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Jaguar Guardian

Perception and how it influences our world

March 9, 2006 | Comment icon 20 comments
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We look out of the window and we can see the splendour of Mother Nature. The grass is green, the sky is blue, up is up and down is down. Everything is as it should be. But could it be that all of this happens because we expect it to? What if all we see only appears that way because we have been told that this is the only way it can be? What would happen if, just for a moment, everyone on the face of this wonderful planet stopped believing in the so-called Laws of Nature? Would planes fall from the sky? Would we float off into space? Would the sun stop shining? String Theory (or the Theory of Everything as it has been called) is a theory which hypothesises that all atoms at a sub-atomic level (and subsequently all matter) is made up of tiny ribbons of energy that, hypothetically, behave exactly the way that the scientists expect them to do...but the results would vary from one Scientist to another. For example, a Scientist who expected the energy to react and behave in a manner according to Einstien's Special theory of relativity would see the energy behave in exactly that way.

Conversely, a Scientist schooled in Quantum mechanics would see a very different result. What is going on?What if the reason is that the scientists themselves, i.e. their perceptions, could make the energy behave in a way that they wanted it to. If this was indeed the case then what would repercussions would that have around the world? What affect could this discovery have on our 'reality'?If all matter at its most fundamental level is in fact energy, then all the matter on Earth is energy and it is all connected. Furthermore, if this energy is behaving the way we want it to, because we expect it to, does this mean that our universe is shaped through the consciousness of the masses?This would lead us to believe that everything we see and perceive is fashioned from conditions placed on us by the preceding generations. We believe that the world is the way it is because we are told so and we are told this is the only way we can live.The question this raises at the same time, a scientific one, a spiritual one and a philosophical one. Can we alter our own Universe by believing we can? Ergo, can our perception of the physical and spiritual worlds change someone else's?The book, 'The Elegant Universe:Superstrings, Hidden dimensions and the Ultimate Theory' by Brian Greene documents the theory of Superstrings et al.It maintains that particles themselves are made up of ribbons of energy that have had their vibrational rate slowed enough so that it solidifies or manifests itself on the Physical plane.
Even though they are physical particles, at their most fundamental level they are still energy, much the same way that ice is still water even though it has solidified.This leads us to the conjecture that all energy is part of a Universal web, all humans are connected in some way, A person is connected to their mother through birth, their work colleagues through everyday contact, the trees in their garden through my activity there, which in turn are connected to the very Earth itself upon which all living things walk. This correlates the isea of energy relationships or entanglement. When two atoms ( Atoms A & B ) pass each other, the future behaviour of atom A is found to have an effect on atom B. The reason is that once the energy patterns became intertwined, they always maintained a relationship regardless of the varying degrees of space and time. Ergo, every person on the face of the Earth and for that matter all Animals and Plants, are all connected by this Universal Web of Cosmic Energy. So then can we alter the fate and behaviour of a person we met in our past by the actions we carry out today, here and now? Those of you who read this are, at this very moment, being influenced by this article whether we agree with it or not, so will your behaviour in the future affect my circumstances and vice versa? If so, in what way?Does this explain Psychic phenomena, mind reading, hundreds of accounts of Telekinesis? Maybe Astrology has a basis in the scientific world now? If the Planets at their fundamental level are all energy then surely they would have a profound affect on how we behave and go about our lives?

