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What happened to Ned Kelly's head ?

By T.K. Randall
August 28, 2012 · Comment icon 27 comments

Image Credit: 1874
There has been a new twist in the mystery over what happened to the head of notorious outlaw Ned Kelly.
Kelly's descendants this month launched an appeal in an effort to locate his missing skull after they had successfully obtained the rest of his remains for the purpose of giving him a proper burial. 74-year-old New Zealander Anna Hoffman has since come forward to claim that a security guard had given the skull to her 30 years ago while on holiday in Melbourne. Hoffman, a practicing witch, says she has a collection of 20 skulls and that Ned's had been well looked after.

"I have treated it with respect, I haven't lit candles in it or drunk red wine out of it or anything bohemian like that," she said. Deb Withers of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine is keen for the skull to be examined. "There is a chance that that is his head, although it is a long shot," she said.[!gad]Kelly's descendants this month launched an appeal in an effort to locate his missing skull after they had successfully obtained the rest of his remains for the purpose of giving him a proper burial. 74-year-old New Zealander Anna Hoffman has since come forward to claim that a security guard had given the skull to her 30 years ago while on holiday in Melbourne. Hoffman, a practicing witch, says she has a collection of 20 skulls and that Ned's had been well looked after.

"I have treated it with respect, I haven't lit candles in it or drunk red wine out of it or anything bohemian like that," she said. Deb Withers of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine is keen for the skull to be examined. "There is a chance that that is his head, although it is a long shot," she said.
Earlier this month, Kelly's descendants issued an appeal for information on where the skull is when the rest of his remains were handed over to them after being identified through DNA testing.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (27)

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Comment icon #18 Posted by Eldorado 12 years ago
Apparently, the skull the self proclaimed witch is touting has wires attached to it. So does Jagger's! lol (Only jokin)
Comment icon #19 Posted by andy hair candy 12 years ago
to steve bronfman... ughhh, he tried to liberate the irish (lower class in australia at the time) and he did give money to the poor, not in the way robin hood did but robin hood is a fictional being. ..... also, to the person who said they are an aussie film buff.... should check out Bad Boy Bubby and Bootmen. they are bloody wonderfull films. cheers
Comment icon #20 Posted by DKO 12 years ago
Guy was a criminal murdering robber, I'm not sure why he's so idolised by the Aussie media. It's not like he was a Robin Hood figure who gave to the poor either. The media does idolise him a bit and I agree he's given too much credit for a murderer but he did help a lot of townspeople. Like I said in my other post, his gang would rob the British after they had taken taxes from towns and return it to the people, in return for food/water and services. And to be honest most countries 'heroes' have shady parts to their history, but are remembered for their good ones. Edit: I Didn't see 'andy hair ... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by Taun 12 years ago
The media does idolise him a bit and I agree he's given too much credit for a murderer but he did help a lot of townspeople. Like I said in my other post, his gang would rob the British after they had taken taxes from towns and return it to the people, in return for food/water and services. And to be honest most countries 'heroes' have shady parts to their history, but are remembered for their good ones. Edit: I Didn't see 'andy hair candy' posted same thing. Yes, we have Billy the Kid and The James boys (Frank and Jesse).. .Billy was a cold blooded killer with no sense of remorse, and Jesse w... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by PersonFromPorlock 12 years ago
Now Anna Hoffman, a 74-year-old New Zealander, says she was given the skull 30 years ago while on holiday in Melbourne, by a security guard who told her it was "Ned's head". "Candy is dandy but likker is quicker." Heads, I'm not so sure about.
Comment icon #23 Posted by tipotep 12 years ago
to steve bronfman... ughhh, he tried to liberate the irish (lower class in australia at the time) and he did give money to the poor, not in the way robin hood did but robin hood is a fictional being. ..... also, to the person who said they are an aussie film buff.... should check out Bad Boy Bubby and Bootmen. they are bloody wonderfull films. cheers Bad Boy Bubby is noit a movie a would reccomend to anyone unless you wish to be scared for life ! On Topic - I am a local to Ned Kelly's area ( his hangout is like 45 mins from where I live ) . I can almost guarantee its NOT Neds head ... Do you h... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by Likely Guy 12 years ago
Apparently they chopped Ned's head off to make a 'death mask'. Which, incidentally you don't have to do to make a death mask. But, nevertheless, Ned's head was detached from his body. After they (apparently medical students) boiled the flesh from his skull in 1880, his skull had been on display from 'who knows when' until about 1978 at the old 'gaol', when Mr. Kelly's noggin' went missing. Which was also about the time that she acquired it. I think that the security guard that passed it along to her, passed away in the last year or so. Tipotep wrote; "Do you honestly believe that a security gu... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by tipotep 12 years ago
Apparently they chopped Ned's head off to make a 'death mask'. Which, incidentally you don't have to do to make a death mask. But, nevertheless, Ned's head was detached from his body. After they (apparently medical students) boiled the flesh from his skull in 1880, his skull had been on display from 'who knows when' until about 1978 at the old 'gaol', when Mr. Kelly's noggin' went missing. Which was also about the time that she acquired it. I think that the security guard that passed it along to her, passed away in the last year or so. Tipotep wrote; "Do you honestly believe that a security gu... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by Simbi Laveau 12 years ago
Thought the movie was duff, to be honest. (ham-acting) On the plus side, if he had lips like Jagger that skull should be easy to spot. (Only joking, Mick) But that's the only kind of acting Mick does . To his credit,Ned Kelly was his first movie. He's done maybe ten full movies . Last thing he did was The Bank Job,and all it was ,was a walk on cameo ,that you would miss,if you blinked . Ever see Free Jack ?,The utter camp of his performance ,was hysterical .Also his performance in Performance,of Memo From Turner,was literally the first music video ,years before MTV. Love Mick . Check him out a... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by Taun 12 years ago
Im not so sure on the bit about him handing over the skull because he wanted some Tip Oh I don't know... Maybe he couldn't get his hands on some roses - or a box of chocolate... Maybe a skull worked... After all she DID keep the skull....

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