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Earliest Homo sapiens unearthed in Morocco

By T.K. Randall
June 8, 2017 · Comment icon 8 comments

When and where did our species emerge ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Matteo De Stefano / MUSE
The discovery casts doubt on the idea that modern humans evolved in a single 'cradle of humanity'.
The fossils suggest that our species not only emerged 100,000 years earlier than previously thought but that we evolved across the whole continent as oppose to within a single small region of it.

The discovery has the potential to rewrite the book on the emergence of Homo sapiens.

"It is not the story of it happening in a rapid way in a 'Garden of Eden' somewhere in Africa," said Prof Jean-Jacques Hublin, of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
"Our view is that it was a more gradual development and it involved the whole continent. So if there was a Garden of Eden, it was all of Africa."

The fossils, which include skulls, teeth and bones, were found at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco. Earlier such finds from the site were originally dated to around 40,000 years ago, but now, thanks to modern techniques, these latest remains have been found to be up to 350,000 years old.

"We now have to modify the vision of how the first modern humans emerged," said Prof Hublin.

Source: BBC News | Comments (8)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by The Russian Hare 7 years ago The oldest known bones of our species, dating back around 300,000 years, have been discovered in a cave in Morocco. The fossils — which belong to five individuals, including a teenager and a younger child — push back the origin of Homo sapiens by 100,000 years, scientists say. The fossils also suggest that our species originated throughout the entire African continent instead of mainly in its eastern corner as previous research had suggested. The findings, described in two studies published in the June 8 issue of ... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by Harte 7 years ago
Got a species name yet? Harte
Comment icon #3 Posted by Amy01 7 years ago
They were said to be close cousin of Homo sapiens
Comment icon #4 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 7 years ago
"Our" species, therefore homo sapiens. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by Harte 7 years ago
Yeah, thanks. Harte
Comment icon #6 Posted by DieChecker 7 years ago
First Oldest Hominid bones in Greece, not Oldest H. Sapiens found in Morocco... Sounds like a Mediterranean based theory of human evolution might not be far behind.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Hanslune 7 years ago
Homo Sapien Wannabeeist?
Comment icon #8 Posted by Hanslune 7 years ago
Might be I don't think you'll ever find a specific point but may be able to point to a general location like: Earth or the Asian, European & Africa mega continent!

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