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William B Stoecker

The secret history of fascism

January 16, 2010 | Comment icon 25 comments
Image Credit: USHMM
We are told that there is a political spectrum extending from communism on the left to fascism on the right. Aside from a few brain-dead Marxists, most people understand that communism inevitably means tyranny. No communist state in history has ever evolved into the promised “classless society.” In North Korea, where an entire nation has been transformed into a giant concentration camp, communism has become a hereditary monarchy. Most people do understand that fascism (its German variety is Nazism) means tyranny. Fascist states are always militaristic and follow an aggressive foreign policy, and always have a powerful secret police apparatus and a controlled mass media. Dissidents are always imprisoned, and often tortured and murdered. But isn’t this all an absurdity, a contradiction in terms? By definition a spectrum goes from one extreme to another, from red to violet, from light to dark, or from freedom to tyranny. A spectrum with tyranny at both ends is, by definition, not a spectrum. So let me propose an alternative. On the left is fascism, the ultimate tyranny, whether it is called fascism, Nazism, communism, or Marxism. On the right is anarchy. In the middle is free republican government with a written constitution to limit the power of that government.

Fascism was established in Italy by Benito Mussolini. Far from being a “right winger,” he was, like his father, a lifelong socialist, but he went further and advocated revolutionary socialism…communism. After coming to power, he established a socialist economy with government control over large sectors of the economy, and massive public spending. And, of course, he controlled the media, imprisoned dissidents, and led Italy into a disastrous war.

His ally Adolf Hitler had some artistic talent, and imagined himself to be inspired and underrated. As a young man he adopted a typical Bohemian lifestyle in Vienna. Unkempt, shabbily dressed, disdaining manual labor (or, indeed, any regular, gainful employment), he lived on charity and the sale of hand painted postcards. Note that such artistic or intellectual pretensions and the beatnik/hippy lifestyle are typical of leftists. On coming to power, Hitler also established state control of much of the economy and instituted massive spending programs. And, of course, “Nazi” is the acronym for the German words for “national socialist.” The very word “socialist” is anathema to right wingers. It can be argued that Hitler never established a completely socialist economy, and differences of class continued…but this is also true of every communist state.

Communist and other fascist regimes are alike in almost every way. Hitler’s troops wore jack boots and goose-stepped, as did Soviet troops and as do the North Koreans to this day. Even the design of the uniforms is similar. Hitler’s concentration camps and his death trains were modeled on those of Joseph Stalin, who butchered even more people than Hitler, and Mao would kill even more than Stalin. All that differs is the rhetoric. The communists prattle endlessly about the classless society but never actually establish it.

The world has seen its share of kings, strongmen, and dictators, some of them cruel tyrants and a few of them fairly benevolent. But fascism is special, and can be recognized by the presence of certain elements, all or most of which are always present. Fascist regimes are always opposed to Judaism and Christianity, and to Buddhism as well. They advocate atheism, Islam, or paganism. As mentioned previously, they always involve militarism and a secret police apparatus and concentration camps. They always promise to remake society completely from the ground up, and are usually opposed to marriage and the family. They always advocate a great reduction in the human population, using radical environmentalism as the rationale, and also advocate eugenics, or controlled breeding to weed out the “unfit.” They often view homosexuality favorably; Hitler’s regime included many homosexuals…and Hitler himself may have been one of them. Of course, this did not prevent him from persecuting homosexuals not connected to his regime. And always, lurking behind the publicly acknowledged leaders of such states, there are certain mysterious secret societies that practice occult rituals.

No one knows for sure when the first fascist state emerged; it may well have been in prehistoric times. Perhaps Plato’s account of Atlantis in its later stages refers to a fascist empire. But the ancient Greek city state of Sparta had many of the elements of fascism. From about 650 B.C. Sparta became the dominant Peloponnesian military power, and was ruled by two hereditary kings, either of whom could veto the other’s commands. There may also have been an assembly of citizens, but only perhaps twenty percent of the population were citizens; most of the rest were slaves called “helots,” plus a few skilled artisans who were treated better than the helots. The helots were brutally treated, deliberately humiliated in public, and casually and frequently murdered, an act that was never punished. Among the citizens, newborn babies judged unfit were murdered, a cruel early example of eugenics and population control. At age seven all boys were taken from their families and trained to be warriors in the “Agage” system. Homosexuality was considered normal, and the boys were brutally disciplined. To graduate from training, each boy had to murder a helot. Sparta was greatly admired by many of the principals in the French Revolution, and, later, by Adolf Hitler.

