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Paul Dale Roberts

Werewolves of Wisconsin

January 19, 2013 | Comment icon 13 comments
Image Credit: Wolfgirlmichelle
Greg Posada and Eugene Pointer of Shawano County, Wisconsin called the paranormal hotline with their report of two werewolves seen near Grass Lake on January 9, 2013. They claim that these two creatures that appeared to be werewolves were definitely bi-pedal. One of the creatures had grayish hair, while the other had brownish hair. Both creatures had snouts. When the creatures were observed, they both seemed to be bent down drinking water from the lake. Eugene and Greg both claim that the creatures sniffed the air and then turned and looked at them. They let off a howl, that sounded like a regular wolf and ran off into the nearby thickets. The encounter occurred around 1400 Hours and Eugene and Greg were both shaken from this encounter. Greg says that the brown coated creature was at least 7 feet tall, while the gray coated creature was perhaps 6 feet tall. Eugene says that this is not the end of the story.

After their encounter with the werewolves, it was no more than 10 minutes later, they spied a silver disc in the surrounding forest. The silver disc was hovering, tilted and then shot up into the sky. The sighting of the disc lasted only about 3 minutes, but during the time of the sighting, everything felt surreal. Everything moved in slow motion. Eugene and Greg felt relaxed and at ease while they watched the disc in the sky. Eugene does not understand how they could have two paranormal encounters in one day. Special Note: Bigfoot on many occasions has been associated with the sightings of UFOs. Could Wisconsin werewolves also have a connection to UFOs? I would definitely say it’s possible. The surreal effect that Eugene describes sounds like the ‘Oz Factor’ AKA Oz Effect.


Oz Factor" is a term invented by Randles in 1983 to describe the strange, seemingly altered state of consciousness experienced by some witnesses of unidentified flying objects. Randles has noted the strange calmness and lack of panic described by the witnesses, relative to the bizarre circumstances that they described and says that they described and defined the Oz factor as "the sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework...where reality is but slightly different. The Oz Factor is associated with the fairy tale land of Oz (as in the Wizard of Oz).

When Greg and Eugene (on their speaker phone) were describing their encounter, they were very excited in telling their story. Werewolves have been seen in Wisconsin for a long, long time. The first sighting occurred in 1936. The witness Mark Schackelman said he encountered a talking wolfman. The wolfman was seen east of Jefferson, Wisconsin on Highway 18. Mark was driving along the road, when he saw a strange figure digging in an old Indian mound. He looked closer and saw that the figure was quite odd. This figure was fully covered with hair and stood erect. It stood more than 6 feet tall. This peculiar figure had a muzzle and resembled a dog, but also could have resembled an ape. The hands on this creature were mis-shapened with a twisted thumb and three fully formed fingers. The beast gave off a putrid smell that was like “decaying meat”. Special Note: Bigfoot is also known to have a putrid smell.

Dennis Fewless in 1964 encountered werewolves just two miles away from the Mark Schackelman sighting. Fewless was driving home around midnight from his job at the Admiral Television Corp. in Harvard, Illinois. After turning onto Highway 89 from Highway 14, his headlights caught an animal running across the road in front of him. It was dark brown in color and he estimated that it weighed between 400 and 500 pounds. He also described it as being seven or eight feet tall. It ran across the highway, jumped a barbed wire fence and vanished. Fewless returned to the spot (in the daylight) hours to look for footprints or other evidence but the hard, sun-dried ground offered nothing. They did find where the corn had been pushed aside as the beast entered the field though. “I was awful scared that night,” Fewless told author Jay Rath. “That was no man. It was all hairy from head to feet.”
Werewolves have been seen in Wisconsin for a long, long time. The sightings keep moving along, all the way to present times. From 1972 sighting in Jefferson County to the Bray Road Beast sighting in October 31, 1999 by Doristine Gipson of Elkhorn.

Werewolves have been with us for a long, long time. The first documented werewolf attack was in Germany in 1591. Dogs were sent upon a 'wolf' that turned out to be a man named Peter Stubbe. He was tortured until he confessed to the murder of sixteen people. He even confessed to murdering his own son in his thirst for human flesh and was put to death.

Wolves have been both feared and worshiped by past civilizations. The Ancient Egyptians feared the wolf god Ap-uat, who was associated with the Lord of the Dead. Ancient Greeks believed that wolves were sacred to Apollo and Ares, and a bronze statue of a wolf ornamented the oracle at Delphi. The legend of the founding of Rome is well known, with the abandoned twin babies Romulus and Remus being saved and succored by a wolf. Being suckled by a wolf is a notion that persisted into the Celtic civilizations, a legendary King of Ireland supposedly nurtured in this way. One Irish tribe claimed to be descended from a wolf. Stories on werewolves go back to ancient Roman times. King Arcadia was known to shape shift from a man to a wolf. King Arcadia was cursed with lycanthropy, because he was trying to trick the God Jupiter into eating human flesh.

