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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Chupacabra explained by evolution ?

By T.K. Randall
October 31, 2010 · Comment icon 13 comments

Image Credit: Steve Jurvetson
Scientists may have solved the mystery of the goat-sucking chupacabra through evolution.
Most recent chupacabra sightings have turned out to be coyotes with mange, scientists have contested that the condition may result in those animals attacking livestock in a way that has been up until now attributed to the legendary creature.
Since chupacabras are likely mangy coyotes, this explains why the creatures are often reported attacking livestock. "Animals with mange are often quite debilitated," OConnor said. "And if they're having a hard time catching their normal prey, they might choose livestock, because it's easier. "

Source: National Geographic | Comments (13)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #4 Posted by earlizd1 14 years ago
everything is wrong with this ... 1,chupacabra is bipedal 2,chupacabra resembles a reptile 3,there is talk of chupacabra being able to fly without the use of wings I know people from puerto rico and these claims of it looking like a mangy dog it flat-out wrong :angry2: How can they try to explain something if they even get the story right
Comment icon #5 Posted by Eldorado 14 years ago
A scientific explanation for a cryptid. Will it be accepted by crypto-hunters? Don't be silly.
Comment icon #6 Posted by GypsyWolf 14 years ago
THANK YOU EARLIZD1. The REAL Chupacabre is NOT a dog, coyote, fox, or any mangy critter. It is a reptilian looking thing, supposedly. Here in Texas almost everyone has had a 'chuppie' sighting. Its usually just a xolo dog or me out walking my coy-dog.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Agent. Mulder 14 years ago
THANK YOU EARLIZD1. The REAL Chupacabre is NOT a dog, coyote, fox, or any mangy critter. It is a reptilian looking thing, supposedly. Here in Texas almost everyone has had a 'chuppie' sighting. Its usually just a xolo dog or me out walking my coy-dog. No kidding. A mangey type of hyrbid canid isnt a bipedal lizard like creature. The "southern states sucker" isnt the original chupa that was supposedly sighted. "In almost all these cases, the monsters have turned out to be coyotes suffering from very severe cases of mange, a painful, potentially fatal skin disease that can cause the animals' hai... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by Eldorado 14 years ago
If it's reptilian it could belong to the Illuminati. Their pets, for example.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Agent. Mulder 14 years ago
If it's reptilian it could belong to the Illuminati. Their pets, for example. Exactly. "Evolution", my Butt.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Reverend Clog 14 years ago
Exactly. "Evolution", my Butt. I went to see the illuminati at blackpool in England. It was very cold and I found them to be soulless representations, exerting a strange power over passers by. They are on every year from August 'til November, one of them is an Egyptian sarcophagus and another might have owls and Donald Rumsfeld on it.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Eldorado 14 years ago
I went to see the illuminati at blackpool in England. It was very cold and I found them to be soulless representations, exerting a strange power over passers by. They are on every year from August 'til November, one of them is an Egyptian sarcophagus and another might have owls and Donald Rumsfeld on it.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Moonshine 14 years ago
everything is wrong with this ... 1,chupacabra is bipedal 2,chupacabra resembles a reptile 3,there is talk of chupacabra being able to fly without the use of wings I know people from puerto rico and these claims of it looking like a mangy dog it flat-out wrong :angry2: How can they try to explain something if they even get the story right I thought the Chupacabra was a huge fluffy thing? Or am I getting confused with Big Foot? :l
Comment icon #13 Posted by Agent. Mulder 14 years ago
I thought the Chupacabra was a huge fluffy thing? Or am I getting confused with Big Foot? :l Well, the chupa isnt fluffy. So, you did confuse it with this!

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