Perhaps Sparta was part of the inspiration for Plato’s Republic, a work in which he outlined his idea of a perfect city state. Written in 380 B.C. as a Socratic dialogue, it describes a society in which everything and everyone is subordinated to the state. It would be ruled by “philosopher kings,” a phrase not unlike “wise men,” which is how certain members of today’s global elite describe themselves. There would be equality among the sexes, and public education for everyone…of course, as in America today, this means that the rulers get to define “education,” and nothing can prevent them from using the schools to indoctrinate children. All the rulers were chosen (Plato is a bit hazy on the details) from the ruling classes, or “Guardians,” who would also practice eugenics and population control.

During the Middle Ages, at the time of the Crusades, two secret societies appeared among the European Crusaders, using similar symbols (like crosses in circles, Maltese crosses, or crosses with all four arms having equal length). One of these was the Knights Templar, closely connected with St. Bernard and the Cistercian monks; the other was the Knights Hospitaller, who would later move their headquarters to Malta and become known as the Knights of Malta. The Templars took over the newborn banking industry in Europe, and mastered the trick of creating fiat money out of thin air (also known as counterfeiting). Eventually they fell afoul of the French king Philippe the Fair, who owed them money. Accused of Satanism and homosexuality, most of the leading Templars were tortured and burned at the stake. But many simply joined the Knights of Malta, or escaped to Scotland or to Portugal, where a new order, the Knights of Christ, magically appeared. Most of their treasure and their huge fleet of merchant ships also escaped.

Then, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there appeared, first in England and Scotland, the Freemasons. Interestingly enough, they used many of the same symbols as the Templars, and advocated revolution, claiming to oppose kings and all manner of tyranny. But this did not prevent their recruiting many members of the nobility and even royalty. They were instrumental in the creation of England’s Royal Society and what became modern science, which has evolved into a kind of secular religion, complete with dogmas no one is permitted to challenge.

On May First, 1776 (May Day, a pagan “holy” day and a day celebrated by modern Communists) a Bavarian lawyer named Adam Weishaupt founded, within the Masons, a secret society called the Illuminati. Or maybe he was just the first publicly known leader (or front man) for the Illuminati; some French Masons had called themselves “Illuminati” for decades, as had some Catholic clergy in Spain as early as the seventeenth century. Note that 1776 was the year of the American Revolution, in which Masons played a major role, and that the Illuminati were first established in Munich…later the city where Hitler first rose to prominence. Supposedly, the Illuminati, who preached revolution and the overthrow of Christianity, and even radical feminism, were broken up by the Bavarian police, and their leaders exiled or imprisoned. But George Washington considered them such a menace that he warned the American people about them. Winston Churchill, as late as the nineteen twenties, stated that they still existed and were behind communism. Within a few decades of the supposed end of the Illuminati, there arose in Germany a secret order called the Order of Death; its American branch is Yale University’s senior society, Skull and Bones, which can claim as members many powerful Americans, including three generations of Bushes. Also early in the nineteenth century in Germany there arose a shadowy group calling themselves the “League of the Just,” who recruited and backed a man known as Karl Marx.

