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Modern Mysteries

Man seen flying past plane window at 3,500ft

By T.K. Randall
October 21, 2014 · Comment icon 71 comments

Investigators were unable to find an explanation. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Sergey Korovkin
The pilots of an Airbus 320 were left perplexed after they saw a man flying past their plane.
The peculiar incident saw the figure approach to within 100m of the aircraft as it began its descent in to Manchester Airport.

The man, who was witnessed by both pilots, did not appear to have a canopy or any other notable equipment to keep him in the air.

Radar records showed no sign of anything unusual and an investigation revealed no paragliders, parachutists or balloonists over the region at the time of the sighting.

An official report released on Friday revealed that the incident had been considered "frustrating" as no explanation had been forthcoming and there was no way to corroborate the report.

"It is a complete and utter mystery," said aviation expert Chris Yates.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (71)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #62 Posted by Oppono Astos 10 years ago
Guess it wasn't Alan Eustace practising...
Comment icon #63 Posted by stevemagegod 10 years ago
The aliens didn't want him anymore so they kicked him out.
Comment icon #64 Posted by jesspy 10 years ago
Did they do a search for a body in the flight path. I guess that search area would have been massive. And maybe the body in pieces.
Comment icon #65 Posted by Likely Guy 10 years ago
At 3500 feet then the Airbus 320 would be at least 15NM from the landing strip. My money is on a Skydiver, probably dropped from 10,000 feet, (there would be radar trace of the plane that he dropped from, but not of the Skydiver). I'm just reading through right now so I don't know if this has been corrected, it's 35,000 feet, not 3,500. Edit: I've caught up now. "Pssst! Seeder!, get the thread title changed."
Comment icon #66 Posted by Jacques Terreur 10 years ago
guys, it's early in the morning and i didn't have much time to cross check, but maybe the whole thing was a promo thing for this event: http://www.stuntchallenge.co.uk/ earlier, i stumbled over two connected twitter posts that got me there, one of them made a joking reference to the whole "man flies by plane" story: https://twitter.com/...1746688/photo/1 https://twitter.com/...428263167680513
Comment icon #67 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 10 years ago
http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Yves_Rossy I know what I want for Christmas!!!
Comment icon #68 Posted by matt6ilbert 10 years ago
It was a guy in a wing-suit. I wish I could say I was lying...
Comment icon #69 Posted by Auldaney 10 years ago
Those who make silly jokes just because something happened that cannot be explained in materialistic terms does not advance our science or understanding. It is the reaction of fools. Ignoring facts that cannot be explained prevents new discoveries. There are some unanswered questions. are they sure it was a humanoid body and not a balloon doll? Was it alive? How fast was it traveling? Did it stay oriented head first? Did it change direction? Lack of these facts prevent us from understanding what happened.
Comment icon #70 Posted by Boadicea1 10 years ago
Those who make silly jokes just because something happened that cannot be explained in materialistic terms does not advance our science or understanding. It is the reaction of fools. Ignoring facts that cannot be explained prevents new discoveries. There are some unanswered questions. are they sure it was a humanoid body and not a balloon doll? Was it alive? How fast was it traveling? Did it stay oriented head first? Did it change direction? Lack of these facts prevent us from understanding what happened. Some of those unanswered questions were discussed if you go slowly through the thread. Fa... [More]
Comment icon #71 Posted by Boadicea1 10 years ago
A large % is made up of nutters. Come now, that is just offensive to us nutters. You are being nice about them and that is not acceptable.

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