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Space & Astronomy

Space billboards could display ads in the sky

By T.K. Randall
January 20, 2019 · Comment icon 11 comments

The firm aims to place advertising messages in orbit. Image Credit: StartRocket
A firm in Russia is working to create the world's first space billboard using a constellation of small satellites.
These days you can't go anywhere without seeing at least some form of advertising and now Russian startup firm StartRocket is looking to take things one step further by using a system of satellites to create glowing advertisements in space that can be seen from the ground at night.

There's no denying that the sky is a veritable blank canvass of advertising potential - imagine looking out of your window and seeing the word "McDonald's" floating hundreds of miles above you.

As things stand, StartRocket is aiming to have its equipment ready to go by 2020 and will be offering contracts to corporate customers shortly afterwards.

"We are ruled by brands and events," said project leader Vlad Sitnikov. "The economy is the blood system of society - entertainment and advertising are at its heart."
"We will live in space, and humankind will start delivering its culture to space."

Not everyone is quite so enthusiastic about the idea however with critics arguing that the satellites will not only add to the growing amount of space junk in orbit but will also interfere with astronomical observations by polluting the night sky with unnecessary light sources.

"If you ask about advertising and entertainment in general - haters gonna hate," said team member Alexey Skorupsky. "We are developing a new medium."

"At the advent of television, no one loved ads at all."

Source: Digital Trends | Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Chaldon 6 years ago
That shall definitely be a wonderful sight to see for me: seeing the McDonald's logo flying in the night over the frozen Siberian taiga. And thus there'll be no place on Earth where you can escape from capitalism, TV-shows, lust and hysteria. Sorry, bad examples, but you get the point.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Dark_Grey 6 years ago
Yes there is. There is a lot of denying. Do we, the consumers and citizens of this planet get any say?  When the technology exists to beam ads directly in to your consciousness, they will do it. All our life details are being harvested in an effort to better direct advertisements at us so we buy more stuff. Insanity.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Dark_Grey 6 years ago
This is depressing in the same way it’s depressing to be hiking 3 miles deep into the mountains and still find an empty Doritos bag on the ground. It’s the spoilage of Mother Earth. It’s a firm reminder no one escapes the icy grip of Capitalism
Comment icon #5 Posted by Derek Willis 6 years ago
The night sky is one of Nature's most beautiful sights. Unfortunately, if you live in a city you don't get to see the full glory. However, you can travel into rural areas. I think it would be a tragedy if the night sky becomes corrupted by orbiting billboards.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Brok 6 years ago
Man, **** those people. This should be outlawed. No one should be allowed to ruin the sky view and pollute our orbit with even more space junk out for no reason other than greed.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Hawken 6 years ago
There's too much space junk already.
Comment icon #8 Posted by fred_mc 6 years ago
I hope that there will be an international ban against this and that countries or companies that violate it will be punished.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Future_Ikann 6 years ago
I really hope this business venture fails completely. We are already bombarded with Ads everywhere we look. 
Comment icon #10 Posted by hereticspl 6 years ago
I think it might actually be necessary to take preemptive action to stop this from happening.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Trenix 6 years ago
I'm surprised how advertisements even work anymore. I intentionally don't own a TV and have addons that block all ads on websites. I almost never see ads and never impulsively buy because of them. In fact, I treat ads like I treat scams. I guess advertisements only work for the stupid. I filter everything I want to see by myself and now they're focusing us to see their crap in the sky? These people belong in jail. Companies shouldn't force their garbage products down your throat, stop buying from anyone who participates in any of this.

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