The French Revolution, beginning in 1789 (before the Illuminati were supposedly disbanded), had many causes. There was a food shortage, exacerbated by the Little Ice Age and by the refusal of French peasants to plant cold-resistant crops like potatoes. Louis the Sixteenth and his predecessors had run up huge war debts, and the burden of taxation fell on the poor and the emerging middle class…the nobility and the Catholic Church were exempt. But it is a little known fact that one of the prominent early revolutionaries, the Duke of Orleans, was actually a member of the aristocracy…and, along with Mirabeau, of the Illuminati. These would-be revolutionaries bought up much of the grain in France, exacerbating the food shortage, and hired gangs of thugs from southern France and Italy to create riots. The extreme radicals took over the Jacobin clubs and soon the entire revolution which, in the beginning, had seemed fairly sane and moderate in its goals and in its means. On 8/10/1792 the radicals of the Paris Commune began the mass murder of (mostly political) prisoners. On 1/21/93 the rebels beheaded Louis the Sixteenth, and they sent Marie Antoinette to the guillotine on 10/6/93. Among the radicals were Marat, a deformed dwarf, and Robepierre, who advocated socialism. Radical feminism was promoted , and deists and then atheists worked to destroy Christianity in France, and the leaders of the Revolution clamored for a massive population reduction, which was begun by Jean Baptiste Carrier, who murdered thousands, mostly poor people and children. Peasant revolts against the radicals led to well over 100,000 deaths, possibly over 200,000. Acts of vampirism and cannibalism became almost commonplace during the Reign of Terror. As with modern communists and Nazis, the rebels (and, later, counter-revolutionary Thermidoreans) turned on one another. Marat was assassinated, and Danton and later Robespierre were themselves guillotined.

So the barbarities of the French Revolution, as well as much of its driving ideology, prefigured the massive atrocities of fascism in the twentieth and early twenty first centuries. Today, using environmental extremism as one of their disguises, along with “democratic” socialism, the fascist elites are destroying the last vestiges of freedom in America, in Europe, and elsewhere. Engineered wars and depressions and false flag terrorist attacks fool people into accepting their loss of freedom as necessary, and the increasingly powerful United Nations stands ready, under fascist control, to rule a global empire, a one world tyranny surpassing any of the horrors yet witnessed. The final nightmare is about to take place…or, if people of wisdom and courage oppose the elites, our final liberation. William B Stoecker[!gad]We are told that there is a political spectrum extending from communism on the left to fascism on the right. Aside from a few brain-dead Marxists, most people understand that communism inevitably means tyranny. No communist state in history has ever evolved into the promised “classless society.” In North Korea, where an entire nation has been transformed into a giant concentration camp, communism has become a hereditary monarchy. Most people do understand that fascism (its German variety is Nazism) means tyranny. Fascist states are always militaristic and follow an aggressive foreign policy, and always have a powerful secret police apparatus and a controlled mass media. Dissidents are always imprisoned, and often tortured and murdered. But isn’t this all an absurdity, a contradiction in terms? By definition a spectrum goes from one extreme to another, from red to violet, from light to dark, or from freedom to tyranny. A spectrum with tyranny at both ends is, by definition, not a spectrum. So let me propose an alternative. On the left is fascism, the ultimate tyranny, whether it is called fascism, Nazism, communism, or Marxism. On the right is anarchy. In the middle is free republican government with a written constitution to limit the power of that government.

Fascism was established in Italy by Benito Mussolini. Far from being a “right winger,” he was, like his father, a lifelong socialist, but he went further and advocated revolutionary socialism…communism. After coming to power, he established a socialist economy with government control over large sectors of the economy, and massive public spending. And, of course, he controlled the media, imprisoned dissidents, and led Italy into a disastrous war.

His ally Adolf Hitler had some artistic talent, and imagined himself to be inspired and underrated. As a young man he adopted a typical Bohemian lifestyle in Vienna. Unkempt, shabbily dressed, disdaining manual labor (or, indeed, any regular, gainful employment), he lived on charity and the sale of hand painted postcards. Note that such artistic or intellectual pretensions and the beatnik/hippy lifestyle are typical of leftists. On coming to power, Hitler also established state control of much of the economy and instituted massive spending programs. And, of course, “Nazi” is the acronym for the German words for “national socialist.” The very word “socialist” is anathema to right wingers. It can be argued that Hitler never established a completely socialist economy, and differences of class continued…but this is also true of every communist state.

