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Creationist 'ark' park angers scientists

By T.K. Randall
December 7, 2010 · Comment icon 59 comments

A $150 million amusement park based on Noah's Ark is going to be developed in Kentucky.
Scientists have criticised the move by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear in announcing the new park that will feature a full-scale ark with model dinosaurs and will be built in partnership with creationism group "Answers in Genesis".
Kentucky scientists are slamming Governor Steve Beshear's (D) announcement yesterday that the state is partnering with Answers in Genesis (AIG), a creationism group, to create "Ark Encounter," a park related to Noah's Ark.

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Comment icon #50 Posted by _MagixX_ 14 years ago
"View PostCella, on 08 December 2010 - 10:34 PM, said: Yes, because science explains's almost...all knowing..." If this were true, there would be no mysteries. Why be interested in unexplained mysteries? The fact is- science is completely limited by our limited base of knowledge as well as our limited technology. We only seem advanced because we are more advanced than ever before, but there was a time when the world's leading scientists believed that the earth was flat. By no means does science explain everything. Science is incredibly limited, actually. Science is limited to t... [More]
Comment icon #51 Posted by Beckys_Mom 14 years ago
They shouldn't call it Ark Park... no no no good grief noooo thats so old hat they should call it - Evan Almighty Theme park LOL besides they would make more money that way... If they were to build a Eden park...I can't help but wonder where they would locate it ha ha
Comment icon #52 Posted by Beckys_Mom 14 years ago
my thoughts exactly.... You'd think that with the goverment trying to save money ...they wouldnt waste some on a park
Comment icon #53 Posted by Blizno 14 years ago
They shouldn't call it Ark Park... no no no good grief noooo thats so old hat they should call it - Evan Almighty Theme park LOL besides they would make more money that way... If they were to build a Eden park...I can't help but wonder where they would locate it ha ha I KNOW that Evan Almighty was directed by God. I watched while Morgan Freeman Himself Commanded Evan to build the Ark. I saw it with my own eyes! It MUST be true!
Comment icon #54 Posted by Beckys_Mom 14 years ago
I KNOW that Evan Almighty was directed by God. I watched while Morgan Freeman Himself Commanded Evan to build the Ark. I saw it with my own eyes! It MUST be true! Now where was Hollywood in the days of our lord huh?? would have saved a lot of hassle lol
Comment icon #55 Posted by Blizno 14 years ago
Now where was Hollywood in the days of our lord huh?? would have saved a lot of hassle lol That was when Charlton Heston was relating Biblical truths...or was that a little bit after 0 BC? It was so long ago...
Comment icon #56 Posted by mgessel 14 years ago
As for me I believe that taking kids to church is a form of child abuse you are pushing kids to do something they dont want to do its essentially molesting and raping minds. And most parents bribe their kids to go to church anyways, I've worked at a fast food place and the sales of kids meals triple right after church lets out and every one of them where all dressed up
Comment icon #57 Posted by Beckys_Mom 14 years ago
That was when Charlton Heston was relating Biblical truths...or was that a little bit after 0 BC? It was so long ago... Was he you think the movies the ten commandments is relating to actual truths?
Comment icon #58 Posted by Agent X 14 years ago
It always amuses me when theists lament over skeptics having a closed mind, it is them that have a closed mind because they cannot even conceive of the possibility that they are wrong, let alone the fact that there is no such thing as God and god does not exist.
Comment icon #59 Posted by Blizno 14 years ago
It always amuses me when theists lament over skeptics having a closed mind, it is them that have a closed mind because they cannot even conceive of the possibility that they are wrong, let alone the fact that there is no such thing as God and god does not exist. The merest possibility that their flavor of religion could possibly fail to be 100% true would plunge their entire lives into chaos. Everything that they rely upon to explain reality would lose all authority. On the other hand, the possibility that Pan has arranged the Universe to confound humans would plunge the non-theists into a new... [More]

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