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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Chupacabra blamed for 300 goat beheadings

By T.K. Randall
September 4, 2010 · Comment icon 26 comments

Image Credit: sxc.hu
Over the last two months over 300 goats in Mexico have been mysteriously decapitated by someone or something.
Very little blood at the scene of the slaughters has lead many locals to blame the Chupacabra - a legendary creature thought to be responsible for numerous killings of livestock earning it the nickname "goat sucker".
Shepherds in Mexico are up in arms -- or heads, as the case may be -- over a rash of beheadings inflicted on their goats, and many people are blaming the legendary predator known as the chupacabra.

Source: AOL News | Comments (26)

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Comment icon #17 Posted by pinOi32 15 years ago
yup, I saw some blood in the pictures too. just looks like some humans cut the goat's throats
Comment icon #18 Posted by quillius 15 years ago
If they were killed in the place as shown in the picture then the 'killer' would have to move like lightening as once the first is attacked surely the others would not stand around waiting for their turn? If however whoever found the dead bodies brought them to the said location to be photgraphed then again the question needs answering is why is there pools of blood near the cut throat if it is thought the animal drained their blood! have i missed something here?
Comment icon #19 Posted by pennywise4321 15 years ago
i personally believe it is a creature i doubt someone or a group of people would be able to decapitate 300 goats in one night without someone noticing.When distressed goats make a hell of a lot of noise. I used to live next to a farm and whenever we went past the goat pen while walking the dogs they made a huge racket. Also wouldn't it be much easier to just kill the farmer. I mean it's Mexico not the USA just stating my opinion
Comment icon #20 Posted by Rocketgirl33 15 years ago
How would one go about finding out if the farmers get paid for the dead goats? There was a time in the US that if a farmers cows were found to be slaughtered by any "unseen force" they would get re-enbursed for the dead animal at a little less than the going rate of per lb beef on the hoof. Maybe these people are just trying to get paid for goats that they can no longer aford to feed or care for. Maybe they will get paid in some way by the news aganecies reporting on it? Maybe it was a good way to get rid of them and get paid and be in the news all at the same time...... Rocketgirl
Comment icon #21 Posted by JohnSage 15 years ago
T How would one go about finding out if the farmers get paid for the dead goats? There was a time in the US that if a farmers cows were found to be slaughtered by any "unseen force" they would get re-enbursed for the dead animal at a little less than the going rate of per lb beef on the hoof. Maybe these people are just trying to get paid for goats that they can no longer aford to feed or care for. Maybe they will get paid in some way by the news aganecies reporting on it? Maybe it was a good way to get rid of them and get paid and be in the news all at the same time...... Rocketgirl Oooh, now... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Drunkenparrot 15 years ago
T Oooh, now this is a theory I can get behind. Great point. I'm curious, what do you see in the AOL article that makes it easier to believe that a group of goat herders conspired to kill their livestock in order to collect a non existent government compensation rather than somebody took a photo of some freshly butchered goats in a Pueblan villa and made up a fun story about chupacabras that is now making its way around the internet?
Comment icon #23 Posted by DieChecker 15 years ago
The article also mentions that the locals suspected it might be a nagual which is kind of like a shapechanger, or a witch of some kind. A witch might have cut the necks of goats and taken blood. Who knows why, but clearly this is not the normal chupacabras MO.
Comment icon #24 Posted by fatbadger2 15 years ago
I'm curious, what do you see in the AOL article that makes it easier to believe that a group of goat herders conspired to kill their livestock in order to collect a non existent government compensation rather than somebody took a photo of some freshly butchered goats in a Pueblan villa and made up a fun story about chupacabras that is now making its way around the internet? Case closed...next!
Comment icon #25 Posted by The Unseen 15 years ago
Does not look like what we found before,Goats necks were slit in those pictures.Some one out there is killing those farmers goats with a buck knife and blaming the chupacarbra.Yes Mexico has people who go around killing goats like that,I have even heard some people use goats as practice victims,cause its the closes thing to cutting a human.sounds far fetched but I wouldnt put it passed some people.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Harriet The Ripperologist 15 years ago
It's a pretty weird looking beastie on the video - any ideas what it is?

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