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Microbe wakes up after 120,000 years

By T.K. Randall
June 16, 2009 · Comment icon 14 comments

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Microbes locked within the ice in Greenland for 120,000 years have awoken, the new species of bacteria was found 2 miles beneath a glacier and could hold clues to what life could exist on other planets.
After more than 120,000 years trapped beneath a block of ice in Greenland, a tiny microbe has awoken. The long-lasting bacteria may hold clues to what life forms might exist on other planets.The new bacteria species was found nearly 2 miles beneath a Greenland glacier, where temperatures can dip well below freezing, pressure soars, and food and oxygen are scarce."

Source: MSNBC | Comments (14)

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Comment icon #5 Posted by questionmark 16 years ago
In any case, it just goes to prove my fav theory about evolution: If mankind is stupid enough to blow all in pieces, somewhere there will be a microbe out of which mankind V2.0 will surge....
Comment icon #6 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 16 years ago
Hey, don't knock ancient bacteria. A little while back, people found beer tunnies with ancient bacteria in them and managed to cultivate enough to recreate beer from the middle ages. See, science does have humanities best interest at heart. I'll toast to that! *Raises medieval beer*
Comment icon #7 Posted by SQLserver 16 years ago
Crap, thats just wonderful, ancient bacteria with modern antibiotics probably not affecting them in any way. Actually, they are probably more vulnerable, as their population has built no real resistance to them. The bacteria we really have to fear are the new bugs that are unaffected by a number of our drugs, thanks to evolutionary change. -SQLserver
Comment icon #8 Posted by SpIdErCyDe 16 years ago
Actually, they are probably more vulnerable, as their population has built no real resistance to them. The bacteria we really have to fear are the new bugs that are unaffected by a number of our drugs, thanks to evolutionary change. -SQLserver I remember reading a recent article about...I believe it was a sea sponge, or something off the coast of Australia that when combined with modern antibiotics it radically reduced modern bacteria's resistance levels to drugs.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Steve-P 16 years ago
its truly fascinating stuff, but you wont see it on the news, im fed up of all news being about celebreities and ****. offtopc i know.
Comment icon #10 Posted by tlsmith1138 16 years ago
Now we'll find out what wiped out the sabertooth, mammoth and their buddies.
Comment icon #11 Posted by shaka5 16 years ago
Now we'll find out what wiped out the sabertooth, mammoth and their buddies. might wipe us off too, lmao
Comment icon #12 Posted by MirrorImage 16 years ago
Dont over react to this until the men in the black suits come to drag you off for some microbe testing. lol
Comment icon #13 Posted by Copasetic 16 years ago
Actually, they are probably more vulnerable, as their population has built no real resistance to them. The bacteria we really have to fear are the new bugs that are unaffected by a number of our drugs, thanks to evolutionary change. -SQLserver Spot on SQL. I remember reading a recent article about...I believe it was a sea sponge, or something off the coast of Australia that when combined with modern antibiotics it radically reduced modern bacteria's resistance levels to drugs. We have lots of drugs that enhance the effects of antibiotics. They aren't really new. For instance, clavulanic acid w... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by Ins0mniac 16 years ago
After more than 120,000 years trapped beneath a block of ice in Greenland, a tiny microbe has awoken. Poor buggers. I hate it when I oversleep.

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