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James Carlson

Echo Flight UFO incident, March 1967

February 23, 2010 | Comment icon 21 comments
Image Credit: DoD
In this manuscript I debunk completely the Echo Flight UFO Incident of March 16, 1967, and prove that the myth of UFO interference with the nuclear weapons systems at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 is a nothing but a poorly executed lie propogated by Robert Salas, James Klotz, Robert Hastings, Brad Sparks, CUFON, and NICAP -- a lie that has no basis in fact and lacks even the most liberal standards of proof. I've utilized newly discovered documents, in addition to the same documents, interviews, and published statements originally used and badly interpreted to support the belief in UFO interference with the Malmstrom missile systems, in order to destroy in minute, step-by-step detail, every aspect of the claims originally made by Robert Salas and James Klotz in their book "Faded Giant". Fully documented and footnoted, I examine in some detail all sides of this surprisingly well-documented event, reaching the only possible conclusion that UFOs had nothing at all to do with any of the events at Malmstrom in March, 1967 and nothing whatsoever to do with the missile failures that occurred. If you haven't read this book in its entirety, then you do not understand the events that occurred at Echo Flight and elsewhere that March.

I'm distributing this book completely free of charge in order to correct the historical record so badly maligned by the individuals named above, and because my father was the commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967. I believe that his entire, very honorable career has been co-opted by fools and liars as a footnote to their descriptions of an event that never occurred.

If you would rather download a copy of this book, it has been published at:
and is free to download.

Please feel free to distribute, publish or discuss any portion of the contents to my narrative, provided the source is included. If you have any opinion at all regarding this case, you do yourself a disservice if you do not consider the facts I've put together; I can say this in complete confidence, because I've detailed the machinations of the authors and supportive groups to the original UFO fable, and I have reached the inescapable conclusion that they have purposely lied about, ignored, or attempted to hide the full story of these events in order to deny their reader's the truth.[!gad]In this manuscript I debunk completely the Echo Flight UFO Incident of March 16, 1967, and prove that the myth of UFO interference with the nuclear weapons systems at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 is a nothing but a poorly executed lie propogated by Robert Salas, James Klotz, Robert Hastings, Brad Sparks, CUFON, and NICAP -- a lie that has no basis in fact and lacks even the most liberal standards of proof. I've utilized newly discovered documents, in addition to the same documents, interviews, and published statements originally used and badly interpreted to support the belief in UFO interference with the Malmstrom missile systems, in order to destroy in minute, step-by-step detail, every aspect of the claims originally made by Robert Salas and James Klotz in their book "Faded Giant". Fully documented and footnoted, I examine in some detail all sides of this surprisingly well-documented event, reaching the only possible conclusion that UFOs had nothing at all to do with any of the events at Malmstrom in March, 1967 and nothing whatsoever to do with the missile failures that occurred. If you haven't read this book in its entirety, then you do not understand the events that occurred at Echo Flight and elsewhere that March.

I'm distributing this book completely free of charge in order to correct the historical record so badly maligned by the individuals named above, and because my father was the commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967. I believe that his entire, very honorable career has been co-opted by fools and liars as a footnote to their descriptions of an event that never occurred.

If you would rather download a copy of this book, it has been published at:
and is free to download.

