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Conrad Yeats

Washingtonople: The secret history of America's capital: Part 1

June 14, 2017 | Comment icon 0 comments
Image Credit: Susan Sterner
At one end lies the Washington Monument, at the opposite end is the Capitol Building. For more than two hundred years, the monuments of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., have stood proudly by day in tribute to America's past.

But by night they whisper a warning about the nation's future.

Classified documents buried inside the National Archives reveal that three key national monuments, the White House, the FDR Memorial (opening 1997) and the proposed World War II Veterans Memorial, are astronomically aligned to the belt stars of the Orion constellation.

Each unique structure was or will be built during a different epoch in American history. But the master site plan for their construction, for the entire city originally called “Washingtonople,” was designed in 1790 by Pierre-Charles L'Enfant, a French architect and Freemason handpicked by George Washington, himself a Freemason.

Furthermore, the terrestrial monuments and their celestial counterparts are set to lock for the first time in 26,000 years, heralding an epic event foreseen by America's Founding Fathers and ignored by today's citizens at their peril.

Are the monuments of the National Mall trying to tell us something? Is history about to repeat itself? And, if so, how?

In WASHINGTONOPLE: The Secret History of America's Capital, we'll embark on a wild ride through history and science as we unlock the ancient prophecies encoded into the architecture of America's monuments.

Using cutting-edge computer simulations and classified blueprints from the Library of Congress, we'll crack the riddle of Washingtonople and examine a startling new theory, never before revealed, concerning the founding of America and its future. Along the way we'll discover that America's national monuments present a fantastic treasure trail - and a warning.

We'll also explore the secret race against history that has been under way for the last 200 years beneath Washington, D.C., a race involving Egyptologists, White House officials, and a well-funded private organization operating outside the public eye.

What are they looking for?

What is the true meaning of the 193 Masonic stones that line the interior of the Washington Monument, and what's really in store during the monument's impending years-long renovation?

What lies behind the mysterious Masonic stone recently discovered at the end of a previously unexplored tunnel deep beneath the Capitol Building? And does America have a date with destiny, a date that's just around the corner?

These secrets and more are revealed in WASHINGTONOPLE: The Secret History of America's Capital.

Let's turn the page and begin the journey now.


Washington, D.C., was born in 1790 out of political necessity.

The new republic of the United States needed a capital city to replace the eight cities which had hosted sessions of the Continental Congress.

So America's first president, George Washington, shouldered the delicate task of selecting a site for the "Federal City" without favoring any one of the 13 former colonies and offending the rest.

Washington chose a ten-square-mile block of land in the District of Columbia, between Maryland and Virginia in 1791. He allegedly chose it because of its proximity to his own property in the northern part of Virginia. And today Washington, D.C., named after the "father of our country," proudly sits astride the banks of the Potomac River.

Or so the history books tell us.

The reality is that while George Washington was indeed the father of our country, the true father of our nation's capital was the French architect Washington commissioned to design the new city.

His name was Pierre-Charles L'Enfant. And it is L'Enfant's original blueprint1 for what has become known as Washington,D.C., that forms the basis of this paper.

According to official records of the day, French-born L'Enfant was an architect and military engineer who joined the Continental Army and spent the winter of 1777 to 1778 at Valley Forge. There he first met Washington.

Both men were Freemasons and formed a bond within that secret Society, the nature of which remains murky. What is clear is that 12 years later, in 1790, Washington entrusted L'Enfant to design the capital city of the new American republic, which L'Enfant called "Washingtonople."

The name didn't stick, of course. But much of L'Enfant's original vision did, with awesome consequences.

Land of the Freemasons

Founded in England during the eighteenth century, the modern Masonic order has often figured in conspiracy theories as a secret cabal that has influenced or controlled history. That's due in no small part to its unknown ancient origins, secret rituals, passwords and other arcania.1

What do the Freemasons really stand for? Hard to say these days, but during the Enlightenment its key ideals were tolerance and political liberty. Which explains why, by the time of the American Revolution, nearly 150 lodges existed throughout the colonies.2

It is not the intent of this paper to denigrate or deify the Freemasons (especially since some of them, as this paper will shortly prove, are most likely members of the federal commission reviewing this research).

Rather, this section seeks merely to frame the historical mindset of the architects of Washingtonople circa 1790, namely Washington and L'Enfant, two of the most prominent Freemasons of their day.

Let's begin by quoting from what many consider to be the absolute authority on Freemasonry, which claims the Masons worship "all the gods of the Ancient Mysteries," specifically "the Sun, the Moon, and other bright luminaries of Heaven."3

The Sun was figuratively said "to die and be born again" at the Winter Solstice, and the Masons "personified the Sun and worshipped him under the name of Osiris."4

Another old and venerated Masonic book takes pains to prove that Freemasonry extends well before 1717, all the way back to the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries. An entire chapter titled "Sun Worship" offers a detailed account of the veneration the ancient Egyptians gave the Sun.
Another chapter presents the "mythical story of Osiris," because it "formed not only the basis of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries" but of Freemasonry as well.5

These Freemason references to Osiris are key, because the celestial counterpart of Osiris is the constellation of Orion. And it is the three belt stars of Orion to which three monuments of L'Enfant's original vision for the National Mall are aligned.

