If an animal takes its own picture, should it own that image ? Image Credit: sxc.hu
The charity maintains that if an animal takes a photograph, the image legally belongs to that animal.
Photographer David Slater thought that he had captured the photograph of a lifetime when a curious monkey managed to take its own picture using his camera in the Indonesian jungle back in 2011.
Unfortunately however the animal charity Peta has since insisted that Slater doesn't really own the copyright to the image because he didn't actually take it - the monkey did.
Back in January a US court ruled that the copyright of the image couldn't be owned by a monkey, but now Peta has appealed against this decision by insisting that it should belong to the animal.
"Had the monkey selfies been made by a human using Slater's unattended camera, that human would undisputedly be declared the author and copyright owner of the photographs," the charity wrote. "Nothing in the Copyright Act limits its application to human authors."
If the appeal succeeds it will be the first time an animal has ever been granted copyright ownership.
"It's nothing to do with the monkey, they just care about the promotion," said Slater. "They are going on the idea he [the monkey] owns the copyright, which is clearly absolutely ridiculous."
Whether Peta will actually succeed in overturning the original verdict however remains to be seen.
I don't. They don't want to live up to the cause for which they claimed they were for because it would mean actually working and doing something beneficial so they resort to stupidity like this. Idiocy and time wasting is so much easier than doing something useful.
PETA is truly a fraud organization made up of lunatic fringe wackos. They are based near me in Virginia and regularly embarrass themselves. In one instance, a PETA zealot, cruising around in his PETA Van ran up on a guy's porch, snatched hiss dog and took it back to PETA HQ where he subsequently euthanized it. http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/peta-sued-for-kidnapping-dog-off-porch-killing-it/ The state is after them for their massively out of proportion euthanasia rates as compared to local shelters. In PETA's own words they feel it is better to kill them than shelter them. http://www.wnd.com/2015/1... [More]
I've read before about them taking animals and people think they will go to a shelter...and they're like...euthanized immediately, in a van outside. PETA doesn't believe animals should be pets, and they also don't believe domesticated animals should be loose, so the real agenda seems to be to euthanize them all.
The charity had argued a crested macaque monkey called Naruto should be the author and owner of the picture as he took it. But Mr Slater said the monkey in his photograph was a female called Ella. Geez, people. If you're gonna argue a monkey deserves to own a copyright...at least get the right monkey. Lol.
I think they are looking at long term, for animals to acquire "individual" rights. But, I think this case won't even touch that topic. I believe it will happen, but not for quite sometime.
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