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New human species unearthed in island cave

By T.K. Randall
April 10, 2019 · Comment icon 12 comments

The bones were found in Callao cave. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 Warrendering
Scientists have discovered the fossil remains of an extinct species of human in a cave in the Philippines.
Believed to have been around 4ft tall and well adapted for climbing trees, this new pint-sized human ancestor has been named Homo luzonensis after the island (Luzon) on which it was found.

The discovery further complicates the human family tree in South-East Asia where it is now believed there were at least three distinct species of human at the same time.

The newly discovered species exhibits an intriguing mixture of characteristics both modern and archaic, suggesting that some of our very early ancestors in Africa may have made the journey to South-East Asia long before Homo erectus left the continent around 1.9 million years ago.
The fact that Luzon is only accessible by sea also raises further questions.

Scientists have dated the skeletal remains of Homo luzonensis to between 50,000 and 67,000 years ago, meaning that it shared the planet with both modern humans and the Neanderthals.

The island itself was also thought to have been inhabited by another species - the Denisovans.

What was ultimately responsible for Homo luzonensis' eventual extinction however remains unclear.

Source: BBC News | Comments (12)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #3 Posted by Beren 5 years ago
This is one more nail in the "out of Africa, nothing else allowed" coffin. I can't wait to see the lame-ass rationalizations that come out about this find. You know, the ones from those with a vested interest in not challenging the reigning anthropological paradigm. Thomas Kuhn summed it up years ago. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by XenoFish 5 years ago
No telling what else is to be discover and whats forever lost. Cool find. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by Carnoferox 5 years ago
In no way does this 67,000 year old Asian species dispute the "out-of-Africa" origin for Homo.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Abilityperson 5 years ago
Cool thanks for sharing
Comment icon #7 Posted by Razumov 5 years ago
Comment icon #8 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
Not for Homo Sapien. 
Comment icon #9 Posted by Harte 5 years ago
No rationalizations required, since "out of Africa" applies to anatomically modern Humans, and not earlier species of Homo. *snip* Harte
Comment icon #10 Posted by jmccr8 5 years ago
Homo Erectus made it to Java a million yrs ago so why would it be impossible for other hominid lines to do likewise? Australia has evidence of occupation for 60 kbp why would any of this be more than welcome than evidence of hominid expansion? jmccr8
Comment icon #11 Posted by Beren 5 years ago
It is not a refutation, it is another anomalous population that does not fit the neat picture drawn of human evolution. There are multiple examples of hominid and archaic human finds that should not be where there are or what they are given our current "accepted model." *snip* Remember Flores and the the attempts to prove the finds were diseased humans? Read Thomas Kuhn, then tell me what you know. Respected scientist who called out the reasons our academics dismiss any find not in line with conventional thinking, and why they ruin careers and lives to preserve the status quo. Look at the hi... [More]
Comment icon #12 Posted by Harte 5 years ago
The "neat picture" you refer to is your own, not that of evolutionary biologists. Harte

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