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Reen Collett

Archeological fiddle-faddle

October 23, 2010 | Comment icon 0 comments
Image Credit: Berthold Steinhilber
The problem with interpreting archeological and paleontological finds arises because we accept either one of two different viewpoints - one is that time, or Creation, proceeds in cycles, endlessly being created, growing, whithering and dying, to begin all over again – as spiritual Masters, whether Oriental or Western, all teach; Humans having been created godlike and virtuous, only to become bogged down in karma, eventually losing all spiritual power, becoming more and more materialistic until requesting guidance from Supreme Being. The second viewpoint is that time proceeds linearly from nothing to greater and greater everything – as the materialistic heirs of Darwin (not Darwin himself), believe; with Humans evolving from primitive animals to intelligent beings, more and more able to manipulate the material world around them.

Following the first viewpoint, civilizations have come and gone, some in the remote past, just as ours will one day collapse. Anomalous finds of archeology are thus nothing startling, being simply proofs of pre-historic civilizations. Or things that popped through a portal. Following the second viewpoint, the first one is so much claptrap. Anomalous finds are: a. traps purposely set to discredit genuine science; b. hoaxes by unscrupulous espousers of no. 1; or c. things dropped accidentally or on purpose by extra-terrestrials with their fighteningly advanced technology.

Myths of various cultures on our globe are simply that, myths, say espousers of no. 2., imagined stories by primitive communities who had no books or television. Followers of no. 1 see the myths as legends, stories based on fact, written in symbolic ways or altered with time. Because of this, interpreting any prehistoric scripts like cuneiform or hieroglyphics, depends on the viewpoint of the translator. In a moment we’ll see how comically this affects our reading of things Sumerian.

A popular myth is the one about Mu. It was towards the end of a Golden Age that the civilization of ‘Mukulia’, variously called ‘Mu’ or ‘Lemuria’, arose. It developed apparently on a continent that used to be in what is now the Pacific Ocean. Others say it stretched across the Indian Ocean to Africa, taking in Madagascar. Its citizens were said to have been pure, innocent and noble with great creative powers. They flew in the skies, ruled the oceans, and lived just and noble lives, say writers on this subject, such as Churchward and Velikovsky and the sages of the present Lemurian Fellowship. Was there perhaps another one after Mukulia? Sages tell us there have been even others on our planet before that, possibly even on ‘Gondwanaland’. And many have disappeared leaving not a trace, to quote modern Indian mystics. Believable, since by now any traces would have been recycled umpteen times, by people or by Nature.

Mukulia, or Mu, began to blow apart due to fierce underground vulcanism, a phenomenon, said their own savants, caused by the mental state of the Humans themselves. It blew apart in stages, leaving the so-called ‘ring of fire’…the volcanos surrounding the resulting expanse of Ocean. This gave many of the inhabitants time to emigrate to their colonies, or to go and found other states, which they did. 'Atlantis' is supposed to have been one of those. Investigators find evidence of this in the art and architecture of the ‘colonies’ that surrounded the Pacific Ocean.

Just to do a little detour here: similarities in the art of Japan and the Maya have been noticed. For instance, a Mayan text of glyphs on a grid of nineteen squares shows three figures seated at the top, redolent of ancient Japan or Korea. The one on the right appears to be a lady ready for a tea ceremony. In the book ‘Mayan Art and Architecture’ by Mary A. Miller we also see an engraving on page 221. The hands and eye of the figure are Japanese in style, while a figurine of a woman on page 161 shows a face which could have come from ancient Japanese art. Similarities in language of Japanese, Mayan and Greek have been noted by others. Greek? How is that possible? Consider the Nahuatl: teocalli = house of the god and the Greek: theou kallias = dwelling of god. The Japanese taiyo wa = the sun; and the Hopi Taiowa = the Sun God

There are other instances from other areas, too numerous to mention here, pointed out by many investigatores, such as Graham Hancock. Many Pacific islands, such as Pohnpei, Easter Island, and Yonaguni Island near to Taiwan, have underwater megalithic ruins whose history is unknown to even their local communities.

