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New technique could see humans live to 150

By T.K. Randall
September 2, 2018 · Comment icon 11 comments

Is it possible to reverse the aging process ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 CSIRO
A revolutionary new regenerative treatment that can extend human life could begin clinical trials by 2020.
Developed by Harvard Professor David Sinclair and colleagues at the University of New South Wales, the process involves regenerating the human body by reprogramming its cells.

In addition to extending human life, the technique also has the potential to regenerate organs, cure paralysis and even make older people fertile again.

The treatment, which could cost as little as the price of a cup of coffee per day, is estimated to become available to the general public within as little as five years.

The key to its effectiveness lies in the molecule nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which is already used today to help treat patients with Parkinson's Disease.
According to Professor Sinclair however, the research still needs to undergo testing and peer review.

"We do not recommend people go out and take NAD precursors as they have not yet formally tested for safety," he said.

It is expected that human testing of the new treatment will begin within the next two years or so.

Whether it is really as effective as claimed however remains to be seen.

Source: Weekly Observer | Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Seti42 7 years ago
I doubt it'll be as cheap as a cup of coffee per day...At least not at first. If this does work, it'll be just another way for the wealthy to dominate the world. Imagine if politicians, CEO's, etc. all lived to be well over 100 and everyone else was still capped at around 80 or younger. Not a future I'd want to be a part of.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Taun 7 years ago
I'd be more inclined to think the politicos would want it to be widely used... And use it as a hook to keep the populace in line... "Stay quietly in line or no more drug"... Refusing to let the populace have access would almost certainly prompt massive revolts, riots and "troubles"...
Comment icon #4 Posted by ouija ouija 7 years ago
There's no point in living until you're 150 unless you can stay as fit as you are at 50. But even then, who wants to go on working for another 90/95 years? Mentally I don't think humans could cope with this. The only people who would benefit from, and enjoy this would be the super-rich.
Comment icon #5 Posted by GlitterRose 7 years ago
Meh, human life expectancy has already gone up, drastically...and we seem to be fine with it.
Comment icon #6 Posted by GlitterRose 7 years ago
In addition to extending human life, the technique also has the potential to regenerate organs, cure paralysis and even make older people fertile again. Wow...that would be something.  It does concern me about overpopulation, but hopefully, there will be other advances.
Comment icon #7 Posted by pallidin 7 years ago
Pretty cool.
Comment icon #8 Posted by DirtyDocMartens 7 years ago
And their are plenty of people in this world who can't afford a cup of coffee. 
Comment icon #9 Posted by cathya 7 years ago
Why would anyone want to live to be 150 years old?  There are 10 billion people in the world now...if no one dies...think of the mess we'd be in.  We all have our shot at it the best we can and then exit for the next generations.  
Comment icon #10 Posted by spartan max2 7 years ago
This would be awsome lol, 80 would be the new midlife lol
Comment icon #11 Posted by Rlyeh 7 years ago
Nearly 7.5 billion people. I can't help but to think people like you should've lived a century or two ago. You'd love it.

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