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Space & Astronomy

Dark energy may be devouring dark matter

By T.K. Randall
November 3, 2014 · Comment icon 16 comments

Is our universe becoming emptier ? Image Credit: NASA / Hubble
The mysterious dark energy that permeates the universe may be causing dark matter to evaporate.
Dark matter, the substance thought to account for the majority of the matter in the universe, might actually be disappearing according to a new study.

Physicists now believe that dark energy, the theoretical energy thought to be responsible for the continued acceleration of the expansion of the universe, is swallowing up dark matter and producing an empty void of nothingness in its wake.
"If the dark energy is growing and dark matter is evaporating we will end up with a big, empty, boring Universe with almost nothing in it," said Professor David Wands.

The researchers had saught to understand why the growth of cosmic structures such as galaxies and galaxy clusters was slower than expected and now believe that this energy transfer between dark matter and dark energy is likely to be responsible.

"Dark matter provides a framework for structures to grow in the Universe," said Professor Wands. "The galaxies we see are built on that scaffolding and what we are seeing here, in these findings, suggests that dark matter is evaporating, slowing that growth of structure."

Source: Russia Today | Comments (16)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #7 Posted by Twin 10 years ago
So, this explains a lot. Every time we almost get a handle on dark matter ---- BAM!!!! it's gone. No wonder it's so elusive. Hey!? Maybe there was a big BAM!!!! instead of a big bang.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Weitter Duckss 10 years ago
Only one process ascending. Energy, dark matter, matter, matter the growth, and disintegration (Super Nova). Permanent an eternal process of the universe and much wider.
Comment icon #9 Posted by maximusnow 10 years ago
Cosmic cancer?
Comment icon #10 Posted by Weitter Duckss 10 years ago
How do they know that something is eating dark matter and do not know how she does it look? The observations support the increase of matter. Does the respective gaps resembles that in mind when little we use our brain?
Comment icon #11 Posted by willosbourne81 10 years ago
It is a life changing can there be People supporting such researches that always question things that one day are said to exist and on the other, dont anymore? And now one possible energy is desyroying one possible matter?? C'mon our world needs better this money to fight poverty rathen than spend in nonsense b*****its like that
Comment icon #12 Posted by The Sky Scanner 10 years ago
It is a life changing can there be People supporting such researches that always question things that one day are said to exist and on the other, dont anymore? And now one possible energy is desyroying one possible matter?? C'mon our world needs better this money to fight poverty rathen than spend in nonsense b*****its like that Understanding the universe, how it works, the implications and our place in it! I'll stick with having my money spent on that thanks.
Comment icon #13 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Read the OP article again. Since the 1998 breakthrough discovery that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, cosmologists have held that, though mysterious, dark energy could be a universal constant. However, this simple model does not explain why the growth of cosmic structures, including galaxies and galaxy clusters, is slower than expected. So I seems to me that in addition to Dark Energy (DE) somehow interacting with Dark Matter (DM) and "eliminating" it. It would appear either the amount of Dark Matter was wrong to begin with, or perhaps our explanation of the expansion of spa... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by lightly 10 years ago
all these maybes and maybe nots are intensely intriguing though! It feels like some important discoveries are getting closer.. I love surprises!
Comment icon #15 Posted by Weitter Duckss 10 years ago
Read the OP article again. So I seems to me that in addition to Dark Energy (DE) somehow interacting with Dark Matter (DM) and "eliminating" it. It would appear either the amount of Dark Matter was wrong to begin with, or perhaps our explanation of the expansion of space is incorrect. It seems to me that people are quick to gloam onto these ideas, and then treat them as fact. Like with the Higgs Boson that was just revealed to perhaps NOT have been found, this idea of DE destroying DM could very, very easily be completely and totally wrong. If even just a one College Physics class idiot like m... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago One of these elements is time, which is tracked by the extremely accurate GPS system. With a network of satellites spanning 50,000 kilometers and traveling through space at 300 kilometers a second, a cosmic kink could disturb the GPS clocks. This quantum crack would require 170 seconds to jump across the networks.GPS clocks could be interrupted by other factors, but Deverianko and Pospelov believe that only dark matter could disturb the system’s timekeeping in a certain way. Derevianko is currently pulling data fr... [More]

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