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CIA declassifies Cold War spy animal files

By T.K. Randall
September 15, 2019 · Comment icon 9 comments

The CIA dabbled with using animals as spying platforms. Image Credit: US Navy
Newly released documents have revealed how the CIA used birds and other animals during the Cold War.
When it came to spying on the Soviets, no stone was left unturned.

Throughout the 1970s, the CIA investigated the use of various types of animals in their efforts to learn what their enemies were up to, with some of them being more effective as spies than others.

Declassified files reveal that at one point the use of cats as free-roaming surveillance devices was considered, while another project sought to use brain implants to create remote-controlled dogs.

There were even attempts to train dolphins either to sabotage Soviet vessels or to spy on them.
Most notable however were the CIA's efforts to train and use birds.

One project investigated the possibility of using ravens to drop surveillance devices on to windowsills or even to take photographs. One bird in particular - a raven named Do Da - had seemed particularly promising until it was attacked by other ravens during a training mission and was never seen again.

Perhaps the most successful of all these projects were those involving the use of pigeons. Hundreds of the birds were acquired and trained by the CIA to use in test missions over US soil.

In the end however the idea was scrapped due to how unreliable they were.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Stiff 5 years ago
They did that on porpoise.
Comment icon #2 Posted by It's Just An Opinion 5 years ago
RIP Do Da o7 got taken out by soviet double agents.
Comment icon #3 Posted by aztek 5 years ago
there is a story how cia spend a million in 60s to surgically implant a microphone and a transmitter inside a cat, so it can listen to conversations  in a park where many consuls and diplomats met, in ussr, the cat was ran over by a car on its first day, then us spies used dead rats along the road as a drop for microfilms, also in ussr, buit stray cats ate those rats,  to prevent that spies used tabasco sauce, and no cat ever touched their rats any longer  
Comment icon #4 Posted by Seti42 5 years ago
Nah, probably taken out by the Crow Mafia, for working with humans. A big deal in the Crow Mafia, from what I hear. Caw.
Comment icon #5 Posted by AllPossible 5 years ago
 In related news Flipper has flipped on the CIA. He is now lieutenant 1st class for the KGB
Comment icon #6 Posted by Gwynbleidd 5 years ago
Experimenting o,n and using animals all in the name of spying during wartime, doesn't sit well with me.  
Comment icon #7 Posted by It's Just An Opinion 5 years ago
The Shadow Squawk
Comment icon #8 Posted by zygote_myles 5 years ago
It's a terrible state of affairs when man feels the need to drag the animal world into his foolish games as well.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Jon the frog 5 years ago
They tried to used them for weapon too ! Did you heard about American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's doing research on a pigeon-controlled guided bomb in ww2 ?   

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