Many scholars and sages believe that a civilization that gave rise to the Vedas had its almost Utopian, Edenlike flowering in the Silver Age; well before an Ice Age, the melt-down and subsequent deluge. This is anathema to standard archeology which in turn is standard teaching for Western schoolchildren… presented, unfortunately, as fact, not as theory. For nothing in the present fossil record should be taken as anything more than theory, says John Davidson, science writer and author of Natural Creation or Natural Selection? He shows in his book that great extinctions, followed by new species, are so regular that they could well be proof of the cyclical viewpoint, no. 1. The well-known Thompson and Cremo duo, authors of Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race also have plenty of hard evidence.

Black-Headed People?

So, it may have been people, (intially scouts?) from a civilization in its decadent phase who went to ancient Mesopotamia, and seeing the primitive state of post-cataclysm Humanity there, took matters into their own hands and founded what later developed into Sumer.

Could scouts to Mesopotamia have been citizens of that extensive Vedic civilization, whose base land is subject to controversy? Some, like Anastasia the contemporary Sage of Siberia and her scribe Vladimir Megre, say ancient Kiev of Russia; others say the Saraswati Valley of Asia, or northern Scandinavia. There are many similarities between Vedic and Scandinavian legends.

And when we read that some of the newcomers to what later became Sumer, as well as the locals themselves, make a point of referring to locals as ‘black-headed people’ and showing them to be shorter in stature, in seals and other images, we can easily assume that the newcomers were tall and blonde, originating from somewhere in what is now northern Europe. In any case, they, the ‘Annunaki’, or ‘those who from Heaven to Earth came’, as people called them – having seen them drop from the skies in their skycraft – were apparently completely unscrupulous, if the Sumerologist translators are to be believed. So it appears that they may well have been simply a working expedition containing scientists, security guards and workers, sent by their civilization to do a job. But the poor, ignorant dwellers in the mountains between the two rivers, saw them as gods. Perhaps they had seen ETs many times and thought these must be the same. The locals themselves may have been simple, perhaps even retarded, remnants of a previous civilization.

According to drawings left behind on walls, clay tablets and plaques, the newcomers had skycraft of some kind, a type of rocket with a space capsule on it, submersible vessels, and even some kind of computer. Was the rocket driven by a fossil fuel or some other means, possibly mercury or crystal power as told in ancient Sanskrit texts? They, (and the ancient Egyptians) knew and used something that made bright light, similar to electricity but no doubt more advanced. While we can't deny the possiblity of visitors from Outer Space here, the use of rockets does seem slightly primitive for ETs! Much more credible for visitors from elsewhere on our own Planet.

Indian experts on the two Epics, MahaBharata and Ramayana, are convinced that these are Silver Age histories. Silver Age? Millions of years ago! And both of them record wars that could only have been conducted with nuclear weapons, or worse – in fact what today would be called Sorcery. There are several instances of the similarity of Sumerian culture to an early civilization described in Vedic texts: the popular Sumerian epithet, 'Bull of Heaven', is used commonly in the MahaBharata epic. A weapon known as kaksidi is mentioned in Sumerian texts as well as in texts written by ancient India's Rishi Bharadwaja while describing ‘Vimanas’ or skycraft.

Clever Annunaki!

The Annunaki knew a lot of important things, noted the barbaric mountain people with awe – how to drain the enormous post-deluvian wetlands, build huge ziggurats, how to count time and make a calender. It wasn’t many generations before Sumerians had successful towns and villages starting up…though the inhabitants were not all that enlightened, as their cuneiform texts tell us. One scribe mentions that a teacher used to whip him when he was late or untidy. Another describes a rape by one of the leading ‘gods’. In fact their sexual demeanors seem to be more in keeping with a civilization on the way to decay – its Kali Yuga, so to speak. Which would certainly match that of declining Mu or Atlantis.

