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J.P Robinson

Our mysterious moon

January 14, 2020 | Comment icon 79 comments
Image Credit: CC BY-2.0 Jason Bache
Many amazing facts have come to light in recent years with respect to our mysterious moon. Books have been written which have covered the subject in detail and any researcher who has followed this trail cannot help but be astounded by the information which has surfaced. It appears that the moon itself shouldn't actually be where it is, and all the data regarding the moon's size and its distance from the sun and from the Earth, have confounded scientists and researchers alike.

The Moon revolves at exactly one hundredth of the speed that the Earth turns on its axis. It is also precisely 400 times smaller than the Sun and exactly 400 times closer to the Earth. Patterns and number sequences are consistent when looking at all of the Moon's major aspects, contrary to the inconsistencies of all other planets and moons in our solar system. If you divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon and multiply by 100 you get the polar circumference of the Earth. In fact, so precise are the measurements and correlations between the Earth, Sun and Moon that any differentiation in the figures would inevitably lead to vastly visible changes. Take the solar eclipse for example; the Sun would no longer be able to conceal itself so perfectly behind the Moon. That astoundingly perfect fit that we take for granted would cease to be.

The diameter of the Moon is 2,160 miles whilst the Sun's colossal diameter is 864,000 miles across, so it is a remarkable coincidence that the two spheres should appear the same size during the eclipse. In his book Space, Time and Other Things, American author Isaac Asimov makes an observation about this truly amazing situation, "What makes a total eclipse so remarkable is the sheer astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion."

There are many theories doing the rounds regarding the enigmatic nature of Earth's Moon. Many claim that the moon is an artificial satellite rather than a natural object. It is hollow, which should be impossible were it a natural planetary object. As noted astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan wrote in 1966, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object."i

NASA astronauts have tested the Moon's density on several occasions using seismic equipment and have reported officially that the Moon rings like a bell when struck. Seismological equipment recorded the shock waves caused by the Lunar Module ascent stage of Apollo 12 when it was sent crashing into the Moon. NASA scientists were dumbfounded by the results as the artificially created Moonquake lasted for 55 minutes. Apollo 12's seismic records were not unique either as the seismometers they had set up also recorded the vibrations caused by the impact of the Apollo 13's ill-fated Saturn rocket booster 87 miles away. The impact was equivalent to 11 tons of TNT and the entire Moon reportedly vibrated for longer than 3 hours and 20 minutes, reaching a depth of 22-25 miles down. The Apollo 14's S-IVB was also sent crashing into the lunar surface by remote control causing the shock waves, which were detected by instruments 108 miles away, to vibrate for over three hours. According to a NASA science publication "the Moon reacted like a gong." ii

Interestingly, the probability that the Moon was NOT actually a solid satellite was first realized and mentioned back in 1962, the year following JFK's 'man landing on the Moon' speech. It is noteworthy to consider the implications that the Apollo program was actually built on the knowledge that the Moon in all likelihood must be an artificial construct. The data became available to them from 1962-63 onwards that the Moon was not a natural satellite and as Ingo Swann stated, "It would also have been clear that the two Earthside superpowers fully expected to utilize the Lunar cavities as opportunistic Moonbase habitation. This "plan", however, seems not to have been fulfilled. One is forced to wonder WHY?"iii

The immediate reaction within scientific circles at the time was that the data which suggested the object to be hollow must be faulty, however, the several studies which followed arrived at the same conclusions. Finally, in February 1962, Dr. Sean C. Solomon of MIT reported that "The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."iv

So, if the Moon is a hollow artificial construct as the facts lead us to understand, who built the Moon, how did they get it into its present orbit and why did they put it there? How is it that our moon remains stationary in Earth's orbit, never revealing the dark side to us? Such questions will certainly not be answered overnight but the initial realization that our Moon is not a natural object behaving naturally would raise a few eyebrows were it common public knowledge.

Asimov himself struggled to comprehend the implications of such a discovery when he wrote on the subject in 1963. He said "It is a shame that one small thing remains unaccounted for; one trifling thing I have ignored so far, but what in blazes is our Moon doing way out there? It's too far out to be a true satellite of Earth. It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture being affected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible. But then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it?"v

An article theorizing on the origins of the Moon was published in the Soviet journal Sputnik entitled "Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?" The piece written by Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov suggested that eons ago somewhere out in space, intelligent beings far more advanced than humankind had used immense machines to hollow out a planetoid, spilling out the excess material onto the lunar surface. Once stabilized, the huge cavernous rock which had been transformed into a gigantic craft, with an inner shell like the hull of a boat and a protective hard outer shell, was pulled through the cosmos and finally placed with precision into its present position.

