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Computers that read minds are being developed

By T.K. Randall
August 23, 2010 · Comment icon 15 comments

Image Credit: LeRoy N. Sanchez
New mind-reading technology is being developed that could allow you to type a letter by simply thinking the words.
Scientists at Intel are working on the new system that will create and recognise patterns in brain activity to determine what words someone is thinking and translate those to the computer screen.
New technology could allow people to dictate letters and search the internet simply by thinking, according to researchers at Intel who are behind the project.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (15)

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Comment icon #6 Posted by GreyWeather 14 years ago
Well. I know what the most popular sites'll be.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Pinx 14 years ago
This will mostly be a novelty at first, for sure. You'll have to train the software, much like a speech recognition program, only it will probably take much longer. Honestly, I don't see this becoming faster than typing for a while. ETA, to those concerned about privacy: This will be no different than physically typing your searches into google and getting keyword related ads. In that sense, they're already in your heads. *cue spooky music*
Comment icon #8 Posted by TheCelt 14 years ago
The cool thing is when they learn to read minds, they will be able to implant thoughts. Imagine taking a vacation across the world and experiencing it as vividly as actually being there, but in reality you are hooked up to a computer. Lots of posibilities when computers can directly interact with brain chemistry.
Comment icon #9 Posted by BaneSilvermoon 14 years ago
But there's no interacting with brain chemistry .... or anything else here. It's essentially "reading you're expression", only it's not coming from your face. I also have my doubts that this will even ever work properly. As much as I like to say we're all the same... on a detailed level to that degree I don't think we do all work the same way. I mean. Take somebody like Mattshark (I know, pulling a name up that's not even in the thread) and someone who is afraid of sharks. I'd be willing to bet when the two of them think the word shark, they don't fire off the exact same areas of their brains.
Comment icon #10 Posted by olympic1 14 years ago
this is the devils work
Comment icon #11 Posted by fireIIC 14 years ago
Access to our minds... the really scares the **** out of me, it really does. Makes the idea of Big Brother and control of the masses an even more feasible thing. What's to stop people from reading other peoples minds? This is really some scary technology that will fundamentally change our world. We need to approach this with extreme caution.
Comment icon #12 Posted by mitchall 14 years ago
To be honest, privacy concerns have still not been addressed with currrent technology. I honestly do not think this is a great idea, since companies could have a lot of information about us, if access to our minds is allowed. MAN!!! I bet the government is jumping up and down with joy after hearing this news,get ready for The "GULAGS " To be opening up
Comment icon #13 Posted by BaneSilvermoon 14 years ago
*shakes head*
Comment icon #14 Posted by dr.nabih 14 years ago
it needs so much time to do such system ...maybe 1000 years....u can still understand the primitive language of brain waves...but not the whole code...it's a very complicated thing ...even me sometimes i can't understand how my brain works...lol..or what he wants or think off..lol
Comment icon #15 Posted by booNyzarC 14 years ago
The potentially beneficial uses of such a thing are tremendous if they can actually achieve the end goal.

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