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Metaphysics & Psychology

Unlocking the mysteries of Einstein's genius

By T.K. Randall
June 4, 2010 · Comment icon 4 comments

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
In a controversial move Thomas Harvey who performed an autopsy on Einstein removed his brain and made off with it.
Harvey believed that is was his duty to use the brain to unlock the secrets of Einstein's genius. It was a questionnable move and one which lost him his job and saw him denounced by his colleagues, but what happened next ?
In the 55 years since Albert Einstein's death, many scientists have tried to figure out what made him so smart. But no one tried harder than a pathologist named Thomas Harvey, who lost his job and his reputation in a quest to unlock the secrets of Einstein's genius.

Source: NPR | Comments (4)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Paracelse 14 years ago
Meanwhile, most people are missing injection of "glutamate" for more neurotransmissions. On the other hand, it could mean that all the people who are called weirdos: psychics, voyants etc.. who are able to perceive paranormal events are geniuses?
Comment icon #2 Posted by Razer 14 years ago
Yet another story about Einstein, possibly the most overated scientist of all time.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Fernand0 14 years ago
Yet another story about Einstein, possibly the most overated scientist of all time. Einstein is elementary school for me. Certainly not overrated, just becoming outdated.
Comment icon #4 Posted by tadpole16 14 years ago
Einstein got alot of his ideas from the under-credited Nikola Tesla who was the real genius, he was way smarter than albert he was just before his time and thomas edison took all his credit.

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