This proposition, as fantastic and unlikely as it may seem, could offer us some understanding as to why the Moon rocks retrieved during Apollo missions have been scientifically dated as 5.3 billion years old, whilst the dust they were taken from has been proven to be one billion years older than the rocks themselves.

The mainstream scientific community continues to the present day to insist that both the Earth and the Moon were formed from the same rock when our solar system first came into being roughly 4.5 billion years ago. However, since the advancements in science over recent years, the dating system for rocks has become much more accurate, as tracks burned into the rocks by cosmic rays can now be examined. Interestingly, the oldest rocks on Earth found so far only date back 3.5 billion years. It is clear from these figures alone that the Earth may not be as old as initially thought and that Moon dust appears to have existed nearly 2 billion years before the solar system was formed, therefore putting official scientific opinion regarding the Moons origins into chaos.

Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former NASA research scientist published an astounding book Ringmakers of Saturn which shows photos taken of Saturn's rings from the Voyager I flight in 1980. Voyager I was sent to the rings of Saturn to investigate some strange anomalies that they had witnessed through their observations from Earth and NASA couldn't believe what they found in the images that were sent back. With exclusive access to the raw NASA photographs, Bergrun saw firsthand what the general public was not allowed to see, making him the first legitimate, verified member of the scientific community to discover cylindrical vehicles. Bergrun's book exposed for the first time exactly what Voyager I saw, but unable to get it published in America he travelled to Scotland and finally got it published in Aberdeen.

One of the photographs in his book is of an artificially constructed object in the A-ring of Saturn that he calls an 'electromagnetic vehicle'. It was 2000 miles long and over 450 miles in diameter. What kind of high-technology must it take to build an object of that size, and who could be responsible for such an impossible feat of engineering? Bergrun thought it could be possible that these craft were actually making the rings, hence the book's title, but other scholars have raised the possibility that they could be mining the precious metals and nutrients that make up the rings. Either way, what an incredible discovery, another one that appears to have been left out of the public domain. A reviewer commenting on Bergrun's book wrote, "Saturn's rings are 'not' natural, but are some type of effluent from massively huge, cylindrical objects, themselves measured in terms of earth diameters!"

Former U.S. airline pilot and son of the founder of the Lear Jet, John Lear, met with Bergrun and discussed the origins of the Earth's Moon, knowing that it had to have been placed into its present orbit by someone or something. Bergrun had informed him that some form of large electromagnetic vehicle had been responsible for manoeuvring the Moon into its present location.

During a Project Camelot interview, Lear mentions a conversation he had with Bergrun once, saying "by the way, the electromagnetic vehicle that towed the Moon into orbit...where is it now? And he said "I think it's on the dark side of the Moon." So when I got hooked up with Ron Schmidt, we started collecting photos on the dark side of the Moon and we found it. It's in the crater of Tchaikovsky."vi

This is a really fascinating possibility that could explain a lot of the mysteries surrounding the Moon's origins, should it turn out to be true. If sometime in the near future the facts regarding the Moon's construction and placement were to surface publicly, then John Lear's observations could lead to a thorough investigation of the Tchaikovsky crater. Who knows what they may discover, such an enormous vehicle could be resting there and our knowledge of space and the origins of the Moon among other things could be infinitely improved. After all, science is based on the understanding of new discoveries.

One such discovery was made on the night of July 29, 1953 by John J. O'Neill, science editor of the Herald Tribune. As he settled down for an evening's observation of the Moon as it approached the equator on its northerly course, he was amazed to discover a gigantic bridge stretching above the Mare Crisium.vii Bewildered by his observation, O'Neill carefully re-checked his telescope thinking it may be an optical illusion, but the visual conditions were excellent and upon looking for a second time he found the enormous object was still there. He had watched the Moon for years and there had never been anything above the Mare Crisium before but there it was, stretching for twelve miles in a straight line from pediment to pediment.

As he continued to observe the mysterious anomaly for an hour and a half, he changed eyepieces twice from 90X to 125X then 250X. Under higher magnification, the sharp outline of the unexplained vast structure was even clearer. Aware of the furore that such a discovery would cause, O'Neill reported the incident tactfully in his report to the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers by calling his remarkable discovery a "gigantic natural bridge". It was evident to many of his fellow astronomers that it was impossible for Nature to create such an immense structure so suddenly.

