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Kubrick's daughter debunks moon conspiracy

By T.K. Randall
July 6, 2016 · Comment icon 20 comments

Vivian Kubrick has posted a message to set the record straight. Image Credit: NASA
The daughter of film director Stanley Kubrick has posted a message aimed at moon conspiracy theorists.
One of the most enduring aspects of the Apollo moon landings conspiracy theory concerns the suggestion that legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, director of 2001: A Space Odyssey, was personally involved with creating the hoaxed video recordings used as part of the deception.

The idea was later further cemented by the documentary Room 237 which even implied that Kubrick's famous horror movie The Shining contained hidden references to his involvement.
Now in a bid to put these theories to rest once and for all, the late director's daughter Vivian Kubrick has released a statement condemning those who believe that he was ever involved in such a thing:

Source: Independent | Comments (20)

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Comment icon #11 Posted by grimsituation6 9 years ago
no dust on the lander, well to be honest with you, in 1/2 gravity and low atmosphere dust won't act like dust on earth, more evidence that the landings were real, as for the temperature theory, those space suits are completely pressurized the air inside constantly cooled, by that giant pack on their back, they were also not allowed to be out for more than a certain amount of time, and also heat works different where there is little or no air, if they were to take off the suits they would probably freeze first than explode, not melt. people don't understand that this wasn't Earth so the same ph... [More]
Comment icon #12 Posted by grimsituation6 9 years ago
with this many stupid people around I'm amazed we actually did reach the moon, i guess they don't make em like they used to
Comment icon #13 Posted by grimsituation6 9 years ago
and why do i have a one star rating?
Comment icon #14 Posted by Obviousman 9 years ago
Because you are a fairly new member. The more posts you have, the more stars.
Comment icon #15 Posted by grimsituation6 9 years ago
Roger that.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Pocket 9 years ago
The moon has 1/6th the gravity of earth, not half. 
Comment icon #17 Posted by Podo 9 years ago
The US government is pretty awful at keeping secrets. A conspiracy of that caliber would be almost impossible.
Comment icon #18 Posted by ChaosRose 9 years ago
I feel sorry for her. I'm sure she misses her Dad, and there are these stupid people spewing bs about him.
Comment icon #19 Posted by rambaldi 9 years ago
Too bad that the remaining moonhoaxers will simply declare her as part of the fake... what's one more person they accuse of lying, compared to the millions and millions that must be already know about the hoax and keep it covered up. Of course the whole idea that NASA hired the alleged perfectionist Kubrick, who then made all those allegedly obvious "mistakes" the Hoaxers believe in, always was so stupid and contradictory that anyone who believed in it had to be seven beers short of a sixpack...
Comment icon #20 Posted by skookum 9 years ago
Thats the rules of a conspiracy, if you provide evidence or speak against it you just become another part of the conspiracy. Even if you could fly the moonhoaxers to the landing sites and let them touch the landers they still wouldn't believe it.  

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