Werewolves may originate with the fungus called Ergot. This fungus would frequently affect the grains that were used to make bread throughout Europe for many centuries. Ergot is well known for its hallucinogenic properties. In a modern case in France in 1951, over 100 people suffered from ergot poisoning after eating bread made from infected rye. Many of them suffered from hallucinations about being attacked by werewolves or turning into werewolves. Such poisoning could have been another cause for the development of the werewolf myth. Special Note: I had a buddy in the Army (Fort Knox, Kentucky) knick-named Mad Dog and when he drank his favorite cheap wine called MD 20/20, he would look at himself in the mirror and growl. I asked Mad Dog why he would do that and he said it’s because he had the spirit of the werewolf inside him. He proved that he had the spirit of the werewolf inside him, is when we went to Louisville, Kentucky to party. We went into a pool hall to shoot a game of pool, listen to the music and drink beer. At the pool hall, Mad Dog armed wrestled an Outlaw motorcyclist for money. He gathered up all of his strength and threw him across the neighboring table. He then pounded his barrel chest and went outside and knocked over one of the Outlaw motorcycles that in turn (like a line of upright Dominoes), caused the other bikes to come tumbling down. I do believe that some mind altering substances from ergot to MD 20/20 can make you believe you are a werewolf.

Other possibilities are diseases like Rabies and Porphyria. Rabies only lasts for a short while once the symptoms have developed, and then the victim dies. Rabies might have caused victims to briefly take on the appearance of a mad beast, but they would not have lived long enough to cause a spree of attacks. Porphyria, if untreated, leads to extreme sensitivity to light and degradation of the skin, thus producing a victim who rarely ventures out before nightfall and whose physical appearance is sinister. Maybe this is where the vampire legend comes from? Mental disturbances accompany the physical symptoms. This disease is also genetic and therefore could have given rise to the notion of cursed families, as it often does not manifest until an age whereby the victim would have reproduced.

Well, as you can see the werewolf legend is still persistent even into modern times. What did Eugene and Greg see at Shawano County? Comments (13)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #4 Posted by ROGER 12 years ago
Real wolves are around , but ya this story does seem to have a smell all it's own. My opinion of course.
Comment icon #5 Posted by little_dreamer 12 years ago
Not quite as catchy as "Werewolves of London".
Comment icon #6 Posted by rashore 12 years ago
I'm willing to bet if there is anything to the story, what they saw was real wolves or perhaps bears.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Thegreatsilence 12 years ago
I should've added those beasts are known as capelobos in Latin America, which translates as something like "Bull wearing a wolf's skin". Furthermore real wolves don't live in rainforests.
Comment icon #8 Posted by rashore 12 years ago
I should've added those beasts are known as capelobos in Latin America, which translates as something like "Bull wearing a wolf's skin". Furthermore real wolves don't live in rainforests. Um, there aren't any rainforests in Wisconsin, it's way too cold for that. And there are real wolves in Wisconsin.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Thegreatsilence 12 years ago
I know. I was just pointing that those ground sloth have a superficially wolf-like head and people mix them up with real wolves in Wisconsin. I have hard time imaginating a wild wolf walking bipedally without human training.
Comment icon #10 Posted by rashore 12 years ago
But Wisconsin does not have the right living conditions for sloths. I suppose it could happen, but to my understanding sloths live in the warm of central and south America for a good reason, because they can't hang with the cold. They don't seem to deal well with cool rain, let alone snow for several months of the year. Besides, I've never heard anyone spotting a sloth in WI, but I have heard of spotting wolves, bears, and coyotes. I've seen all three. Or perhaps a confused badger sighting would be more realistic in WI. Don't get me wrong, I think sloths are an excellent hypothesis for warmer ... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by Thegreatsilence 12 years ago
Remains of the last Ice age Megalonyx ground sloth were found as far north as Alaska.
Comment icon #12 Posted by rashore 12 years ago
Ok.. I guess ice age sloths might have survived to today to be seen... That would indeed be a rare thing to sight a critter thats been extinct for several thousand years. Though I would think a Megalonyx might be mistaken for a bear rather than a wolf. Are you suggesting that extinct sloths are responsible for current werewolf sightings? That's what this story is, a reported sighting of living creatures. If it had been a discovery of bones I might be more on board with the ancient sloth theory. I'm still pretty sure that currently living sloths would not be able to survive the wilds of Wiscons... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by Thegreatsilence 12 years ago
Are you suggesting that extinct sloths are responsible for current werewolf sightings? Indeed, for American werewolves. That creature was also spotted in Pennsylvania : http://www.stangordo...m-pennsylvania/ It was described to have a wolf-like head with a bear-like body shape. As for Megalonyx, I just used it as a precedent or an example, I am not sure whether or not the Werething belongs to this specific genus. However I am still confident groundsloth still roam North America, perhaps even different kinds... There is a sketch of a recent animal drawn here according to witness' deion : http:/... [More]

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