As expected, O'Neill's unusual discovery led to some astronomers criticizing his findings and even questioning the man himself, however his critics would soon be silenced for in the August 1953, a mere month after his initial discovery, the great British astronomer Dr. J.P. Wilkins officially confirmed the existence of the bridge. Four weeks later, the president of the British Astronomical Association, Sir Patrick Moore, also verified O'Neill's discovery.
There are historians and archaeologists that believe they have found evidence that there existed a time before the Moon was in our sky. An old Hellenistic and possibly Egyptian belief is that "the celestial bodies which we now see were not all visible in earlier times".viii The Arcadian people from ancient Greece who called themselves the Proselenes, as reported by Aristotle, were said to have held claim to Arcadia because they lived in that region "before there was a moon in the heavens." Even the term Proselenes means "before the moon".

Some researchers, who have studied the Great Idol monument in the Bolivian city of Tiahuanaco, postulate that the symbols engraved in the sandstone represent a wealth of astronomical data about the Earth and the heavens from around 27,000 years ago. Authors H.S. Bellamy & Dr. P. Allen wrote about the Moon's first appearance in our skies saying that "The symbols of the idol record that the satellite came into orbit around the Earth 11,500 to 13,000 years ago."ix

Immanuel Velikovsky, the Russian psychiatrist who became well known for his bestselling book Worlds in Collision published in America in 1950, also wrote of a time before the Moon was in existence. In his book Velikovsky wrote, "The traditions of diverse people offer corroborative testimony to the effect that in a very early age, but still in the memory of mankind, no moon accompanied the earth." It is evident that there exists an interesting hypothesis of which a number of intellectuals are in agreement, which suggests that once upon a time the Moon wasn't around but was brought here at a later date, the question still remains however, who was responsible for such a mammoth task and why? If the Moon is older than the Earth and the solar system itself, then it must have originated elsewhere further back in time, allowing for the possibility that at some point in Earth's short history the Moon was brought here and placed in orbit.

There are many researchers out there who believe that there are buildings and monuments on both the Moon and Mars. The Viking Orbiter was launched in 1976 and photographed segments of the Martian landscape as it orbited the red planet. A region named Cydonia revealed a number of unusual structures that appear to be of intelligent design, such as the 'Face on Mars' which is an oval structure 1500 feet high and resembling a humanoid face. There is also a five sided pyramid called the "D & M Pyramid" alongside a complex of smaller pyramids known as "The City Square". It has been concluded by a number of investigators, most notably by another former NASA employee, Richard C. Hoagland, that these enigmatic structures must be the remnants of an ancient extraterrestrial civilisation. The Cydonian monuments appear analogous to the monuments situated on the Giza plateau in Egypt, which would suggest that the architects may be intrinsically linked in some way.

According to Bill Cooper, a joint U.S.-Russian winged space probe that used a hydrazine propeller, orbited Mars three times before landing on May 22, 1962. The probe relayed information back to Earth which gave confirmation that a life-sustaining environment existed on the red planet. He also claims that the construction of a colony on the planet began not long after, and today there are cities present which are populated by "people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth". The Mars colonisation project went under the name of 'Adam and Eve'.

In 2009, the University of Arizona received photos from an orbiting satellite which showed a rectangular object jutting out of the surface of Mars. The "monolith" roused much curiosity when it was first reported but Alfred McEwen, the professor of planetary science at the university, said "It is not that unusual. There are lots of rectangular structures on Mars. It is striking when you see one that is isolated, but they are common."x

Buzz Aldrin announced that a similar "monolith" had been detected on Mars' moon Phobos. Talking on the U.S. television network C-Span, Aldrin stated "There is a monolith there, a very unusual structure on this little potato-shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say 'who put that there?' Well, the universe put it there, or if you choose, God put it there."

One of the photos sent back from the Russian probe Phobos II was taken using infrared film of beneath the Martian surface, revealing a city apparently the size of Chicago. A huge object approaching Phobos II can be seen on another photo, which actually impacted the satellite, knocking it completely out of the orbit of Mars. These images were published in a German magazine by Michael Hesemann.

A monolithic structure has also been discovered rising more than a mile above the Moon's surface. Known as the "Shard", this irregular spindly object was photographed in 1967 by the Lunar Orbiter. It is considered to be a real physical object due to it casting a shadow in the correct direction and close-up imaging reveals a cellular-like internal structure.

