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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Woman in Iceland sees and hears 'elves'

By T.K. Randall
May 11, 2014 · Comment icon 53 comments

Iceland's wilderness is said to be home to elves. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Dirk Heldmaier
Iceland's own elf whisperer has dedicated her life to protecting the country's 'little people'.
Steeped with folklore and mythology, Iceland is no stranger to tales of elves roaming the wilderness. Last December, 25 people turned out to protest the construction of a road through a lava field near Reykjavik on the basis that it would pass through a rock believed to be an elven church.

One of those participating in the protests was Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir, who from an early age maintained that she had the ability to see and communicate with these mythological sprites. No stranger to the inquisitive glance of strangers, Jónsdóttir remains steadfast in her beliefs and is convinced that everything she says is true.
She's not alone either - in a poll conducted in 2007 it was revealed that at least 8 percent of Iceland's population believes in the existence of elves and 54 percent maintain that they cannot dismiss the possibility outright.

Jónsdóttir may seem eccentric in her convictions, but in a country where folklore surrounding elves and little people is deeply ingrained in the local culture, her beliefs when taken in context are perhaps not as crazy as they might initially seem.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (53)

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Comment icon #44 Posted by DieChecker 11 years ago
Diechecker, you'll never see them unless they want to be seen by you. Magical I guess??
Comment icon #45 Posted by Erowin 11 years ago
You shouldn’t write preions on the Internet. It’s more dangerous than seeing elves. In fact, seeing elves is not dangerous at all. Medicating people because they are not boring enough for your taste is. Some things exist, who knows what it is, energies, seen as archetypes... it doesn't mean they are physically there but it doesn't mean people who are willing to sense them are insane. It's probably more insane to believe we're conscious just so that we could perceive how there's nothing but endless circles of births, eating, ****ting and dying. And so on, I'm not even inspired for a rant. H... [More]
Comment icon #46 Posted by davros of skaro 11 years ago
Hallucinations can be a sympton of some serious stuff though. Schizophrenia, brain tumor/lesions, psychosis, epilepsy, etc. But obviously she has gone to some doctors- they may not have done enough tests. Or it could be a mental disorder, those are tough to diagnose. Maybe she should see a psychologist? Or it could simply be attention. Thats a common delusion causer too Some people do not want to think rationally because it does not provide comfort for them. All around the World including Iceland have hallucinogenic plants, or even animals. Take these sacred things then you too can see Gods, A... [More]
Comment icon #47 Posted by Helen of Annoy 11 years ago
Hallucinations can be a sympton of some serious stuff though. Schizophrenia, brain tumor/lesions, psychosis, epilepsy, etc. But obviously she has gone to some doctors- they may not have done enough tests. Or it could be a mental disorder, those are tough to diagnose. Maybe she should see a psychologist? Or it could simply be attention. Thats a common delusion causer too So, we should repeat tests until the results are what we think they should be? How about we test anyone who has ever felt advised or comforted after a prayer? It must be delusion, since there’s no higher power you can subject... [More]
Comment icon #48 Posted by davros of skaro 11 years ago
Dr. Michael Shermer was abducted by Aliens once.He knows the power of the Human Brain, and how fallable it is though.
Comment icon #49 Posted by Erowin 11 years ago
So, we should repeat tests until the results are what we think they should be? How about we test anyone who has ever felt advised or comforted after a prayer? It must be delusion, since there’s no higher power you can subject to tests. Elves are part of old religion, and if you go back few posts you’ll see what I guess could be more modern view on it, without doing the old black/white or is/isn’t mistake. Putting all spirituality into mental disorder basket is not just offensive to people who are objectively saner than deniers, but is also dangerous. The society where spirituality challe... [More]
Comment icon #50 Posted by Helen of Annoy 11 years ago
Erowin, things that you’ve been raised to believe are not there. They don’t cease to exist just because you’ve been told they defy the explanations of current scientific dogma so they cannot exist. I’m open to discussion what Icelandic Elves (or my own Slavic Vile or any of similar manifestations) could be, but I’m not open to questioning the sanity of us who refuse to pretend something isn’t there just because few materialists decided they’re too confused with it. Is it more realistic to assume countless people who encountered Elves (or Vile or similar) were insane, or that many... [More]
Comment icon #51 Posted by Fairy Seeker 11 years ago
Seeking Elves or little people may seem to be a result of one's demented brain matter to the narrow-minded Doubting Thomas's. But, how would you explain the appearance of these mythical creatures on film? Isn't the proof in the photo? I suggest they exist, and one can capture them via photography if they wish to be seen, and I have proof via my photos.
Comment icon #52 Posted by Helen of Annoy 11 years ago
You know, I’m rejoicing each anomaly in my photos and often wonder what the hell they are. Some are easy to explain, others near impossible. To be honest, I was always more inclined to look for ghosts of ancestors in undetermined maybe-energetic blurry-something, than I was expecting full apparitions, so the anomalous photos I took were such. It’s probably more about the way I was looking at them, than it were photos complying with my expectations, but that’s one intriguing possibility too. If I was focused on little beings, I’d probably see them, they way Muslim sees Allah’s signatu... [More]
Comment icon #53 Posted by Ryu 11 years ago
Seeking Elves or little people may seem to be a result of one's demented brain matter to the narrow-minded Doubting Thomas's. But, how would you explain the appearance of these mythical creatures on film? Isn't the proof in the photo? I suggest they exist, and one can capture them via photography if they wish to be seen, and I have proof via my photos. Kinda looks like a red squirrel who is mooning us.

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