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Sean Casteel

UFOs and deja vu

February 8, 2020 | Comment icon 66 comments
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When all is said and done there is ample evidence that certain aspects of the UFO phenomenon are largely repeatable - that they happen over and over again, making it a mixed cocktail of deja vu. It is a situation that is so bizarre yet prevalent that it deserves serious study. Such a study is now at hand, and it's an in-depth one that proves there are certain "coincidental" aspects of the phenomenon that cannot be overlooked.

Are UFOs just a matter of nuts-and-bolts ships from another galaxy? Travelers of the universe who accidentally stumbled on to Earth and decided to make a mysterious, secretive kind of contact with our small planet's inhabitants? Can we sum up the flying saucers as an invasion continually poised to happen - but that never quite manifests itself in real world terms that no one can deny?

This may be the prevailing view for some people who have never ventured to investigate the UFO phenomenon more deeply than a smirking story on the evening news or a documentary on cable TV that focuses its efforts on providing scientific "proof" of the alien presence on Earth. Real believers often concede that such evidence still hasn't been obtained, but also point to the high strangeness of witness testimony that, when taken at face value, paints a verbal picture more bizarre than any cluster of lights captured on a cell phone could possibly do.

So it is that Timothy Green Beckley, the publisher, editor and writer who heads Global Communications/Inner Light Books, has issued yet another lengthy tome on the paranormal and repeating aspects of the UFO phenomenon. This one is called "UFOs deja vu: Skinwalkers, Shapeshifters, Alien Portals and Vortexes to Other Dimensions." The title comes from the famous joke by Baseball Hall-of-Fame catcher Yogi Berra, who once commented that back-to-back home runs by Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris in the 1960s were like experiencing "deja vu all over again!"

"In less colorful lingo," Beckley writes, "deja vu means that one has lived through a situation before, whether it is in reference to walking down a street you 'know' you have never walked down previously but are doing it again, or sighting a UFO in pretty much the same locale over and over, as though it is wedged in the same spot in space. In French, the words mean 'seen before.'"

Meanwhile, the title's reference to alien portals and vortexes to other dimensions also focuses on things outside the realm of nuts-and-bolts Ufology.

"There is something more decisively paranormal about UFOs," Beckley writes, "that makes the topic much more complex and more difficult to prove. It circumvents normalcy, and so you must call in the supernatural, like it or not."


To explain more about alien portals and vortexes, Beckley brings in his "in-house" psychic Maria D'Andrea, who sees the portals and vortexes as part of her working routine. She says that we should simplify the two words to mean "doorways."

"Shamans and psychics use vortexes and portals all the time," Maria writes. "It's more or less how we get around. Going through and exiting on the other side is our method for seeing what's going on within these other realms. Sometimes we visit portals of our own free will, other times they just open up without warning."

Once, while walking in the mountains in Pennsylvania, Maria heard a sound she likened to a "soft wind," and part of the landscape in front of her disappeared. Stars and planets became visible, as if she was floating in space.

"As I looked," she writes, "I saw what seemed to be two round discs flying erratically to some destination. I 'knew' there were beings inside these vessels and I wanted to see more. As I walked toward the portal, I had a feeling of being stopped. It felt like I was trying to walk forward, but was only pushing into an etheric substance that felt like jello, and I wasn't going anywhere. It was very frustrating. I automatically put up my psychic shield as a defense mechanism so that nothing could harm me. As I looked on, I noticed the 'ships' were changing colors as they rotated. I didn't hear any sounds emanating from them. Nor did I see the beings inside, but I had an overwhelming feeling they were positive and meant no harm.

"I was lucky to have such a positive experience," Maria continues. "Warning - not everyone does. As I was gazing at the setting before me and trying to gather more details about the ships and their occupants, the portal closed and I found myself back in the woods again. To this day, I wonder what sort of beings were in the craft. I've opened doorways before and since, but couldn't get to the same place again. I think sometimes the universe just messes with you and they should have given me the proper coordinates. Right?"

Whether or not we have the right to be told just who we're dealing with and where they come from, Maria's story in an excellent example of the kind of case that "UFOs deja vu" is concerned with, namely UFO encounters with an undeniably paranormal element.