Maybe there is some basis in the old Superstitions, Myths and Legends of antiquity? My theory is that our own personal universes are shaped by our expectations and conditions placed upon us by our preceding generations, which are only enhanced and fortified by the media. Some people believe that we CANNOT alter matter with our minds. I'm not disagreeing with them, I've tried to do it and failed miserably. But could this be because my beliefs in what is and isn't possible are so deep rooted that its impossible to change them? And if so, is it possible to change my beliefs accordingly. Could it be that because everyone else believes the world is a particular way then their view of the world overpowers mine? What would happen if you taught a child that they could do anything from the moment it was born, would that make a difference at all? Maybe not, but then again, perception is everything. Is not beauty in the eye of the beholder? Comments (20)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #11 Posted by CanyonRunner 19 years ago
Very good article. Written by someone who "gets it". All of these ideas are supported by quantum physics and have been said through time by various philosophers. Eastern philosophy has been saying much of the same thing for centuries. Logically combining Eastern and Western philosophies, quantum physics, metaphysics, and religious philosophy can only lead to these conclusions.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Bella-Angelique 19 years ago
- Actually, the same gene that is responsible for sharks being able to detect electrical signals is, in our DNA, responsible for our facial features.... kinda makes you think!! Makes sense to me. I noticed that our adult front teeth come in on the roof of our mouths and under our tounges and move towards the front as the old ones fall out that seems somewhat shark like. That hurt and was agravating when I was a kid. I would sit in class and keep fiddling at the teeth on the roof or under my tongue with the tip of my tongue as well as the old ones as they got loose. I guess most kids did that, ... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by KidMcperson 19 years ago
wtf? that artical is wierd, maybe if we can gather 100 people that truly belive the matrix movies are true(if this artical is true)then we could get a ton of matrix people =D thad be so cool, i could be a matrix pimp guy,yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, =)
Comment icon #14 Posted by cchisum620 19 years ago
"What if the reason is that the scientists themselves, i.e. their perceptions, could make the energy behave in a way that they wanted it to. If this was indeed the case then what would repercussions would that have around the world? What affect could this discovery have on our 'reality'?If all matter at its most fundamental level is in fact energy, then all the matter on Earth is energy and it is all connected. Furthermore, if this energy is behaving the way we want it to, because we expect it to, does this mean that our universe is shaped through the consciousness of the masses?This would lea... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by noyritus 19 years ago
So... mice have a 2nd thymus because we expect it too?
Comment icon #16 Posted by CanyonRunner 19 years ago
wtf? that artical is wierd, maybe if we can gather 100 people that truly belive the matrix movies are true(if this artical is true)then we could get a ton of matrix people =D thad be so cool, i could be a matrix pimp guy,yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, =) How about some intelligent comments? For those who disagree, provide some logical discourse (with references perhaps?) that disprove the theory. Something other than video generation babble.
Comment icon #17 Posted by ZeroShadow 19 years ago
There are cosmic forces at play and the Laws of Nature are more dynamic than we realize. Rules can be bent or even broken. Most of us just don't understand how. Some of us are born with abilities that defy the Laws of Nature. i.e. telekenesis. Of course this seems like nothing but jargan to the skeptics. This partly because over the years there have been alot of hoaxes which gives a bad name to the whole concept. We believe what we believe because we perceive with our 5 senses. People who are blind don't see the world as we see it. But that doesn't mean that something that exists isn't there. ... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by jaguar_guardian 19 years ago
Very good post. Thanks guys for the comments (especially the good ones ha ha). The aim of the article was to get people thinking and talking about the endless possibilities in this existence. It seems to be working. Perhaps it could change the way we look at the world and then, who knows what could happen after that! Cheers Jags.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Blood_Libel 17 years ago
If you follow this principal then wouldn't the world still be flat? Everyones perception of it at one point was that it was flat and you could fall off the edge. Could one persons idea of it override everyone else's? I think not. Therefore I believe it proves that perception cannot affect the physical world. Just for entertainments sake, lets say that perception really can affect the world around us. The world would be torn apart by each cultures different perception of the world. Either the would would be broken and mass chaos would ensue or there would have to be multiple worlds, one for eac... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by Lt_Ripley 17 years ago
Makes sense to me. I noticed that our adult front teeth come in on the roof of our mouths and under our tounges and move towards the front as the old ones fall out that seems somewhat shark like. That hurt and was agravating when I was a kid. I would sit in class and keep fiddling at the teeth on the roof or under my tongue with the tip of my tongue as well as the old ones as they got loose. I guess most kids did that, except my sister. She ignored hers and ended up with two rows of teeth at the same time to the front of her mouth. By the time the old ones came out the new ones had tried to co... [More]

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