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World of the Bizarre

Pentagon has a zombie outbreak defense plan

By T.K. Randall
September 21, 2020 · Comment icon 21 comments

It'll never actually happen, but it can't harm to be prepared. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 sookie
It turns out that there is a genuine plan in place to defend the United States in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
The destruction of mankind at the hands of a contagious zombie virus is a scenario that has played out time and again in movies, books and TV shows, but what if it were to actually happen for real ?

It might seem like a scenario that the US government would never take seriously, but in actual fact there does exist a zombie apocalypse defense plan - albeit one that even admits that such a thing is never likely to actually happen in reality.

Known as CONOP 8888, the official zombie preparedness plan includes a disclaimer noting that it was "not actually designed as a joke" and that the strategies outlined are the real deal.

It was written back in 2011 by junior military officers at the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) as a training exercise that tasked them with presenting a general invasion contingency plan.
The resulting 31 page document - viewable here - includes many of the concepts you might expect to find in such a plan, especially if you are a fan of zombie apocalypse movies.

What's interesting is the seriousness of the presentation, despite the inclusion of fantastical concepts such as "evil magic zombies", "space zombies" and other bizarre theoretical subcategories.

It's clear that the plan was never intended to be taken literally - as far as zombies are concerned anyway - and serves as more of a general template for an invasion scenario.

Even so, it's certainly worth a read.

Source: Open Culture | Comments (21)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #12 Posted by Chronus 4 years ago
It did, along with when Pokemon GO came out.
Comment icon #13 Posted by third_eye 4 years ago
Winks are free...  ~
Comment icon #14 Posted by Chronus 4 years ago
My dad probably has a chainsaw like that. He has everything.
Comment icon #15 Posted by ExoPaul 4 years ago
The chinese are developing a lot of dangerous stuff over the past 20 years and who knows, one day we might have a semi-zombie pandemic happen.  I am not talking about dead rising up from graves, but living people that turn savage with psychosis or a virus that triggers a 20,000% increase in anger emotions, reduced pain receptors, etc.  I expect any future zombies to be more 28 Days Later than Walking Dead. We have already seen examples of certain Meth addicts and synthetic drugs being used where people can turn violent, out of control and supreme endurance to pain when high, so it only requi... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Cookie Monster 4 years ago
The obvious point of this scenario planning (and all other scenario planning even if it is far out) is it reveals information and problems that the military previously didnt know how to deal with. For instance, with a zombie apocalypse scenario they might have covered how to feed a population when its hard to farm food in safety. So now they have a plan they can review to ensure the continuity of food sources when its hard to farm should that ever happen.
Comment icon #17 Posted by DreadLordAvatar 4 years ago
Is this the same pentagon with the supposedly crashed 9/11 plane in their building?  And now zombie plan, another nice one.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Jon the frog 4 years ago
Maybe we would use zombies for fertilizer?
Comment icon #19 Posted by OpenMindedSceptic 4 years ago
I've seen the plan, very interesting and thought through: Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over
Comment icon #20 Posted by tmcom 4 years ago
The Unprecedented Zombie apol,...that!
Comment icon #21 Posted by Katniss 4 years ago
I'm warning you guys right now...if anytime in the future there is an actual zombie apocalypse and I look anything like this and you see me coming at you.... I'm not coming to give you life saving antibiotics people! So you all better get to steppin' boys and girls! Trust me at your own peril.  

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