As we read the work of various Sumerologists, it seems obvious that the locals of Sumer were so in awe of these newcomers that they were easily enslaved. They were made to build huge launching towers for the Anunnaki’s craft, and fancy dwelling-places for them when they came to visit some settlement or other. The locals didn’t seem to mind when these Annunaki egotistically demanded various kinds of rituals and festivals in their own honour. Their every word became law. Numerous arts and industries of the blossoming civilization originated in the service of these ‘gods’. Archeologists are at pains to interpret certain rock carvings and other pictorial evidence of the ancient Middle East as depicting deities, when quite possibly the figures could show anything from councillor Sages to local Shamans who could make rain, or ‘Nagas’ - magi with minor paranormal powers. Why was the word for 'lady' translated as 'goddess'?

Did the Annunaki make gross use of these humble folk, keeping their special and more advanced knowledge a secret? While – since it happens in our own time – revelling in the kow-towing and ‘worshipping’ (lining the streets to wave flags!) that the Sumerians did whenever they clapped eyes on them? The tales left concerning Inanna, one of these ‘ladies’, show her to have been anything but a goddess, in fact all too Human. Did the idea of them being gods and goddesses perhaps originate with those translators who have their own mindset about ancient civilizations and the origins of Humans? Viewpoint 2? The Sumerians were a superstitious lot and made up these fairy tales.

The Annunaki, say some tablets, went further. They decided to tinker with the people. Sanskrit texts note that ancient Rishis Vashishta and Agastya were referred to as having been ‘jar born’. Does this indicate some sort of ‘test-tube’ insemination, as modern Sumerologists say happened in Sumer, performed by the more advanced Annunaki, i.e.the scientists? According to the many texts on tablets it seems that they had success – after a few unpleasant failures, about which they obviously felt the least said the better. (According to Theosophist Blavatsky, gorillas and orangutangs are the results of such ‘failures’, and probably the Himalayan Yetis as well.)

Most tablets show the slaves as being naked, and hairless. And most translators agree that they were cloned, and were neuter in gender, and that they only became sexual later when the Annunaki thought they should start reproducing in order to gain more slaves. This makes sense of their hairlessness, with hair only appearing along with the sex hormones. Well, we know from the Adam and Eve legend that a whole lot of other things appeared along with hormones. (See 'Kundalini for the Curious')

And time for a detour here: could the origin of the peculiar ritual of circumcision have been right then and there as well? Nothing to do with race and religion at all, that coming much, much later, but everything to do with the lady needing to know which gent was fertile and which wasn't! (What doorkeeper after all, is going to ever say "Pardon me, sir, I have to see your willy before I can let you in here.")

Some obvious traces – pictorial as well as written – seem to give little doubt that the Annunaki's animal experiments had some funny-looking results. They even, some scholars say, took the people’s mountain goats and tinkered with them, coming up with an amazing wool-bearing animal after several generations. Sheep and shepherding came into the Sumerians’ language, and thus into ours.

Gold for What?

The tales left by the naïve Sumerians easily assumed the character of legends and took a twist here and there. This kind of decadence in the passing on of history so that it eventually becomes almost unrecognizable legend is a fact of Human life. The eventual decadence of a civilization follows the same Yuga cycle. It was five thousand years ago (3000 years BC) that Sumerian texts state that a major reform of laws and citizens’ behaviour had to be undertaken, when the civilization had apparently only begun around 3,800 BC. Were these savages all really their clones, as some investigators believe? On the other hand, do we have here an example of incorrect dating by Sumerologists who reject Viewpoint no. 1?

If the 'gods' or Annunaki were merely clever people from elsewhere on the Planet, and actually on a mission to seek gold, they may well have had the more intellectual Sumerians actually believing they were from some distant planet: Nibiru – “ the one of the crossing”. When all they meant was that their skycraft had crossed over lands or seas to get to Mesopotamia. Be that all as it may, ‘gods’ – even demigods, they were not.

Here's more on the gold question, too. They needed it to coat their spacecraft, say some translators; to send into the atmosphere of their home Planet suffering from Sunstroke say others; and still others say for the extraction of ORME's i.e. Orbitally Re-arranged Monatomic Elements, obtainable by processing gold, and used for longevity. And now we find on closer inspection that, good heavens, Enki, one of the Annunaki scientists, is a clever hydrologist, and has a submarine! And that ORMEs are found by processing seawater! Mystery upon mystery.

