Science & Technology
Scientists predict 'mini ice age' by 2030
T.K. RandallDecember 27, 2017 ·
Could frost fairs on the Thames make a comeback ? Image Credit: Thomas Wyke
A new mathematical model of the Sun's magnetic activity has indicated that we may soon be in for a cold spell.
Despite the effects of global warming, scientists from universities in the UK and Russia have determined that temperatures may plummet, rather than rise, within the next 12 years.
This cold period could begin as early as 2021, leading to winters so cold by 2030 that the river Thames will freeze over, just as it did during a similar cold spell in the 17th century.
During that time, the cold was so pervasive that frost fairs were famously held out on the ice.
The new model predicts, with 97% accuracy, a rapid reduction in the Sun's magnetic activity for three solar cycles, however due to climate change it is difficult to say for sure what will happen.
"I hope global warning will be overridden by this effect, giving humankind and the Earth 30 years to sort out our pollution," said Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University.
Sky News |
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Ice Age, Sun
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