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Prison inmates haunted by 'wailing' ghost

By T.K. Randall
August 9, 2019 · Comment icon 103 comments

Is a ghostly prisoner responsible for the mysterious wailing ? Image Credit:
Female inmates at a jail in Tihar, India have been left hysterical by a ghost that is said to wail every night.
Like a banshee of Irish folklore, the grief-stricken spirit, which is said to wail and scream in the darkness, has turned many of the inmates at the prison into nervous wrecks.

According to reports, the disturbing phenomenon, which occurs at around 2am every morning like clockwork, has prevented the inmates from sleeping and has left several of them utterly terrified.

Some have speculated that the sorrowful spirit is that of a former inmate who committed suicide, while others have suggested that the ghost's anguish is a reflection of its innocence.
But could a ghost really be responsible or is this more likely to be a case of mass hysteria ?

It would certainly be reasonable to expect that, given the apparent regularity of the phenomenon, someone would have been able to obtain an audio recording of the wails by now.

As things stand however, a conclusive explanation remains elusive.

Source: India Times | Comments (103)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #94 Posted by papageorge1 5 years ago
I consider blind faith wrong actually. I follow a reasoned based approach.
Comment icon #95 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
Your end result in basically 100% of your cases being over 50% likely paranormal is anything but reasoned, a great example is how no matter how much proof and evidence from real experts in the field you, last i looked still cling to the alien mummy fraud is likely real, that is very much evidence you are a blind faith true believer. you want to act all buttchapped about my approach when i welcome all evidence, ( not my fault theres zero or its weak ) yet your approach is "I dont know , its unexplained" and you jump, paranormal superstitious is what you gravitate to.
Comment icon #96 Posted by papageorge1 5 years ago
If I was a blind faith believer I'd be 100% on every case. But I never am? Hmm...sounds like I must not be using blind faith but rather reasoning it out.
Comment icon #97 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
I know from your posts your ego is big and fragile, you shouldnt take this stuff personally, you can not reason that you are reasoning things out if you are always biased towards the superstition, paranormal. I have no idea why the obsessive focus on me tonight, but again pg logic isnt. the fact you lean any that every case is even 1% greater to the paranormal supernatural side for me places you in the blind faith true believer camp, because there is never good tangle scientific evidence. not surprising you left my alien mumny example alone, no "grey" area, lol, you are a blind believer, you d... [More]
Comment icon #98 Posted by Alchopwn 5 years ago
  There are so many things that cause weird moaning noises it is staggering.  My personal favorites include sound reflection from toilet blocks, or fox dens.
Comment icon #99 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
Our place was insisted to be haunted by previous owner one of her examples was the one upstairs toilet, even her ex asked me if i heard it, spookies in the wall. all the pipes, drains and vents made for a pipe organ effect but not music sometimes if water etc was going down the large main pipe, and i dont mean just when flushed, a little too much water in the bowl could cause it at odd times, it can produce very spooky sounds. Also the mass of duct work here, some from heating some when the added more heat or ac, if i play a radio or burn insense in the basement my wife knows it up stairs, and... [More]
Comment icon #100 Posted by moonman 5 years ago
Sound reflection can really mess with you. The other day I was standing in my garage, there's an old tube TV off to my right. I'm standing there and I clearly hear static coming from the TV. I look at it - it's off. It's unplugged. Yet static streams from it. I was puzzled for a few seconds. Turns out the TV screen was reflecting noise from the AC unit next door, it was coming in the open garage door, reflecting off a wooden shelf door behind me and reflecting back to me off the TV screen in a big triangle of perfect angles. I messed around with muffling the door and changing the angles, I cou... [More]
Comment icon #101 Posted by Alchopwn 5 years ago
Kudos 13bats, the more credulous may have simply been spooked.
Comment icon #102 Posted by the13bats 5 years ago
I believe what is more spooky to me in my houses case is the former owner, i never met her never spoke directly to her,  her ex hit me after we were here 3 years, he was mad i bought the place thinking he should had had first chance. I got the stories from lots of people who knew the lady but didnt know each other, some believed her others thought she was nuts, i saw here the symptoms of her beliefs. for example she was convinced some odd vampire rats, that sounded like the creatures from dont be affraid of the dark came in at night to chew on her, she hap hazard stapled window screen over an... [More]
Comment icon #103 Posted by Alchopwn 5 years ago
The rat thing is a bit Lovecraftian LINK.

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