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Archaeology & History

Pompeii skeletons reveal secrets

By T.K. Randall
December 15, 2010 · Comment icon 7 comments

Image Credit: Crew Creative
The remains of those who died in the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii continue to yield new insights.
Scientists examining the skeletons and the places in which they've been found have discovered clues in to the lives of those who perished in AD79 including everything from health care to the division between the rich and the poor.
The basement storeroom under a large agricultural depot in the little suburb of Oplontis was full of pomegranates. To many of the Pompeiians trying to find shelter from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, it must have seemed strong and safe.

Source: BBC News | Comments (7)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by VampireHeart 14 years ago
Very interesting read. Thank you for the post.
Comment icon #2 Posted by marcos anthony toledo 14 years ago
Finally the charge of sysphis coming from American natives can be put to rest it was in Europle long before the 15th century thou I have heard of it going back to the 7th century BC on the BBC years ago I have also heard the East Asian skelltens being found at Herclanium perhaps from China. One awaits new surpises from Pompeii in the future.
Comment icon #3 Posted by 27vet 14 years ago
Poor Pompeians. It seems like they were a very advanced civilisation for the time.
Comment icon #4 Posted by tipotep 14 years ago
Interesting thread , thanks for sharing . TIP
Comment icon #5 Posted by electro13 14 years ago
I saw a documentary saying that, because people knew next to nothing about volcanoes in those times, that even when Mt Vesuvius was erupting hard out, most, if not all Pompeiians just went about their day as normal. No evacuation plans you see. That's why there's no record of anybody having survived. Sad.
Comment icon #6 Posted by 27vet 14 years ago
Didn't one guy in jail survive?
Comment icon #7 Posted by electro13 14 years ago
Oh, good question. I think that guy was in the nearby town of Herculanium. I wonder if they made him stay in jail?

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