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City of Roswell gets a 22ft tall alien statue

By T.K. Randall
December 2, 2018 · Comment icon 11 comments

The International UFO Museum And Research Center is a popular attraction. Image Credit: PD - J Dykstra
The home of what is arguably the best known UFO incident in history now has a new reminder of its legacy.
There are few events in UFO lore as hotly debated as the Roswell incident, an event that has been covered in countless books, documentaries, TV shows and movies over the last few decades.

The city of Roswell has been a popular destination for UFO tourists for almost as long, with the International UFO Museum And Research Center attracting thousands of visitors each year.

Residents were nonetheless taken completely by surprise on Tuesday morning when a giant 22ft statue of an extraterrestrial was installed outside of a Dunkin' Donuts on Main Street.
Made out of Styrofoam, the statue reportedly cost $35,000 to produce.

"We wanted to create a landmark, something that will stay here forever," said managing partner Murad Fazal. "We're just so excited to be doing this. This is one of a kind for Dunkin' Donuts."

The new store is due to soft open at the end of December.

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Comment icon #2 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 6 years ago
Awesome!!! And they even got the color right!  About time my people got some respect
Comment icon #3 Posted by Erno86 6 years ago
Cool...I was wondering if Dunkin Donuts now makes flying saucer shaped donuts, with whipped cream and a strawberry on top?
Comment icon #4 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 6 years ago
Just saw an article yesterday, a vid of a huge cigar shaped UFO over Houston Texas, hovering for 20 minutes... A foam statue?
Comment icon #5 Posted by Not A Rockstar 6 years ago
Sales of the crop circle mugs have fallen off? dam sorry to hear....
Comment icon #6 Posted by Not A Rockstar 6 years ago
Truth is @seanjo how would we know? Make a few mugs and sell em on ebay. You got this  
Comment icon #7 Posted by Sir Wearer of Hats 6 years ago
FAKE NEWS ... that statute doesn’t have 22 feet, it only has two feet.
Comment icon #8 Posted by third_eye 6 years ago
YOu mean to say its eleven feet per foot ? ~
Comment icon #9 Posted by spacefan 6 years ago
Bro this cannot be real!! don't you think this would be more mainstream. anyways I don't think it matters that much its just here for us to enjoy.   
Comment icon #10 Posted by ChrLzs 6 years ago
This is just ridiculous.   Our correct colour is darker and more intensely green.  To use your puny and inferior earthly measurement system - RGB - it is in fact  129, 176, 107.   We will be contacting our nearest abductee/implantee to transmit the corrected information, so that monstrosity may be re-sprayed.
Comment icon #11 Posted by SmartAZ 6 years ago
Styrofoam is not forever! Sunlight destroys it, one drunk driver could knock it down, just people rubbing it with their hands will wipe it away.

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