Communist and other fascist regimes are alike in almost every way. Hitler’s troops wore jack boots and goose-stepped, as did Soviet troops and as do the North Koreans to this day. Even the design of the uniforms is similar. Hitler’s concentration camps and his death trains were modeled on those of Joseph Stalin, who butchered even more people than Hitler, and Mao would kill even more than Stalin. All that differs is the rhetoric. The communists prattle endlessly about the classless society but never actually establish it.

The world has seen its share of kings, strongmen, and dictators, some of them cruel tyrants and a few of them fairly benevolent. But fascism is special, and can be recognized by the presence of certain elements, all or most of which are always present. Fascist regimes are always opposed to Judaism and Christianity, and to Buddhism as well. They advocate atheism, Islam, or paganism. As mentioned previously, they always involve militarism and a secret police apparatus and concentration camps. They always promise to remake society completely from the ground up, and are usually opposed to marriage and the family. They always advocate a great reduction in the human population, using radical environmentalism as the rationale, and also advocate eugenics, or controlled breeding to weed out the “unfit.” They often view homosexuality favorably; Hitler’s regime included many homosexuals…and Hitler himself may have been one of them. Of course, this did not prevent him from persecuting homosexuals not connected to his regime. And always, lurking behind the publicly acknowledged leaders of such states, there are certain mysterious secret societies that practice occult rituals.

No one knows for sure when the first fascist state emerged; it may well have been in prehistoric times. Perhaps Plato’s account of Atlantis in its later stages refers to a fascist empire. But the ancient Greek city state of Sparta had many of the elements of fascism. From about 650 B.C. Sparta became the dominant Peloponnesian military power, and was ruled by two hereditary kings, either of whom could veto the other’s commands. There may also have been an assembly of citizens, but only perhaps twenty percent of the population were citizens; most of the rest were slaves called “helots,” plus a few skilled artisans who were treated better than the helots. The helots were brutally treated, deliberately humiliated in public, and casually and frequently murdered, an act that was never punished. Among the citizens, newborn babies judged unfit were murdered, a cruel early example of eugenics and population control. At age seven all boys were taken from their families and trained to be warriors in the “Agage” system. Homosexuality was considered normal, and the boys were brutally disciplined. To graduate from training, each boy had to murder a helot. Sparta was greatly admired by many of the principals in the French Revolution, and, later, by Adolf Hitler.

Perhaps Sparta was part of the inspiration for Plato’s Republic, a work in which he outlined his idea of a perfect city state. Written in 380 B.C. as a Socratic dialogue, it describes a society in which everything and everyone is subordinated to the state. It would be ruled by “philosopher kings,” a phrase not unlike “wise men,” which is how certain members of today’s global elite describe themselves. There would be equality among the sexes, and public education for everyone…of course, as in America today, this means that the rulers get to define “education,” and nothing can prevent them from using the schools to indoctrinate children. All the rulers were chosen (Plato is a bit hazy on the details) from the ruling classes, or “Guardians,” who would also practice eugenics and population control.

During the Middle Ages, at the time of the Crusades, two secret societies appeared among the European Crusaders, using similar symbols (like crosses in circles, Maltese crosses, or crosses with all four arms having equal length). One of these was the Knights Templar, closely connected with St. Bernard and the Cistercian monks; the other was the Knights Hospitaller, who would later move their headquarters to Malta and become known as the Knights of Malta. The Templars took over the newborn banking industry in Europe, and mastered the trick of creating fiat money out of thin air (also known as counterfeiting). Eventually they fell afoul of the French king Philippe the Fair, who owed them money. Accused of Satanism and homosexuality, most of the leading Templars were tortured and burned at the stake. But many simply joined the Knights of Malta, or escaped to Scotland or to Portugal, where a new order, the Knights of Christ, magically appeared. Most of their treasure and their huge fleet of merchant ships also escaped.

Then, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there appeared, first in England and Scotland, the Freemasons. Interestingly enough, they used many of the same symbols as the Templars, and advocated revolution, claiming to oppose kings and all manner of tyranny. But this did not prevent their recruiting many members of the nobility and even royalty. They were instrumental in the creation of England’s Royal Society and what became modern science, which has evolved into a kind of secular religion, complete with dogmas no one is permitted to challenge.

