Majority of the public believes in alien life
T.K. RandallSeptember 24, 2015 ·
Could there be other intelligent civilizations out there ? Image Credit: NASA
A new international poll has revealed that most people believe that there is alien life in the universe.
Conducted by YouGov, the poll asked members of the public in the UK, Germany and the United States whether they believed that our planet was home to the only intelligent life in the universe.
More than half of those surveyed stated that they thought there was life out there however in both the US and UK the majority of those were male while in Germany the majority were female.
The poll also indicated that younger generations were more likely to believe in extraterrestrials than older generations with only 45 percent of those over the age of 50 in the UK believing in alien life.
While to date there has never been any conclusive evidence of intelligent life beyond our own planet this hasn't stopped mankind from seeking out signs that someone else may be out there.
An ambitious new endeavor to listen for extraterrestrial communications was recently funded by Russian entrepreneur Yuri Milner and backed by prominent scientists such as Stephen Hawking who maintains that there is "no bigger question" than whether or not we are alone in the universe.
During an announcement last year NASA also indicated that we may find evidence of alien life within as little as 10 to 20 years thanks to advances in planet hunting telescopes and techniques.
"Just imagine the moment, when we find potential signatures of life," said Matt Mountain of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
"Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over - the possibility we're no longer alone in the universe."
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Extraterrestrial, Life
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