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Mystery radiation detected across Europe

By T.K. Randall
November 13, 2011 · Comment icon 29 comments

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Nuclear officials are trying to locate the source of mysterious radiation picked up in Europe this week.
While the levels are too low to pose a health risk, officials are keen to identify where the radiation is coming from. The type of radiation could have only been produced in either a nuclear power plant or through the testing of nuclear weapons, it is believed that it it did not originate at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant.
The hunt is on for the source of low level radiation detected in the atmosphere "across Europe" over the past several days, nuclear officials said today.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (29)

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Comment icon #20 Posted by badeskov 13 years ago
According to the article, iodine-131 has an "estimated half-life of about eight days" yet "were detected by the Czech Republic's State Office for Nuclear Safety starting two weeks ago" (if they're being straightforward about this). With an 8 day shelf life, this "leak" is active. They have also turned this up "in other locations across Europe" so it may be in the air... Not necessarily. The half-life time of a radioactive isotope just means that if you start out with x amount, after the half-life time you will have 1/2x left. The articles mentions nothing about constant or declining levels, so... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by badeskov 13 years ago
If it was a nuclear bomb test, one would think a seismic footprint would have been identified. It would indeed, immediately! A leaking reactor, sufficient enough to breech all containment barriers would also be hard to cover up. Not only that, I would also think you more longer lasting radioactive isotopes would have been found. I'm going with mishandling of spent nuclear fuel, possibly at a recycling facility. I like the medical isotope breach idea Cheers, Badeskov
Comment icon #22 Posted by Mike 215 13 years ago
In the 1950s a nuclear waste dump in the Urals blew up resutling in a radioactive cloud that covered hundreds of square miles. This accident was kept secret for more then 30 years and the Russian government has still not admitted it happened. We only learned about it when Russian scientists were allowed to leave the country and they told the rest of world what happened. These scientists pointed out that although the accident was secret, there were references in the scientific literature, but you had to be a Russian scientist to know where to look and how to interpret the articles. For example ... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by Mike 215 13 years ago
PS - you can read about the accident on google: nuclear accident Urals. It is called the Kyshtym disaster and took place on Sept. 21, 1957 and took the lives of an esimated 8000 people.
Comment icon #24 Posted by Rye17 13 years ago
This wouldn't have anything to do with what ever China is building out there in the dessert would it?
Comment icon #25 Posted by Still Waters 13 years ago
Update - A Hungarian manufacturer of medical radioactive substances was 'most probably' the source of increased radiation levels measured in several European countries in the past weeks, the U.N.nuclear agency said last night.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Reality2011 13 years ago
Perhaps you think many people dont die a year from brain tumors caused by cell phones/cell towers. Maybe you dont know the number of people who die a year because they use a laptop on their lap, or dont use an extendable usb keyboard. Without taking into consideration a vast number of devices around you that cause radiation you are only reminding yourself of the reasons why nuclear testing should not have a profound effect on you as long as you take a few necessary precautions.
Comment icon #27 Posted by JJsDietFitness 13 years ago
Big Duh...IRAN and North Korea people!
Comment icon #28 Posted by NikkiAidyn 13 years ago
Honestly, if these countries were to cover stuff up and have this "evidence" on the loose, no one would know. Anyway, who cares? Why freak out about it? Trying to uncover things that aren't unsolved mysteries is really meaningless. What i'm trying to say is.. You can't predict or know what countries will do. The president probably even can't. Trying to create conspiracies to give your life control won't even do. Godd***.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Justinus 13 years ago
Maybe its cause is natural? Just seems like it would be kind of hard to hide a nuclear explosion now-a-days.

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