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MH370 pilot 'deliberately masked flight path'

By T.K. Randall
May 8, 2021 · Comment icon 22 comments

What was the motive behind the pilot's actions ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 byeangel
The pilot of the doomed airliner may have attempted to leave 'false trails' and hide the plane's true trajectory.
Exactly what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 after it took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on March 8, 2014 still remains one of the most enduring mysteries in aviation history.

Numerous theories have arisen over the years, however it seems increasingly likely that the plane did not befall an accident, but was instead flown intentionally to its doom by its pilot for reasons unknown.

Now new research by aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey - one of the leading investigators into the mystery - has suggested that the pilot went to great lengths to avoid being detected.

"The pilot of MH370 generally avoided official flight routes from 18:00 UTC (2:00am AWST) onwards but used waypoints to navigate on unofficial flight paths in the Malacca Strait, around Sumatra and across the Southern Indian Ocean," he said.
"The flight path follows the coast of Sumatra and flies close to Banda Aceh Airport."

"The pilot appears to have had knowledge of the operating hours of Sabang and Lhokseumawe radar and that on a weekend night, in times of little international tension the radar systems would not be up and running."

These movements, at the very least, prove that someone was definitely piloting the plane.

"The level of detail in the planning implies a mindset that would want to see this complex plan properly executed through to the end," Godfrey added.

Exactly why the pilot would have gone to such lengths, however, continues to remain a mystery.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (22)

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Comment icon #13 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
Ok, A government. you do know that the CIA, MI6, FBI and several other intelligence services investigated, right? so if your theory is correct, government A got away with it,, despite the heavy scrutiny, or all of them are in bed. Hmmm not sure about this
Comment icon #14 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
I think I would eliminate mechanical failure. the craft stayed airborne for way to long after things got strange for the pilot to get word out to ATC Oh, and my belief is that the pilot did let ATC know what was happening and they advised him. they know where the plane went down, I'd bet on it
Comment icon #15 Posted by Hammerclaw 4 years ago
Just curious, how do they know how long the plane stayed aloft?
Comment icon #16 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
Ah. I see my buddy, third_eye is looking in. We disagreed a lot in the original MH370 thread but we have gotten along much better since. He's a nice guy. Anyway, it is a very long story. But investigators claimed they had signals from satellites that they used for data and it gave them two possible paths, one went northwest thru China and into Afghanistan, the other path went towards Australia. They even went so far as to check the with Afghanistan if a MH370 landed there. Seriously. They also had an Australian authority that proposed the pilot shut the air off to the passengers and slowly asp... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by third_eye 4 years ago
Or as the case may be here, "the" pilot or "a" pilot at the controls...  ~ Hey there...  Just peeking, was piqued as much as intrigued...  ~  
Comment icon #18 Posted by Hammerclaw 4 years ago
Of course you're not. There's nothing but rumor and speculation to go on. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone chanced upon a debris field out in the Nullarbor Plain, or the other vast reaches of Western Australia, thereabouts. A crash might even have registered, locally, as a curious seismic event.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
My man, good to see you.  I think you read it wrong, TE. How would any human *on the ground* know about the oxygen being shut off *on the craft*? they have no way to know this. you could see it in the data of the data box but that box has yet to have been recovered.  These are the types of stories that investigators released that really bothered me and still do. You may remember that story.
Comment icon #20 Posted by third_eye 4 years ago
Likewise and mutual my good man...  ~ All sorts of stuff and stories are being made up all over the place...  In other words, Your world or mine...  ~  
Comment icon #21 Posted by qunaquna 4 years ago
"The dissappearing act" was rather convincing read to me, not neccesarily conclusive, but with a lot of convincing details to make one doubt every bit of mainstream info surrounding the crash. Still, I can't just can't pretend that MH17 didn't happen just afterwards, that is just a little bit over the top coincidence for me to swallow.
Comment icon #22 Posted by woopypooky 2 years ago
my hypothesis is that the bitcoin goes 1000 usd for the first time, and the pilot realised he had 50,000 of it but lost wallet phrase.

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