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Warlock allowed to break curfew on full moon

By T.K. Randall
March 13, 2011 · Comment icon 19 comments

Image Credit: ShahMai Network
A 52-year-old warlock sentenced to stay indoors has been permitted to go out on a full moon.
Cerwyn Jones was sentenced to stay indoors between the hours of 7pm and 7am after being caught carrying a ceremonial knife in a pub, however magistrates agreed to lift the restriction on four nights so that he can go out and practice his faith.
During the full moon, ‘magic’ ceremonies are performed and the gods and goddesses of Wicca are honoured. These ceremonies may be officiated by a chosen warlock and most groups meet at least once a month, timing celebrations to coincide with the full moon.

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (19)

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Comment icon #10 Posted by norwood1026 14 years ago
As a Pagan I think think this story is bunk Just the face that they used the term Warlock make's this group a bunch of wannabes. As someone else said it's a term for someone who was kicked out for breaking the rules of a covern.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Taut 14 years ago
I have never ceased to be amazed at the endless variety of behaviors that humans are capable of, especially the really unconscious one's, it's just awesome. Sometimes all you can do is just shake your head.
Comment icon #12 Posted by rashore 14 years ago
I'm sort of curious what type of ceremony happens in a pub. Most practitioners I know don't carry their ceremonial objects around with them when going to the bar, or in public in general. Or have the tendency to go to the pub on the same evening of a ceremony. I'm not doubting the guys faith.. but this is kind of fishy to me.
Comment icon #13 Posted by SilverCougar 14 years ago
As a Pagan I think think this story is bunk Just the face that they used the term Warlock make's this group a bunch of wannabes. As someone else said it's a term for someone who was kicked out for breaking the rules of a covern. It's england dear... they tend to call many things different then we here.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Wyrdlight 14 years ago
Wait, so Sikhs are alowed to carry thier little curved blades, but Wiccans are not? Seems highly one sided to me. The law in the UK states. "Any Fixed blade or non-fixed blade with a lnegth in excess of three inches is automaticly considered an offensive weapon unless the defendant can prove otherwise". Essentially, a fixed blade, or non-fixed blade greater than 3 inches is assumed to be "offensive" and you will be arrested if found carrying one unless you can prove you have a legitimate reason for carrying it. Any non-fixed blade under 3 inches, like the smaller swiss army knife for example i... [More]
Comment icon #15 Posted by NavyDoc 14 years ago
Wait, so Sikhs are alowed to carry thier little curved blades, but Wiccans are not? Seems highly one sided to me. The law in the UK states. "Any Fixed blade or non-fixed blade with a lnegth in excess of three inches is automaticly considered an offensive weapon unless the defendant can prove otherwise". Essentially, a fixed blade, or non-fixed blade greater than 3 inches is assumed to be "offensive" and you will be arrested if found carrying one unless you can prove you have a legitimate reason for carrying it. Any non-fixed blade under 3 inches, like the smaller swiss army knife for example i... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Wyrdlight 14 years ago
Even better: change the law so that people are not charged with carrying an inanimate object, but rather for what they do with said object. If the knife is in his pocket and he is not bothering anyone, he should be left alone. Well, there are issues with that. With that rule I could walk around with a sawn off shotgun in my jacket and as long as I did not point it at anyone its fine. The law as it stands is fine, its just how its interpreted by the police thats wrong in many cases. In truth, there is no need whatsoever to carry are large knife around unless its needed by your job, your gardeni... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by NavyDoc 14 years ago
Well, there are issues with that. With that rule I could walk around with a sawn off shotgun in my jacket and as long as I did not point it at anyone its fine. The law as it stands is fine, its just how its interpreted by the police thats wrong in many cases. In truth, there is no need whatsoever to carry are large knife around unless its needed by your job, your gardening, camping etc. Any job that needs a blade in todays world (barring certain situation like i mentioned) can be met with a small 2 inch folding blade, which does not contravene Brtish law. Shrug. I think British law has erred t... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by Wyrdlight 14 years ago
Shrug. I think British law has erred too far on the side of blaming the object and into more of a bliss-ninny land. How much more dangerous is a 3 inch blade than a 2 inch blade? What makes a 2 inched fixed blade more dangerous than a 2 inch folder? And notice, all of those laws have not prevented knife deaths, which is why they keep asking for more knife laws. I am liscensed to carry a pistol every day and not once has it fired itself. A 2 inch blade is less dangerous because three inches of penetration are needed to reach vital organs and kill in a single stirke (barring a stab to the throat... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by jaguarsky 13 years ago
Although the word warlock was used often in the article, the gentlman in question did not apparently refer to himself as such. Just more ignorant and lazy journalism.

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