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Breakthrough pill to help people live to 100

By T.K. Randall
February 5, 2010 · Comment icon 37 comments

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Experts have announced a breakthrough pill that is believed to be able to help people live until they are at least 100.
The pill is based on immitating the effects of three super-genes that make people 20 times more likely to live to be 100 and 80 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's or other similar diseases. The new pill is expected to be ready for testing within three years.
A pill to help people live to 100 free from debilitating health problems is set to "revolutionise" ageing, experts said yesterday. The breakthrough has come after scientists identified three “super-genes”.

Source: Daily Express | Comments (37)

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Comment icon #28 Posted by Pinx 15 years ago
I was thinking the same thing. But then I'm feeling to lazy to read the article and will admit I don't know THAT much about the topic. But... if we can make pills that altar your genes now... shouldn't we be starting to find cures for MANY things soon? No, the pills don't alter your genes. They replicate the effects of the genes of potential centenarians.
Comment icon #29 Posted by REBEL 15 years ago
what if it gave you cancer? what if it ****ed with your brain and you became a vegetable afterwards? What if you OD on em? Keep the receipt(proof of purchase)for your 30 day money back guarantee?
Comment icon #30 Posted by Siara 15 years ago
*snip*, jews arent a breed of human. Judaism is a religion That particular group of Jews is more like a breed than most. The community has been tightly knit with NO outside genetic "pollution" for centuries-- a combination of being ostracized by the Christian community and willfully keeping to themselves. Scientists have used that group for other genetic studies because they don't have as many genetic variations to confuse the results.
Comment icon #31 Posted by Codehook 15 years ago
That particular group of Jews is more like a breed than most. The community has been tightly knit with NO outside genetic "pollution" for centuries-- a combination of being ostracized by the Christian community and willfully keeping to themselves. Scientists have used that group for other genetic studies because they don't have as many genetic variations to confuse the results. So they're in-bred?
Comment icon #32 Posted by Shadow_of_Man 15 years ago
Funny this is called a "breakthrough". People so afraid of dying they'll do anything to live longer. I guess just the Christians anyway, after all they only live one life and if they are afraid of dying, we know where most of them are going, don't we.
Comment icon #33 Posted by odds022 15 years ago
I don't think i would want to live that long either way. I have a great grandmother who is 96 and fiercely independent and mobile for her age. But most are not that lucky and are able to do little to nothing for themselves. I don't see the thought of having people having to help me wash, eat, walk, etc appealing at all.
Comment icon #34 Posted by Siara 15 years ago
I don't think i would want to live that long either way. I have a great grandmother who is 96 and fiercely independent and mobile for her age. But most are not that lucky and are able to do little to nothing for themselves. I don't see the thought of having people having to help me wash, eat, walk, etc appealing at all. Well hey... if you can wish to be 100 you can wish to be 100 and somewhat physically functional. I guess from having known my great grandma I would say that very old people are valuable. If certain segments of the population are too stupid to recognize that fact it doesn't mean... [More]
Comment icon #35 Posted by DieChecker 15 years ago
if it was affordable, I would definately take it. If it had statistical testing that showed it improved life style in old age, why not take it? Would you rather be old and infirm, or be able bodied? It is idiotic to be against... like being against vaccines as an adult because they supposedly cause autism in toddlers. (Which was proven to be bunk this week by the way!) Why risk living a long time in pain and suffering when you can live in better health. It is like saying, "Why go to the dentist? My teeth will rot eventually anyway. Better to be in pain from toothaches and infections." As to th... [More]
Comment icon #36 Posted by Deceiver 15 years ago
I always have a quick chuckle at comments such as "Who would wanna live that long?" or "Oh, that is so wrong!" I wonder why you would let science allow you to live up to 70 - 80 years old but not to a 100. Do you have any imagination at all? There's so much things to do in life that you won't be able to do in such a short lifespan... A whole universe to explore for example. Not all old people are sick, depressed and lonely individuals guys...That's just another stereotype. Maybe this little pill can keep us fit instead of sick and weak so I ask myself: "Why not?" If this pill works and you don... [More]
Comment icon #37 Posted by KonjoNashiPirate 15 years ago
What if you took two of those pills?

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