A massive seven mile high structure named the "Tower" stands above and behind the "Shard", which includes a central "cube" which appears to be suspended from a tripod-like base. Both objects share a similar cellular construction, but the "Tower" has a distinctly hexagonal pattern. Apollo 10 astronauts reportedly made a unique picture (AS-10-32-4822) of a one mile long object known as the "Castle" which casts a distinct shadow onto the lunar surface because it is hanging at the height of 14 kilometres. Explanations as to their origin and purpose remain inconclusive.

A mission control specialist has commented on some of the NASA photographs stating that "Our guys observed ruins of the Lunar cities, transparent pyramids, domes and God knows what else, which are currently hidden deep inside the NASA safes... " Given access to the archives, some scientists and geologists who have had the rare opportunity to study the many anomalies present in the images have concluded that such objects cannot have been formed naturally, saying that "we should admit they are artificial, especially the domes and pyramids."xi

According to some researchers, a Moon base named "Luna" was spotted and filmed by the Apollo astronauts which Bill Cooper believes to be a joint United States, Russian and alien base. He claims that photographs were taken showing "domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge "T" shaped mining vehicles which left stitch-like tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft." But Cooper has also written that man probably landed on the Moon sometime during the mid-fifties, explaining that "at the time when President Kennedy stated that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the end of the decade we already had a base there."

A construction surrounded with a tall D-shaped wall was discovered not far from the landing site of Apollo 15 in the upper part of Rima Hadley and near the Tiho crater. Concentric hexahedral rock excavations resembling terraces including a tunnel entrance have been discovered which appear to be open cast mines. An unusual dome structure which glows blue and white from within, has been found raised above the edge of the Copernicus crater, which is 300 metres wide and 400 metres long. A disc with a diameter of roughly 50 metres has been seen standing on a square basement surrounded with rhombi walls in the upper part of what is known as the Factory area. Close to these walls, a dark round opening in the ground can be seen, resembling some form of entrance. It is said that presently unknown artefacts have been discovered in 44 different regions on the Moon which are being investigated by the Houston Planetary Institute and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

An official press-release was reported in Russian newspaper Vecherny Volgograd which said "NASA scientists and engineers participating in exploration of Mars and Moon reported results of their discoveries at the Washington National Press Club on March 21, 1996. It was announced for the first time that man-caused structures and objects had been discovered on the Moon."xii

Later that day on March 21, a radio interview took place on 'Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell' with Richard Hoagland and another former NASA employee Ken Johnston. Art Bell set up the interview in an attempt to discover what had really taken place earlier that day at the seemingly under-reported press briefing at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. The briefing was arranged to openly discuss and bring to light the information kept secret by NASA regarding the structures and possible ancient ruins discovered on the Moon during the Apollo missions.

Bell had been informed by the National Press Club that there were around 60 guests and 18 cameras present at the briefing which included the American television network C-SPAN. Representatives of the network told Bell that they didn't cover the story because they had "other things to do" and also because they weren't told who would be there besides Hoagland. C-SPAN said "Well, we didn't cover it" but then later Bell was told that "We did cover it, but we're not going to broadcast it". A very unusual scenario considering the nature of the briefing and the fact that television networks are in place to report such briefings. As Hoagland told Art Bell during the radio interview, "Well, what I find bizarre, is if they are not going to broadcast it, why bother to show up?"xiii

Apollo archive video and photographic footage that was taken by different Apollo astronauts was demonstrated at the briefing, causing people to question why such material had been kept from the public. NASA specialists were on hand to answer their questions stating that "it was difficult to forecast the reaction of people to the information that some creatures had been or still were on the Moon. Besides, there were some other reasons to it, which were beyond NASA."xiv

Whatever the reasons that NASA continue to use to justify the ongoing procedure of deceit and denial, it is apparent to even the casual observer that honesty and integrity are not high on their agenda. From NASA's early Nazi connections to its inception as an administration, secrecy and conspiracy have been an integral part of its history. But any vigilant researcher can easily unravel the lies which have been so diligently put in place by those enforcing the strict NASA deception.

We may not have access to the many archives which have been hidden under lock and key but there remains enough material available to expose the simple fact that everything is not what it seems. Our Moon has enough anomalous aspects and scientific inconsistencies to suggest that we really know very little about our closest celestial neighbour. And the experiences and testimonies of those who have worked for NASA reveal to those of us on the outside, that what we have been told about the Apollo program and the famous Moon landings could well be inaccurate to say the very least. As time continues to pass and more and more information comes to light, it is surely only a matter of time before the truth about the Moon, Mars and the space surrounding our own planet is revealed and the secrecy can finally come to an end.