Another writer in Beckley's stable is Diane Tessman, a longtime UFO investigator, abductee, channel and author. Diane also explains the nature of portals and vortices in her chapter.

"As a person dies," Diane writes, "her spirit passes on through a portal which separates 'physical life' from 'spirit life.' The spirit life universe is much more exciting, diverse, peaceful and beautiful than the physical world. The portal to this world manifests as the soul leaves the physical body. Some emerging spirits perceive this portal as a brilliant light, while others simply sail toward colorful cosmic fractals, nebulas and magnificent scenes beyond description."

There are other kinds of portals, according to Diane, through which both angels and demons travel from their own realms. These portals exist where you least expect them. In a manner similar to the aforementioned "physical life to spirit life portals," the "angels and demons portals" do not stay in a specific spot. Portals fluctuate; they manifest as needed by an entity.

Diane says that a vortex occurs when Nature's energies become supernatural energies and intersect with other natural or supernatural energies. This transformation of energy into something supernatural is something only Nature herself understands. Why does a ghost light appear on a mountainside, or why does a will-of-the-wisp glide down the valley? Cosmic beings, even UFO occupants, have sensors which detect where and when a vortex appears and they can make use of such a corridor.

Diane Tessman also worked directly with Beckley on a book called "UFOs: Are They Your Passport to Heaven and Other Unearthly Realms"? The two wrote about the reports of those claiming to have established some sort of contact or communication with their deceased loved ones during the course of a close encounter.

"Usually they find themselves onboard a UFO," Beckley writes, "and there, in the company of some sort of alien being, would be a deceased loved one, a friend, or a member of their immediate family."

Some reacted to Beckley and Diane's book as though the two authors were "disrespecting the dead" and reaching for the outer limits of "sensationalism."

"That was not our intention, of course," Beckley writes. "We were merely passing along what we thought was reliable information we had been privileged to gather from what we were convinced were reliable sources, mainly those who had undergone such overly emotional experiences, making them burst into tears."


Beckley calls on a writer named Brent Raynes, who has also written about the alien connection to the next world, perhaps the world that spiritualists have long called "the Summerland," a paradise awaiting us when we shuffle off this mortal coil.
Brent references Anne Strieber, the late wife of bestselling "Communion" author Whitley Strieber. Anne wrote an article in which she describes how for years she and her husband had received large volumes of mail from readers who experienced a connection with the spirits of the dead along with the UFO visitors. She began to make a list of commonalities that she would come across in the hundreds of letters that came pouring in after the publication of the mega-seller "Communion." One letter writer spelled it out as, "They have something to do what we call death."

Brent also writes that an Alabama ghost hunter he interviewed for his "Alternative Perceptions" newsletter remarked that he would not be surprised at all if it turned out that alien beings and ghosts used the same dimensions to travel between this world and theirs.

"This merging of experiences and beliefs that in the past were strictly kept within their respective and separate categories by those of various disciplines," Brent writes, "seems to gradually be catching on with some. Maybe change is in the air."


In his Publisher's Note preceding a chapter on the legendary Skinwalker Ranch, located in the Uintah Basin in Utah southeast of the city of Ballad, Beckley writes, "The ranch takes its name from the 'skinwalker' of Navajo legend, of shape-shifting, malicious witches who have the supernatural ability to turn themselves into a variety of animals, mainly wolves and flesh-eating birds. By a broader definition, shape-shifting occurs when a being, usually a human, has the ability to change into another person, creature, gender or other entity."

According to an exclusive interview with documentary producer Jeremy Corbell conducted by David Partridge, "Huge wolves, creatures crawling out of a hole in the air, red orbs, and large prehistoric looking birds with a monumental wingspan are just some of the phenomena witnessed at various times on the ranch."

But along with these kinds of exotic supernatural entities, the area still draws its fair share of UFOs. Researcher and radio personality Erica Lukes was with a friend on the scene at Skinwalker Ranch.

