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New pterosaur species discovered

By T.K. Randall
September 5, 2012 · Comment icon 8 comments

Image Credit: John Conway
A previously unknown species of winged reptile dating back 155 million years has been unearthed.
The fantastically preserved fossil skeleton was discovered in the Bamberg district of Germany and is one of the oldest pterosaurs ever found. The new species has unusually long arms and legs and is believed to have fed on fish due to remains found in its stomach. It would also have been able to use its flamingo-like beak to filter small organisms from the water.

The fossil will be going on display at the Bamberg Natural History Museum.
A new species of pterosaur, the flying reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs, has been discovered in Germany.

Source: New Scientist | Comments (8)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Hilander 12 years ago
Interesting find, I think there is so much we don't know as of yet about dinosaurs and other extinct animals. One day they will be digging up our bones and saying we have found some of our ancient relatives we evolved from that lived before the great war that took out most of civilization.
Comment icon #2 Posted by King Fluffs 12 years ago
My favourite dinosaur.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Artaxerxes 12 years ago
Can you imagine how beautiful they must have been while flying? Seeing them gliding over the water and flying around cliffs? They must have been a sight to behold. Pterosaurs were members of the Archosaur family, but more closely related to crocodiles and alligators than to dinosaurs or birds.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Galilei 12 years ago
Wow, what an interesting and beautiful find! If my eyes aren't mistaking me, I believe I can see the pteroid, a bone unique to pterosaurs. There has been debate among scientists relating to this bone and its articulation. Edit: Sorry, minor spelling error!
Comment icon #5 Posted by csspwns 12 years ago
wow nice i need to find a computer with waaaay less lag
Comment icon #6 Posted by Arbitran 12 years ago
An excellent specimen. One of the best I've seen. And the wading aspect is certainly fascinating. I've always thought that a lot of coastal pterosaur species would likely have been waders before the divergence of open-sea fishers. This seems to support my hypothesis.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Abramelin 12 years ago
Can you imagine how beautiful they must have been while flying? Seeing them gliding over the water and flying around cliffs? They must have been a sight to behold. Pterosaurs were members of the Archosaur family, but more closely related to crocodiles and alligators than to dinosaurs or birds. http://eonsepochsetc...archosaurs.html And how scary when some of them landed near you, lol:
Comment icon #8 Posted by Harlequin Dreamer 12 years ago
Don't you just love this when they discover a new species cool.

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