It all indeed remains a mystery. It's particularly difficult because the Sumerian language seems to have had a very limited vocabulary. This again may be simply because the scribes doing the cuneiform were describing things they knew little about. But just for fun let’s take a couple of lines of translations of said cuneiform from one of the ceramic tablets, and see how easy it is to turn it into whatever we want:

“The gods have given into my hand the pilot-guiding instrument of Heaven-Earth”
1(Shamanic)The Rishis/magicians have taught me the spell for Astral Projection
2 (Mystic)The Masters have taught me the mantra/mantric method of leaving my body
3 (secular) I was handed the Spaceport’s Remote Control to guide the ship in.

“I have cast a spell for thee,”
1. I have performed the secret ritual for you
2. I have given you a mantra
3. I have given you the secret code

“exalting you in the assembly of the gods”
1. allowing your entry into the Rishis’/Shamans’/Magicians’ Assembly
2. allowing you into the company of the Saints/God-realized Ones.
3. authorizing your entry into Headquarters

And what about this one in Egyptian hieroglyphics (a script well-known for arbitrary translations):

‘The Followers of Horus will cleanse you, they will recite for you the
spell of Him who Ascends’
1. The followers of Horus will give you a detox while chanting the mantra of their Leader
2. The Initiates of the Horus Path will initate you, and give you the Mantra of the Master.
3. The Horus Centre’s instructors will train you. They’ll teach you Voice Activating as per the Pilots’ Manual.

‘O you whose vision is in his face and whose vision is in the back
of his head, bring this to me’
‘What ferry-boat shall be brought to you?’
‘Bring me “It flies and alights” ‘

1. ‘O Great One who sees all, give me the means’
‘The means to do what?’
‘To rise to the next level.’

2. ‘O Master, help me with this.’
‘What method do you want?’
‘That for taking flight to the realms within’

3. ‘Hangar Security? I need a vehicle’
‘Which one, Sir?’
‘The Verticle Take-Off’

So until we have more information, ancient history and its archeology remain a vast and fascinating playground.[!gad]The problem with interpreting archeological and paleontological finds arises because we accept either one of two different viewpoints - one is that time, or Creation, proceeds in cycles, endlessly being created, growing, whithering and dying, to begin all over again – as spiritual Masters, whether Oriental or Western, all teach; Humans having been created godlike and virtuous, only to become bogged down in karma, eventually losing all spiritual power, becoming more and more materialistic until requesting guidance from Supreme Being. The second viewpoint is that time proceeds linearly from nothing to greater and greater everything – as the materialistic heirs of Darwin (not Darwin himself), believe; with Humans evolving from primitive animals to intelligent beings, more and more able to manipulate the material world around them.

Following the first viewpoint, civilizations have come and gone, some in the remote past, just as ours will one day collapse. Anomalous finds of archeology are thus nothing startling, being simply proofs of pre-historic civilizations. Or things that popped through a portal. Following the second viewpoint, the first one is so much claptrap. Anomalous finds are: a. traps purposely set to discredit genuine science; b. hoaxes by unscrupulous espousers of no. 1; or c. things dropped accidentally or on purpose by extra-terrestrials with their fighteningly advanced technology.

Myths of various cultures on our globe are simply that, myths, say espousers of no. 2., imagined stories by primitive communities who had no books or television. Followers of no. 1 see the myths as legends, stories based on fact, written in symbolic ways or altered with time. Because of this, interpreting any prehistoric scripts like cuneiform or hieroglyphics, depends on the viewpoint of the translator. In a moment we’ll see how comically this affects our reading of things Sumerian.

A popular myth is the one about Mu. It was towards the end of a Golden Age that the civilization of ‘Mukulia’, variously called ‘Mu’ or ‘Lemuria’, arose. It developed apparently on a continent that used to be in what is now the Pacific Ocean. Others say it stretched across the Indian Ocean to Africa, taking in Madagascar. Its citizens were said to have been pure, innocent and noble with great creative powers. They flew in the skies, ruled the oceans, and lived just and noble lives, say writers on this subject, such as Churchward and Velikovsky and the sages of the present Lemurian Fellowship. Was there perhaps another one after Mukulia? Sages tell us there have been even others on our planet before that, possibly even on ‘Gondwanaland’. And many have disappeared leaving not a trace, to quote modern Indian mystics. Believable, since by now any traces would have been recycled umpteen times, by people or by Nature.

