as the author came to me about a year ago. That makes a total of four paranormal books that authors about the paranormal have included me in, and I'm not even a Paranormal Investigator, but have lived my whole life in the Chicago land areas most haunted and active areas. But I have been given the title of 'Paranormal Spirit Observer' and I also do Conscious Channeling / Medium work and Psychic Readings. Also I am a member of Historical Societies that have haunted locations, like Mansions, a Senator's house etc.

For more haunted locations photos, video tours and articles, go to my
large paranormal web site: [url=""]The Unexplained World[/url]

For our Internet Radio Show - The Unexplained World with over 3 1/2 years of broadcasting,
go to: [url=""]The Unexplained World Internet radio show[/url].

For information about Haunted Historic Locations and Tours,
go to: [url=""]Haunted Historic[/url]

For information on me, my public entertaining Psychic Readings, entertaining Psychic Parties
and more of what I can do and the articles I have written that have been published, go to
my personal web site: [url=""]Edward[/url]

I will be appearing at the one and only Chicago Ghost Conference on Saturday Oct. 3rd, 2009
and I will be doing readings and talking about the paranormal, for more details
go to: [url=""]Chicago Ghost Conference[/url](general admission is just $10). Comments (2)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by lordstanley 16 years ago
I live 20 minutes away from the Grove wooooo to Shaunna cuz i can go My mother brought me there when I was a little girl, it's very odd there..
Comment icon #2 Posted by little_dreamer 16 years ago
Can't watch the video - camera was too shaky!

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