More important, as this paper will conclude, three of the terrestrial landmarks of the National Mall will "lock" with these three belt stars of Orion at a "Doomsday" date predetermined by the Founding Fathers.

By following the intricate "map" the Founding Fathers left us, both above and below the grounds of the National Mall, we will be able to calculate the date of convergence.

Knowledge of that date will allow us to deduce its celestial significance and meaning, thus giving us the most of what precious little time there is to prepare ourselves and our nation for what lies ahead.

The Orion Beltway

"Inside the Beltway," as politicians often refer to life in Washington, D.C., certainly captures L'Enfant's state of mind when he envisioned "Washingtonople." Indeed, it could be argued that L'Enfant suffered from the first documented case of Beltway thinking.

That's because his original plan for the National Mall intended to do nothing less than recreate Egypt's Giza plateau in North America on the banks of the Potomac. And just as the three pyramids of Giza are aligned to the belt stars of Orion, so L'Enfant intended three monuments along the North-South axis of the Mall to do likewise, while a Sphynx-like structure would anchor the Mall in the East.

Incredibly, as we'll shortly see, Washington's and L'Enfant's dream has come to pass, this despite the best efforts of Thomas Jefferson and others to block it. Now "Osiris," as enshrined in the very architecture of our national landmarks, waits to be reborn in the 21st century in a land known as the United States of America.

The National Mall – Giza Reborn

At the heart of L'Enfant's plan for Washingtonople was his vision for a sweeping vista known as the National Mall, a plan that has been carried out to an amazing degree by succeeding generations.

As "America's Common," the National Mall is the site of four major "presidential memorials" (the George Washington Monument, the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial) and three "war memorials" (the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial, the Korean War Veteran's Memorial and the proposed World War II Veteran's Memorial).

Each of these memorials was or will be built during a different epoch of American history. Yet all were built on the general ground site plan first proposed by L'Enfant.

Washington, it should be noted, thought L'Enfant's plan "too obvious" and fired him partially into the construction of Washingtonople. He replaced L'Enfant with city surveyor Andrew Ellicott (whose father founded Ellicott City, Maryland). Ellicott replaced L'Enfant's name on the design map with his own, erased the name "Washingtonople" forever, and resumed construction of Washington, D.C.

Washington preferred merely that the north-south and east-west axes of the Mall align "at the cardinal points." And, on the surface, this appears to have happened: we have the White House to the North, the Jefferson Memorial to the South, the U.S. Capitol Building to the East and the Lincoln Memorial to the West.

But L'Enfant's acolytes over the generations have managed to carry out his vision to a degree never before imagined.

The L'Enfant Plan (Library of Congress)

Detail from computer-generated version of Pierre-Charles L'Enfant's original plan for the capital of the United States, enhanced to show Thomas Jefferson's handwritten editorial changes.

Compiled in 1791 under the direction of Pres. George Washington, this plan1 still guides the planning of the central core of Washington, D.C.

L'Enfant's plan was transferred to the Library of Congress by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1918 and has recently been restored by the Library's Conservation Office and sealed in a case filled with argon gas.

Portion of Original L'Enfant Plan

Clearly L'Enfant was inspired by the Pyramids of Giza as he mapped out his designs for three primary monuments in the heart of his National Mall.

These were to be the White House (I), the Washington Monument (O) and what was to become the Jefferson Memorial (S). Instead, the terrestrial markers have been reborn as the White House, the World War II Veterans Memorial (where the current Rainbow Fountain Pool resides) and FDR Presidential Memorial (opened in 1917).

Three structures, each completed in three separate centuries, fulfill his vision, according to the Master Plan.2


Washingtonople: The Secret History of America's Capital, a column provided to unexplained-mysteries.com, was originally published by Conrad Yeats, PhD from Washington on September 21, 1990.

DR. CONRAD YEATS is a fictional character from the blockbuster novel RAISING ATLANTIS (http://www.thomasgreanias.com/)

But he swears what he's saying is true!


1. For the record, this blueprint, discovered beneath the ••••••••••••••••••• of the National Archives and held in secure storage at ••••••••••••••••••••••• under an encoded pseudonym known only by me, predates the “original” L'Enfant plan which was recently “restored” and sealed in a case filled with argon gas in the Library of Congress. A digitalized version of the Library of Congress blueprint is included in this report.

2. Nobody really knows just how far back in history the Freemasons go. As early as the 12th century, the Vatican's Code of Canon Law prohibited church followers from joining “Masonic sects or any other similar associations which plot against the church.”

3. Today, more than 6 million Americans represent nearly 75% of the total Freemason membership. Known chiefly as a charitable “country club” network, a typical Masonic lodge has more in common with Fred Flintstone's “Moose Lodge” than an evil cabal. But its traditions of secrecy and rituals persist, along with the considerable pains the movement takes to trace its origins back to antiquity.

4. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 583.

5. Ibid, p. 464. Comments (0)

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