Mukulia, or Mu, began to blow apart due to fierce underground vulcanism, a phenomenon, said their own savants, caused by the mental state of the Humans themselves. It blew apart in stages, leaving the so-called ‘ring of fire’…the volcanos surrounding the resulting expanse of Ocean. This gave many of the inhabitants time to emigrate to their colonies, or to go and found other states, which they did. 'Atlantis' is supposed to have been one of those. Investigators find evidence of this in the art and architecture of the ‘colonies’ that surrounded the Pacific Ocean.

Just to do a little detour here: similarities in the art of Japan and the Maya have been noticed. For instance, a Mayan text of glyphs on a grid of nineteen squares shows three figures seated at the top, redolent of ancient Japan or Korea. The one on the right appears to be a lady ready for a tea ceremony. In the book ‘Mayan Art and Architecture’ by Mary A. Miller we also see an engraving on page 221. The hands and eye of the figure are Japanese in style, while a figurine of a woman on page 161 shows a face which could have come from ancient Japanese art. Similarities in language of Japanese, Mayan and Greek have been noted by others. Greek? How is that possible? Consider the Nahuatl: teocalli = house of the god and the Greek: theou kallias = dwelling of god. The Japanese taiyo wa = the sun; and the Hopi Taiowa = the Sun God

There are other instances from other areas, too numerous to mention here, pointed out by many investigatores, such as Graham Hancock. Many Pacific islands, such as Pohnpei, Easter Island, and Yonaguni Island near to Taiwan, have underwater megalithic ruins whose history is unknown to even their local communities.

Many scholars and sages believe that a civilization that gave rise to the Vedas had its almost Utopian, Edenlike flowering in the Silver Age; well before an Ice Age, the melt-down and subsequent deluge. This is anathema to standard archeology which in turn is standard teaching for Western schoolchildren… presented, unfortunately, as fact, not as theory. For nothing in the present fossil record should be taken as anything more than theory, says John Davidson, science writer and author of Natural Creation or Natural Selection? He shows in his book that great extinctions, followed by new species, are so regular that they could well be proof of the cyclical viewpoint, no. 1. The well-known Thompson and Cremo duo, authors of Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race also have plenty of hard evidence.

Black-Headed People?

So, it may have been people, (intially scouts?) from a civilization in its decadent phase who went to ancient Mesopotamia, and seeing the primitive state of post-cataclysm Humanity there, took matters into their own hands and founded what later developed into Sumer.

Could scouts to Mesopotamia have been citizens of that extensive Vedic civilization, whose base land is subject to controversy? Some, like Anastasia the contemporary Sage of Siberia and her scribe Vladimir Megre, say ancient Kiev of Russia; others say the Saraswati Valley of Asia, or northern Scandinavia. There are many similarities between Vedic and Scandinavian legends.

And when we read that some of the newcomers to what later became Sumer, as well as the locals themselves, make a point of referring to locals as ‘black-headed people’ and showing them to be shorter in stature, in seals and other images, we can easily assume that the newcomers were tall and blonde, originating from somewhere in what is now northern Europe. In any case, they, the ‘Annunaki’, or ‘those who from Heaven to Earth came’, as people called them – having seen them drop from the skies in their skycraft – were apparently completely unscrupulous, if the Sumerologist translators are to be believed. So it appears that they may well have been simply a working expedition containing scientists, security guards and workers, sent by their civilization to do a job. But the poor, ignorant dwellers in the mountains between the two rivers, saw them as gods. Perhaps they had seen ETs many times and thought these must be the same. The locals themselves may have been simple, perhaps even retarded, remnants of a previous civilization.