"I noticed a light that appeared to be shining up on the mesa," Erica says. "Then we watched as this light traveled across the underside of the mesa. It appeared to expand and looked like an illuminated mist. This mist moved toward us and then around us. The temperature dropped about ten degrees. The sound became very muffled. Then it would retreat. Above where Skinwalker Ridge is, where, according to some of the best researchers in the world, these craft appear to move in and disappear and then come out, I noticed an amber ball of light and I photographed that. And at the same time, there was an amazing lightning storm blowing through. So it was absolutely one of the most stunning and surreal experiences I've ever had."

Lukes' story serves to illustrate Beckley's main assertion here, that supernatural and UFO activity go hand-in-hand and are not distinctly separate phenomena. Where you have shape-shifting Navajo witches, you also find the usual "lights-in-the-sky" type UFOs. British paranormal researcher and prolific author Nick Redfern also contributes to the book, writing about shape-shifters and the many forms they can take.

"While the traditional image of the werewolf is, without a doubt," Redfern writes, "the first thing that springs to mind when a discussion of shape-shifters takes place, the truth of the matter is that there is a veritable menagerie of such infernal things in our midst. Were-cats, were-tigers, were-hyenas and were-coyotes are near the top of the monstrous list. Then, there are the ancient beliefs that those who died violent deaths - or those who were themselves murderers - were often destined to return to our plane of existence in the forms of hideous beasts, including wild and savage apelike animals, fearsome black dogs with glowing and blazing red eyes, and mermaid-like things.

"Even the legendary monsters of Loch Ness, Scotland," Redfern continues, "are believed - in certain monster-hunting quarters - to be paranormal beasts that have the ability to alter their appearances at will. As are legendary vampires, who, the old legends suggest, can transform into the likes of bats and wolves. Collectively, all of these 'things' amount to an absolute army of otherworldly creatures and half-human monsters that have plagued and tormented us since the dawning of civilization. And they show zero signs of slowing down anytime soon.

"Shape-shifters are everywhere," Redfern adds. "They lurk in the shadows, in the deep woods, and expansive forests, in dark and dank caves, and in the murky waters of our lakes and rivers. Maybe even, after sunset, in the recesses of your very own backyard, patiently waiting to pounce."

"UFOs, deja vu" is a large volume, well over 350 pages, packed with information and photos and drawing on nearly twenty contributors.

Chris O'Brien provides a chapter based on his many years of research into Colorado's San Luis Valley, which he describes as a "paranormal Disneyland." His chapter includes photos of morphing UFOs - as strange as you can get aerial devices changing shape in midair!

The aforementioned Brent Raynes also investigates the San Luis Valley, and brings back tales of UFOs, Bigfoot, the ubiquitous skinwalkers, demon dogs, shapeshifting witches and encounters with the devil himself. Joshua Warren, a longtime member of Beckley's pool of writers, contributes a chapter on the Brown Mountain Lights, a ghost light phenomenon in North Carolina that has long eluded objective scientific understanding.

One prominent UFO researcher - Tom Dongo by name - has made a permanent home in Sedona, Arizona, one of those UFO/paranormal hotspots that never seems to cool down. Among the many types of creatures sighted in the Sedona area is one called "The Blue Man," which Tom's associate, a local ranch owner named Linda Bradshaw, was able to photograph as Tom looked on.

"Linda's photograph shows a left-side head profile and the left shoulder of a man with blue hair," says Tom, adding that "I believe it is the first authentic picture of an alien of interdimensional origin."

Hispanic writer Scott Corrales informs us about a gateway to the unknown in Puerto Rico, specifically the Adjuntas region, where recurring UFO activity stretches back to the 1950s. There is even a local law enforcement officer bearing witness to the "balloon-shaped yellow lights" traveling noiselessly at high speed. They travel from one side to the other and vanish into the mountains.

While Beckley has assembled an impressive roster of writers for "UFOs deja vu," he also contributes numerous chapters of his own, waxing profound on his lifetime of paranormal encounters coupled with an intense investigative curiosity about many topics outside the "nuts-and-bolts" realm of UFO research. Bring on your strangest stories - Beckley can handle them.