[Excerpt taken from Chapter 8 'Space Secrecy' from The Alien Enigma: Extraterrestrials - Science Fiction or Science Fact? By J.P. Robinson]

i Sagan, Dr. Carl - Intelligent Life in the Universe, 1966
ii Apollo 14: Science at Fra Mauro, p.17 quoted in Wilson, Don - Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon
iii Swann, Ingo (1998) - Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
iv Solomon, Sean C. - Astronautics publication, February 1962
v Asimov on Astronomy Mercury Press, 1963
vi John Lear interview with Project Camelot April 2nd 2008
vii Keyhoe, Major Donald E. - The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, Holt, 1955
viii Von Humboldt, Alexander - COSMOS: A Sketch Of A Physical Description Of The Universe, Vol. IV, P.438
ix Allen, Dr. P and Bellamy, H.S. - The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco, Faber & Faber, 1959.
x As reported in The Telegraph newspaper, August 6, 2009
xi http://www.ufocasebook.com/moon.html
xii http://english.pravda.ru/
xiii http://www.enterprisemission.com/tran1.html
xiv http://www.ufocasebook.com/moon.html

Check out J.P Robinson's website at - https://www.jp-robinson.com Comments (79)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #70 Posted by Trelane 3 years ago
Do you still have these images? Would you mind sharing them here for forum members to check out?
Comment icon #71 Posted by stereologist 3 years ago
AnnaNova wrote 4 posts on the first day and has not been back since.
Comment icon #72 Posted by Silver 2 years ago
I was also was intrigued by this, and have done a search. Apparently NASA did say 'the moon rang like a bell' when seismic activity was measured, but they did not mean the moon was hollow like a bell. I think it vibrated longer than the Earth would, becuase it does not have a liquid core which acts like a damper or shock absorber.
Comment icon #73 Posted by Silver 2 years ago
Cheese mould growing perhaps?
Comment icon #74 Posted by mestlc 4 months ago
I never liked the moon but I understand people's fascination with it. I think there are things it does for the planet that we have yet to even understand or discover too.  I love the conspiracies with the moon though. One of my favorites being that it isn't even real. I think this stemmed from people thinking the landing was fake. People don't realize what they showed on TV was not actual footage, it was meant to show you what happened so you could get a visual. 
Comment icon #75 Posted by ChrLzs 4 months ago
Can't really let that pass.  While there were a few animations and some still images that were used during the mission they were very obviously not real.  But the (rather low quality) video of Neil Armstrong, and all the footage of the astronauts setting up experiments and the flag, along with jumping around in 1/6 G, was all live footage, like this: They also took many high quality still images, like the title frame of that video, that augmented the video footage.
Comment icon #76 Posted by mestlc 4 months ago
From my understanding, the TV said it was not live footage. So did this come out after the fact? I was not alive for it. Just basing this off of what I was told by family as well as what I researched online.
Comment icon #77 Posted by ChrLzs 4 months ago
???  It's not that simple!  As I stated above, there were some 'animations' to help show how, for example, the LM landed on the moon.  Obviously there was no camera sitting on the moon waiting for them to arrive - BUT there was footage (very famous footage) showing the landing FROM INSIDE the LM, looking down at the surface from behind the LM's window.  That's the one where you can hear the tension, and the reports of 30 seconds fuel left, in case they had to abort. The animations back then were very primitive, very obvious and they looked exactly like little cartoons.  Everything else wa... [More]
Comment icon #78 Posted by mestlc 4 months ago
I honestly don't know what videos I have watched or sites I have read on the matter. It has been several years since I even looked into this stuff. But I could be wrong on everything. It happens.  I did find a video that I watched and it explains how they broadcasted it, seems to check out so consider me fact checked lol  
Comment icon #79 Posted by Ajay0 4 months ago
 The moon exerts a lot of beneficial influence on earth by regulating weather conditions on earth and creating a relatively stable climate by moderating the earth's wobble on its axis.  I remember reading a summary of a research paper by Soviet scientists who speculated that the moon, due to its characteristics, could be an artifact created by an ancient alien civilization to facilitate living conditions on earth.  The rich titanium content on the moon is also an another interesting fact. The Indian spacecraft's Chandrayaan 1 and Chandrayaan 2 also detected water molecules in lunar soil and... [More]

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