Please feel free to distribute, publish or discuss any portion of the contents to my narrative, provided the source is included. If you have any opinion at all regarding this case, you do yourself a disservice if you do not consider the facts I've put together; I can say this in complete confidence, because I've detailed the machinations of the authors and supportive groups to the original UFO fable, and I have reached the inescapable conclusion that they have purposely lied about, ignored, or attempted to hide the full story of these events in order to deny their reader's the truth. Comments (21)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #12 Posted by James Carlson 15 years ago
Gentlemen, and Ladies, I noted with much pleasure the interest worldwide in my narrative about the Echo Flight Incident of March 1967, and I'd like to thank those who commented on its importance. I have very recently discussed new conclusions that I have not yet added to the text, and I thought you might be interested. They include the results of discussions I've lately had with Col.(Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., who was the deputy commander with my father on March 16, 1967, and his complete confirmation of my version of these events. In addition, I am in the process of a complete discussion and ex... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by James Carlson 15 years ago
Please note as well that I do intend to answer the charges made by Xtraeme in the above commentary posted by Robert Hastings. I don't consider this a particularly important matter, because it is transparently an attack without any basis or logic to anybody with any real knowledge of what I have written and what others have written. But I will eventually get to it, just to be thorough -- and when I do, it will be expressed only through the Reality Uncovered Forum. Frankly, it's just another poorly argued bit of nonsense from the Hastings camp that has been notably silent regarding my other char... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
...The next thing that comes to mind is one that took place in 1967. I was in charge of the Communication Center, the Twentieth Air Division at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana. I was again the top-secret control officer there. I dispatched all the nuclear launch authentications to the SAC missile crews, so I had a very good top-secret background. One day, I happened to see a message that came through my communications center. There again, I cannot quote the date, where it came from, where it was going to, but I do recall reading it and seeing it. It said, basically, that "A UFO was seen near... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by James Carlson 15 years ago
Hi Mr Hastings. Re the quote from your post above. Why would anyone assert that Lt. Col. Arneson was lying? Why do you conclude that what Lt. Col. Arneson says contradicts what Mr Carlson has just posted? Mr Carlson stated that the Maintenance Team(s) and the Security Team(s) present at the incident did mention UFO's. However, Mr Carlson also stated the context of that conversation was "kidding around". Nevertheless, UFO's were mentioned, and any monitoring of those conversations would also note and include this. This does not mean the context was not what Mr Carlson stated it was. Do you take... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
Thank you, Leonardo. You might be interested in knowing as well that the 20th Air Division at Malmstrom AFB that Arneson claims to have been attached to does not now and has never in the past actually existed. The 20th AD was responsible for the air defense of parts of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and all of Illinois. It was primarily attached to Truax AFB, Wisconsin; in December 1967 the 20th AD was reassigned to Fort Lee AFS, Virginia. It has never, throughout its entire history, been attached to Malmstrom AFB. It's apparent that Robert Hastin... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
I would like to continue my analysis with your next post, Mr Hastings. From my book UFOs and Nukes: Regarding the full-flight missile shutdown at Echo Flight, on March 16, 1967, N. Henry “Hank” Barlow told me, "I arrived at Malmstrom in October 1966 and left in November 1967. I was on Electro-Mechanical Team 24 at the time [the Echo Flight shutdown] happened. We had to go out to Mike-1 for about four or five days. We had to stay out there and cover the sites. The day we were supposed to return [to base,] my team chief called Job Control to see if we could come in because it was really star... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
I have now read and digested post #10, and would like to comment. Generally corroborating statements made by Electro-Mechanical Team member Hank Barlow, Jamison provides unambiguous testimony to the effect that commanders at Malmstrom’s 341st Missile Maintenance Squadron had been fully aware of UFO-involvement in the missile shutdowns... Having read the post, I can say that this statement is untrue. I am not saying that Mr Hastings is lying, but the comments made by Mr Jamison in no way corroborates that anyone was "aware of UFO involvement in the missile shutdowns". The statements do sugges... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
Reading post #2, and the tran of Mr Hastings discussion with Col. Figel, made me feel uneasy. This is because I either have to suggest the tran is incorrect, or that Col. Figel was negligent in his duties as a United States military officer. In this tran Col. Figel notes that he was informed that a UFO was hovering over a US military missile site, and that this may have some connection with the off-lining of the missiles in that site. This would be considered a hostile action and he should have immediately informed the C.o.C. and instigated an assessment of that threat. Instead he sent the Sec... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by Eric D. Carlson 15 years ago
I find it interesting that none of the pro-ufo crowd have contacted me for an interview regarding what happened at Echo Flight. Eric D. Carlson
Comment icon #21 Posted by quillius 14 years ago
I thought I would bring this thread back to life as recent discussions have me very intruiged. For anyone that followed the heated debate on the (now closed) cheyenne thread will be interested in reading through this thread also. I personally find it hard to believe that a security team would 'joke' about UFO's at such a serious time, in addition I find the fact that they returned 'scared' and were relieved of duty quite interesting also. I think this would be a good discussion to continue as long as we can avoid people accusing anyone else of lying and have a sensible debate to try and ascert... [More]

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