If you're in the mood for some high strangeness yourself, you've come to the right place. "UFOs deja vu" surely ranks among the strangest books ever published and will take you on a journey you've likely never even imagined was possible.


UFOS DEJA VU By Beckley, Casteel, Swartz and others.


https://www.amazon.com/Future-Humans-UFOs-Time-Thinking/ dp/1711138037/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=DIANE+TESSMAN&qid=1578878533&s=books&sr=1-1


YouTube Channel With Over 400 Interviews - "Mr. UFO's Secret Files"
https://www.youtube.com/user/MRUFO1100 Comments (66)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #57 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
Not too sure why you are going off on that tangent, but you are a person who resents the possibility that others may have had first-hand experience of it.
Comment icon #58 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
Funny, I'm not the one who runs away when asked for the best evidenced case.... I don't either, but just like science and the entire legal system, anecdotal submissions must be a part of larger picture and be properly verified against the facts of the case.  In most of these cases, we can't even verify the incident itself, let alone the stories being told. A wise man would know this...  How come you don't? Ya mean, like fairytales?  UFO=alienz movies?  Religion? Yes, Habitat, unfortunately we have cultural issues.  Cultural memes.  A desire to tell stories.  It's not remarkable at all, ... [More]
Comment icon #59 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
  Keep laughing, but it will be a slightly nervous titter. It might as well not exist, indeed, to those that insist it does not. It really is an astounding thing, that it will not be pinned down for the inspection of scoffers..
Comment icon #60 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
When was the last time you posted that, Habitat?  Last year?  The one before? 1970? But yes, I'm sure you'll be right, 2020 is the one, after all these years of abject failure and this current sad situation that you and your fellow beliebers cannot point to one good case, let alone one best (aka convincing) case.  Out of all those stories, over all those years.  NUTHIN.   BTW, can't help noticing that you also ran away from the bet over here where I ponied up with a $20 challenge.  I take it that ignoring me is your way to say no without appearing cowardly?  Go on, don't be afraid, c... [More]
Comment icon #61 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
You mean you are going to bite your tongue all year, and not say "best evidences", to win a $20 bet ? Can I stop laughing now ? It is not my fault if you cannot get your head around the idea that the manifestations in question are directed, and not for general view. They are no accident. I cannot imagine the workings of that, and seemingly that you also cannot, is sufficient for you to think it must not exist. That is a leap I would never have made.
Comment icon #62 Posted by ChrLzs 5 years ago
Nah, as if..  I must have misread your intentions.  I thought you were intimating that there would be convincing evidence presented in 2020...  But instead, you were making an absolutely hysterically hilarious joke about my frequent simple request for that evidence, and how dare I actually apply logic and common sense to the drivel you vomit...   But anyway, are you willing to bet that *you* will finally present good evidence in 2020, after all these failed years?  I'm betting you won't...   Funnily enough, I'd love to see evidence of something currently regarded as paranormal, as it m... [More]
Comment icon #63 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
There was a poster who said better than I could, something along the lines that it is useless to look for the paranormal, within the normal. I think he might have made an apt point. I have probably got less confidence than you, that the real evidence will ever be revealed, because that really would be a major shock to me.
Comment icon #64 Posted by Liquid Gardens 5 years ago
You were the one that were preaching your truth that you have no evidence of. What response were you expecting? Nah, that's just a story you tell yourself because you don't have anything to provide to support your beliefs.
Comment icon #65 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
I wouldn't expect much other than peevishness from you, that's for sure. Your complaint appears to be I don't have proof for you to inspect, which is a little silly, considering I never claimed I did.
Comment icon #66 Posted by Liquid Gardens 5 years ago
I'm sorry that you find it peevish, I just find it logical given the situation and your statement.  Change a couple words to 'Jesus' in what you said, "I do comprehend it to be real, though, and your "beyond crude" characterization is of no consequence, once acquainted with this reality, "refined" messages would be surplus to what appears to be the "message", that being that it is a reality.", and you might as well be standing behind a pulpit.  What other response is there really other than 'amen' given that we already know you don't have any evidence for this 'reality' you claim, what re... [More]

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