On May First, 1776 (May Day, a pagan “holy” day and a day celebrated by modern Communists) a Bavarian lawyer named Adam Weishaupt founded, within the Masons, a secret society called the Illuminati. Or maybe he was just the first publicly known leader (or front man) for the Illuminati; some French Masons had called themselves “Illuminati” for decades, as had some Catholic clergy in Spain as early as the seventeenth century. Note that 1776 was the year of the American Revolution, in which Masons played a major role, and that the Illuminati were first established in Munich…later the city where Hitler first rose to prominence. Supposedly, the Illuminati, who preached revolution and the overthrow of Christianity, and even radical feminism, were broken up by the Bavarian police, and their leaders exiled or imprisoned. But George Washington considered them such a menace that he warned the American people about them. Winston Churchill, as late as the nineteen twenties, stated that they still existed and were behind communism. Within a few decades of the supposed end of the Illuminati, there arose in Germany a secret order called the Order of Death; its American branch is Yale University’s senior society, Skull and Bones, which can claim as members many powerful Americans, including three generations of Bushes. Also early in the nineteenth century in Germany there arose a shadowy group calling themselves the “League of the Just,” who recruited and backed a man known as Karl Marx.

The French Revolution, beginning in 1789 (before the Illuminati were supposedly disbanded), had many causes. There was a food shortage, exacerbated by the Little Ice Age and by the refusal of French peasants to plant cold-resistant crops like potatoes. Louis the Sixteenth and his predecessors had run up huge war debts, and the burden of taxation fell on the poor and the emerging middle class…the nobility and the Catholic Church were exempt. But it is a little known fact that one of the prominent early revolutionaries, the Duke of Orleans, was actually a member of the aristocracy…and, along with Mirabeau, of the Illuminati. These would-be revolutionaries bought up much of the grain in France, exacerbating the food shortage, and hired gangs of thugs from southern France and Italy to create riots. The extreme radicals took over the Jacobin clubs and soon the entire revolution which, in the beginning, had seemed fairly sane and moderate in its goals and in its means. On 8/10/1792 the radicals of the Paris Commune began the mass murder of (mostly political) prisoners. On 1/21/93 the rebels beheaded Louis the Sixteenth, and they sent Marie Antoinette to the guillotine on 10/6/93. Among the radicals were Marat, a deformed dwarf, and Robepierre, who advocated socialism. Radical feminism was promoted , and deists and then atheists worked to destroy Christianity in France, and the leaders of the Revolution clamored for a massive population reduction, which was begun by Jean Baptiste Carrier, who murdered thousands, mostly poor people and children. Peasant revolts against the radicals led to well over 100,000 deaths, possibly over 200,000. Acts of vampirism and cannibalism became almost commonplace during the Reign of Terror. As with modern communists and Nazis, the rebels (and, later, counter-revolutionary Thermidoreans) turned on one another. Marat was assassinated, and Danton and later Robespierre were themselves guillotined.

