With all the reported cases of necrotizing fasciitis in the media and conspiracy theories on the rise surrounding t...
I recently read an article on MSN.com about a "new" hypersonic aircraft, the X-51A Waverider. As I perused the stor...
The Tomb of Seti I has the King List in which all the Pharaohs of Egypt are named all the way back into the First T...
Ghosts. I have long pondered if they truly exist or not. Although I watch many of ghost programs on television, th...
The Shining Ones. Ancient astronauts? Extraterrestrials? Although I think the ideas are interesting, I find it d...
Aliens. I understand the universe is a big place and believing that we are the only life in it is ludicrous. Howe...
Most people are of the notion that when a society or civilization is overtaken by an invading force that the intrud...
Since May 21, 2011, came and went without the dead rising and some living folks floating away, which really comes a...
I have read many times how scientists are seeking the beginnings of the universe. It is the Holy Grail of science....
Many civilizations have strikingly similar creation myths. One of the most prominent creation stories is the Chris...
Recently, I was going through some old TV shows that I had saved and ended up finding and watching a National Geogr...
A couple days ago, a local radio station changed its format after 21 years of being the ultimate (and only provider...
Recently, I was browsing my movie collection and an old 1963, black and white movie called “The Brain That Wouldn...
I like to write cyclic fiction stories. By that, I mean that how I end a story is to circle it back to the beginni...