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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Expert claims El Chupacabra mystery solved

By T.K. Randall
March 25, 2011 · Comment icon 90 comments

Image Credit: PD
Author Benjamin Radford believes El Chupacabra is but a left-over memory from a science fiction movie.
Managing editor of the journal The Skeptical Inquirer Radford is no stranger to unusual stories, he has managed to trace the first physical description of the creature to a sketch made by an eyewitness in 1995 which was made in the same year as the movie "Species" was released. The human/alien hybrid featured in the film he noticed was very similar indeed to the Chupacabra sketch.
Benjamin Radford, author of several books on monsters and paranormal phenomena, managing editor of the journal The Skeptical Inquirer and LiveScience columnist, has released what he says to be definitive proof that El Chupacabra is not real; it's not even a hoax, he said, but rather a leftover memory of a science-fiction film.

Source: Fox News | Comments (90)

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Comment icon #81 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
Did anybody see news a bout two weeks ago.It was on a local station.It seems like two animals was discovered on the beach in New York state about 30 miles apart.They showed both on screen one was swollen quite abit been in water a long time.The other was identical to the hairless animal they are seeing in southwest and central states.As most of you are calling them mangy coyotes and hairless everything.
Comment icon #82 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
What if the predater didnt suck the blood from a goat first.Would it still be called a chuppacabra.Does the spanish have a name for a hog sucker are a cow sucker deer sucker or horse sucker.I never heard that name until 95.Just think most movies are based on a real occurence.Naturally they change the aperance to make it look more scary.Even if they know all the facts they change the thinking it will look better on screen.Im sure most of you want remember the first movie they made about a BIGFOOT. It was based on a real story that happend in extreme south western Arkansas.I for got the year bu... [More]
Comment icon #83 Posted by Agent. Mulder 14 years ago
Did anybody see news a bout two weeks ago.It was on a local station.It seems like two animals was discovered on the beach in New York state about 30 miles apart.They showed both on screen one was swollen quite abit been in water a long time.The other was identical to the hairless animal they are seeing in southwest and central states.As most of you are calling them mangy coyotes and hairless everything. Can you find a link?
Comment icon #84 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
I dont know how to find the link.I watch the news on Fox ABC CBS NBC it was on one of them networks.
Comment icon #85 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
II was just on a different site about exstinct animals.The sight said that the thylacine-tasmanian tiger was hunted into extinction. It is amazing the simalarity of this animal to the hairless four legged chupa in Az. Tex. and other central statesThe front legs are a lot shorter than the rear. The ears are not as big as a large dog or coyote.Also the tail as much longer than a dogs or coyote.The snout is longer than a dog of its size With no hair and dark skin it would look just like the chupa pictures comming from Texas.Go on that site and compare.
Comment icon #86 Posted by Agent. Mulder 14 years ago
II was just on a different site about exstinct animals.The sight said that the thylacine-tasmanian tiger was hunted into extinction. It is amazing the simalarity of this animal to the hairless four legged chupa in Az. Tex. and other central statesThe front legs are a lot shorter than the rear. The ears are not as big as a large dog or coyote.Also the tail as much longer than a dogs or coyote.The snout is longer than a dog of its size With no hair and dark skin it would look just like the chupa pictures comming from Texas.Go on that site and compare. I highly doubt the extinct (supposedly) thyl... [More]
Comment icon #87 Posted by moonspellkitty 14 years ago
i love how they stuck pics of the montauk monster in with the chupacabra....
Comment icon #88 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
Your right it is highly unlikely however 20 years ago there was no such thing as coyotes in the east.Now there is coyotes in every state east of the Miss. River thanks to peta who will not admit it.Also the wolves in the west was extinct a few years ago thanks to the ranchers that killed them off.Now theve made a come back thanks to peta and other groups.I saw a black wolf in AZ. in 2006. I also saw one in Ark. in 91. If you wonder why i have been in so many states its because iam a Gold Prospecter/treasure hunter.Thats why i am in the woods a lot and see things other people dont usually see.
Comment icon #89 Posted by Flashbelieve 14 years ago
Your right it is highly unlikely however 20 years ago there was no such thing as coyotes in the east.Now there is coyotes in every state east of the Miss. River thanks to peta who will not admit it.Also the wolves in the west was extinct a few years ago thanks to the ranchers that killed them off.Now theve made a come back thanks to peta and other groups.I saw a black wolf in AZ. in 2006. I also saw one in Ark. in 91. If you wonder why i have been in so many states its because iam a Gold Prospecter/treasure hunter.Thats why i am in the woods a lot and see things other people dont usually see.
Comment icon #90 Posted by psyche101 14 years ago
That could be a good explaination, but I've never heard of these "giant coatis" before. Wiki (not the best source, I know) says they get around 2 feet (27 inches) long in the body and can weigh up to 8 kg. The coati ranchero describes is much longer and at least double the weight. That is still pretty big though. He also offers several candidates over a few pages.

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