So the barbarities of the French Revolution, as well as much of its driving ideology, prefigured the massive atrocities of fascism in the twentieth and early twenty first centuries. Today, using environmental extremism as one of their disguises, along with “democratic” socialism, the fascist elites are destroying the last vestiges of freedom in America, in Europe, and elsewhere. Engineered wars and depressions and false flag terrorist attacks fool people into accepting their loss of freedom as necessary, and the increasingly powerful United Nations stands ready, under fascist control, to rule a global empire, a one world tyranny surpassing any of the horrors yet witnessed. The final nightmare is about to take place…or, if people of wisdom and courage oppose the elites, our final liberation. William B Stoecker Comments (25)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #16 Posted by fatchance2005 14 years ago
This idea-- that you can fold the political spectrum in the middle and place all of history's bad guys at one end and yourself at the other is one of the more dangerous inventions of the political Right in America in the late 20th and early 21st Century. It ranks alongside "The Holocaust Never Happened"; "The Scientific Discoveries of the 1830's-1850's, like Evolution and Global Warming, are Hoaxes perpetrated recently for economic gain by contemporary Liberals"; "All Our problems can be blamed on the Mexicans and Moslems (and fixed by their destruction)". All of these concepts depend on the p... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by Cradle of Fish 14 years ago
Sorry, Fascism is, and always has been, right wing. Stalinist Russia was not fascist, it was totalitarian. And I don't know why there's such a big attempt to paint communism and fascism as the same thing. They are not. The history of Fascism is one of opposition to Communism. The thing that fueled the fascists in Germany and Spain was the threat of communist revolution.
Comment icon #18 Posted by fatchance2005 14 years ago
" The thing that fueled the fascists in Germany and Spain was the threat of communist revolution. " Well exactly, Cradle of Fish. Fascism is also fundamentally Capitalist, advocating a powerful coalition of Industrialists in full partnership with the Government, as someone else pointed out. No room for Labor Unions, 40 hour week, 8 hour day, overtime, workplace safety rules, Employee Health, etc. Communism is fundamentally anti-Capitalist, idealizing a society where the workers owned the means of production. Fascists believed that the Military was the only necessary form of diplomacy, not unli... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by dekker87 14 years ago
one definition of liberty is the ability to choose. We are losing our ability to choose be it health care insurance or our freedom of speech. Choose your next words carefully for this is Sparta. America has become the new Sparta from the most powerful military to the discarding of unwanted babies by abortion. This was a good article Bill, keep up the good work. it's called positive liberty and it's opponent is negative liberty....first mentioned by the philsopher isiah berlin: My link
Comment icon #20 Posted by Desert Man 14 years ago
Apparently, the political scale has changed and modified for the current times we live in. To measure fascism and communism into one single left side of the spectrum indicates similar authoritarian and tyrannical methods (i.e. Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's USSR) and the right side emphasized liberty not basic anarchy, but more of an anti-authoritarian democratic system. Where does liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans now fit in the updated model? Glenn Beck's chalkboard segments on political history places the neo-conservatives and Libertarians on the "right" instead of anarchists he s... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by fatchance2005 14 years ago
Apparently, the political scale has changed and modified for the current times we live in. To measure fascism and communism into one single left side of the spectrum indicates similar authoritarian and tyrannical methods (i.e. Hitler's Nazis and Stalin's USSR) and the right side emphasized liberty not basic anarchy, but more of an anti-authoritarian democratic system. Where does liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans now fit in the updated model? Glenn Beck's chalkboard segments on political history places the neo-conservatives and Libertarians on the "right" instead of anarchists he s... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Desert Man 14 years ago
In response to the post above (fatchance): Baby-boomers or those born from 1943 to 61 and the generation born from 1961 to 75 (Glenn Beck) have different ideas of political morality and ethics based on their youth at the time (pre-WWII/ Cold War) than their parents or grandparents and including the children or grand-children. Their political views, opinions and beliefs are shaped by the era they grew up in and Beck stated he dreaded living through the 1970s as much I had felt as a teenager on "the 1990s sucked". I happen to love an argument of how similar the "Tea Party"/neocon Republicans in ... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by elijahcolorado 14 years ago
The American Form of Government from an old John Birch Society Film
Comment icon #24 Posted by Spain Sun 14 years ago
Here's the thing about the political spectrum. It's a spectrum. It's a terrible model for any practical political state, and this kind of thing is the reason we have a political world run almost entirely by buzzwords and labels.
Comment icon #25 Posted by elijahcolorado 14 years ago
Not even in a short time. It happened in Iraq and its already been happening in Haiti. In the case of Haiti, aid was made conditional and private companies (which may not be American Imperialism but it is certainly capitalist imperialism) have already targeted Haiti as a site for profiteering. Naomi Klein calls it the Shock Doctrine. This has been going on longer than many people realize. I worked for a plumbing and heating firm in Germany (while stationed there in the military. I asked my colleague what "zoll" meant one day when we were picking ... [More]

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