According to drawings left behind on walls, clay tablets and plaques, the newcomers had skycraft of some kind, a type of rocket with a space capsule on it, submersible vessels, and even some kind of computer. Was the rocket driven by a fossil fuel or some other means, possibly mercury or crystal power as told in ancient Sanskrit texts? They, (and the ancient Egyptians) knew and used something that made bright light, similar to electricity but no doubt more advanced. While we can't deny the possiblity of visitors from Outer Space here, the use of rockets does seem slightly primitive for ETs! Much more credible for visitors from elsewhere on our own Planet.

Indian experts on the two Epics, MahaBharata and Ramayana, are convinced that these are Silver Age histories. Silver Age? Millions of years ago! And both of them record wars that could only have been conducted with nuclear weapons, or worse – in fact what today would be called Sorcery. There are several instances of the similarity of Sumerian culture to an early civilization described in Vedic texts: the popular Sumerian epithet, 'Bull of Heaven', is used commonly in the MahaBharata epic. A weapon known as kaksidi is mentioned in Sumerian texts as well as in texts written by ancient India's Rishi Bharadwaja while describing ‘Vimanas’ or skycraft.

Clever Annunaki!

The Annunaki knew a lot of important things, noted the barbaric mountain people with awe – how to drain the enormous post-deluvian wetlands, build huge ziggurats, how to count time and make a calender. It wasn’t many generations before Sumerians had successful towns and villages starting up…though the inhabitants were not all that enlightened, as their cuneiform texts tell us. One scribe mentions that a teacher used to whip him when he was late or untidy. Another describes a rape by one of the leading ‘gods’. In fact their sexual demeanors seem to be more in keeping with a civilization on the way to decay – its Kali Yuga, so to speak. Which would certainly match that of declining Mu or Atlantis.

As we read the work of various Sumerologists, it seems obvious that the locals of Sumer were so in awe of these newcomers that they were easily enslaved. They were made to build huge launching towers for the Anunnaki’s craft, and fancy dwelling-places for them when they came to visit some settlement or other. The locals didn’t seem to mind when these Annunaki egotistically demanded various kinds of rituals and festivals in their own honour. Their every word became law. Numerous arts and industries of the blossoming civilization originated in the service of these ‘gods’. Archeologists are at pains to interpret certain rock carvings and other pictorial evidence of the ancient Middle East as depicting deities, when quite possibly the figures could show anything from councillor Sages to local Shamans who could make rain, or ‘Nagas’ - magi with minor paranormal powers. Why was the word for 'lady' translated as 'goddess'?

Did the Annunaki make gross use of these humble folk, keeping their special and more advanced knowledge a secret? While – since it happens in our own time – revelling in the kow-towing and ‘worshipping’ (lining the streets to wave flags!) that the Sumerians did whenever they clapped eyes on them? The tales left concerning Inanna, one of these ‘ladies’, show her to have been anything but a goddess, in fact all too Human. Did the idea of them being gods and goddesses perhaps originate with those translators who have their own mindset about ancient civilizations and the origins of Humans? Viewpoint 2? The Sumerians were a superstitious lot and made up these fairy tales.

The Annunaki, say some tablets, went further. They decided to tinker with the people. Sanskrit texts note that ancient Rishis Vashishta and Agastya were referred to as having been ‘jar born’. Does this indicate some sort of ‘test-tube’ insemination, as modern Sumerologists say happened in Sumer, performed by the more advanced Annunaki, i.e.the scientists? According to the many texts on tablets it seems that they had success – after a few unpleasant failures, about which they obviously felt the least said the better. (According to Theosophist Blavatsky, gorillas and orangutangs are the results of such ‘failures’, and probably the Himalayan Yetis as well.)

Most tablets show the slaves as being naked, and hairless. And most translators agree that they were cloned, and were neuter in gender, and that they only became sexual later when the Annunaki thought they should start reproducing in order to gain more slaves. This makes sense of their hairlessness, with hair only appearing along with the sex hormones. Well, we know from the Adam and Eve legend that a whole lot of other things appeared along with hormones. (See 'Kundalini for the Curious')

And time for a detour here: could the origin of the peculiar ritual of circumcision have been right then and there as well? Nothing to do with race and religion at all, that coming much, much later, but everything to do with the lady needing to know which gent was fertile and which wasn't! (What doorkeeper after all, is going to ever say "Pardon me, sir, I have to see your willy before I can let you in here.")

