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Ghosts & Hauntings

Man charged with firing his gun at a 'ghost'

By T.K. Randall
September 9, 2018 · Comment icon 104 comments

Devaux fired at what he maintains was a ghost in his home. Image Credit:
Christain Devaux reportedly pulled out his gun and fired two rounds after encountering a ghostly intruder.
The 25-year-old, who claims to be a paranormal investigator, put two bullet holes in the wall of his home back in July after firing at an alleged intruder.

He later changed his story to claim that what he had actually fired at was a ghost.

The incident mirrors a very similar series of events that occurred back in 2011 when Devaux had called the cops claiming that a ghostly intruder had suddenly appeared in his home.
Police officers attending the scene however could find no evidence of a break-in.

Devaux now faces several charges including illegal discharge of a firearm, misusing an emergency call, second-degree reckless endangerment and making a false statement to the police.

It remains unclear what, if anything, he actually saw during the two incidents.

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Comment icon #95 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
I don't believe you would. My guess is that you would call fraud to any and every straight up poltergeist activity.
Comment icon #96 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
I watched this one (as a believer in the poltergeist phenomenon from other cases). Looks like pretty typical poltergeist activity I have seen on many videos before. Of course just about any video could be faked. But is it faked? I would like to see a more thorough study of this case including interviews with people who have claimed events and those that haven't and etcetera.  Another thought is about the hard-core anti-paranormal mindset often telling people to install cameras. I would tell these claimed experiencers that the camera would be very interesting for you. As for reactions from the... [More]
Comment icon #97 Posted by XenoFish 7 years ago
I don't care what you think. 
Comment icon #98 Posted by third_eye 7 years ago
What it boils down to is either its a prank or something unexplained, personally, I like the simple strange activity of things tossing and flying all over the place. I have no opinions either way, doesn't necessarily means ghosts or demons. Which I find very funny, I don't understand why nobody ever suggests angels or cherubs having a party. I just find it strangely interesting. My own personal experiences tells me that it doesn't make any sense one way or another, and its the simplest things that most people are not aware of that is the most convincing. The time that I noticed a basket of tow... [More]
Comment icon #99 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
Nor do I care what you think. But I am giving information to our newer readers.
Comment icon #100 Posted by XenoFish 7 years ago
You making an assumption. You don't know me. You don't know what I want. So keep your opinion about my intentions to yourself. 
Comment icon #101 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
I do think paranormal things mostly go unnoticed.  In fact I have this strange repeatable sound in my condo at approximately the same time everyday from the same place. I can find no normal reason. But of course being a man of cautious mind, I am still leaning to something normal.
Comment icon #102 Posted by papageorge1 7 years ago
I usually start with normal versus paranormal as the first consideration.  Then paranormal theories are then the secondary.
Comment icon #103 Posted by Avalanche 7 years ago
Call me lol 
Comment icon #104 Posted by Black Monk 7 years ago
I saw this video on "100 Greatest Ghost Videos" on Channel 5 (or one of its subsidiary channels. I can't remember) last Sunday night. Two hours of spooky goings-on caught on camera. Some were really creepy,

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