World of the Bizarre
Council quizzed over Santa crash plans
T.K. RandallDecember 24, 2011 ·
Image Credit: Norbert Aepli
Some of the most unusual Freedom of Information Act requests posed to local authorities have been listed.
Cheltenham Borough Council was at the receiving end of a demand for a release of information pertaining to their plans for what they would do in the event that Santa's sleigh crashlanded in the city this Christmas. The strange request even included specific questions about who would rescue Santa, who would clear up the crash site and who would help to round up the reindeer. "Some of the requests councils receive do not appear to relate very closely to the services they are focused on delivering every day of the year," said chairman Peter Fleming of the LGA Improvement Board.
Cheltenham Borough Council was asked to provide details of its contingency plans for Santa crashing in an FoI request filed this year. The applicant called for details about who at the council would rescue Santa, who would be responsible for rounding up the reindeer and which staff would get the job of clearing the crash site.
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