Some obvious traces – pictorial as well as written – seem to give little doubt that the Annunaki's animal experiments had some funny-looking results. They even, some scholars say, took the people’s mountain goats and tinkered with them, coming up with an amazing wool-bearing animal after several generations. Sheep and shepherding came into the Sumerians’ language, and thus into ours.

Gold for What?

The tales left by the naïve Sumerians easily assumed the character of legends and took a twist here and there. This kind of decadence in the passing on of history so that it eventually becomes almost unrecognizable legend is a fact of Human life. The eventual decadence of a civilization follows the same Yuga cycle. It was five thousand years ago (3000 years BC) that Sumerian texts state that a major reform of laws and citizens’ behaviour had to be undertaken, when the civilization had apparently only begun around 3,800 BC. Were these savages all really their clones, as some investigators believe? On the other hand, do we have here an example of incorrect dating by Sumerologists who reject Viewpoint no. 1?

If the 'gods' or Annunaki were merely clever people from elsewhere on the Planet, and actually on a mission to seek gold, they may well have had the more intellectual Sumerians actually believing they were from some distant planet: Nibiru – “ the one of the crossing”. When all they meant was that their skycraft had crossed over lands or seas to get to Mesopotamia. Be that all as it may, ‘gods’ – even demigods, they were not.

Here's more on the gold question, too. They needed it to coat their spacecraft, say some translators; to send into the atmosphere of their home Planet suffering from Sunstroke say others; and still others say for the extraction of ORME's i.e. Orbitally Re-arranged Monatomic Elements, obtainable by processing gold, and used for longevity. And now we find on closer inspection that, good heavens, Enki, one of the Annunaki scientists, is a clever hydrologist, and has a submarine! And that ORMEs are found by processing seawater! Mystery upon mystery.

It all indeed remains a mystery. It's particularly difficult because the Sumerian language seems to have had a very limited vocabulary. This again may be simply because the scribes doing the cuneiform were describing things they knew little about. But just for fun let’s take a couple of lines of translations of said cuneiform from one of the ceramic tablets, and see how easy it is to turn it into whatever we want:

“The gods have given into my hand the pilot-guiding instrument of Heaven-Earth”
1(Shamanic)The Rishis/magicians have taught me the spell for Astral Projection
2 (Mystic)The Masters have taught me the mantra/mantric method of leaving my body
3 (secular) I was handed the Spaceport’s Remote Control to guide the ship in.

“I have cast a spell for thee,”
1. I have performed the secret ritual for you
2. I have given you a mantra
3. I have given you the secret code

“exalting you in the assembly of the gods”
1. allowing your entry into the Rishis’/Shamans’/Magicians’ Assembly
2. allowing you into the company of the Saints/God-realized Ones.
3. authorizing your entry into Headquarters

And what about this one in Egyptian hieroglyphics (a script well-known for arbitrary translations):

‘The Followers of Horus will cleanse you, they will recite for you the
spell of Him who Ascends’
1. The followers of Horus will give you a detox while chanting the mantra of their Leader
2. The Initiates of the Horus Path will initate you, and give you the Mantra of the Master.
3. The Horus Centre’s instructors will train you. They’ll teach you Voice Activating as per the Pilots’ Manual.

‘O you whose vision is in his face and whose vision is in the back
of his head, bring this to me’
‘What ferry-boat shall be brought to you?’
‘Bring me “It flies and alights” ‘

1. ‘O Great One who sees all, give me the means’
‘The means to do what?’
‘To rise to the next level.’

2. ‘O Master, help me with this.’
‘What method do you want?’
‘That for taking flight to the realms within’

3. ‘Hangar Security? I need a vehicle’
‘Which one, Sir?’
‘The Verticle Take-Off’

So until we have more information, ancient history and its archeology remain a vast and fascinating playground.

Reen lives in South Africa and writes for online magazines and three South African print magazines. Comments (0)

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