Creatures, Myths & Legends
Missing persons 'eaten by Yowie', hunter claims
T.K. RandallSeptember 12, 2021 ·
Is there a population of unknown hominids in Australia ? Image Credit: Steve Baxter / Pexels
One Australian man is absolutely convinced that the Yowie - Australia's answer to Bigfoot - is the real deal.
Although encounters with large bipedal hominids are mostly associated with North America and the Himalayas, stories of such creatures have been reported for hundreds of years in countries all over the world including Russia, China and even Australia where it is known locally as the Yowie.
For years, Yowie-hunter Jason Heal has been scouring the wilderness around Perth in search of evidence that could prove once and for all that this elusive hominid actually exists.
Co-founder of the Yowie Research Group, he and his colleagues have amassed a large collection of sighting reports, photographs and audio recordings captured in the country's huge national parks.
He also claims to have witnessed Yowies with his own eyes.
"I recently saw Yowies running at superhuman speeds north of Bullsbrook," he said.
"I believe there is a population of Yowies all around the outer suburbs, including Mundaring, Serpentine Dam and Lake Gnangara."
"I think they go to pockets of bush near people and use bush corridors but because they are moving in early hours of morning and are incredibly quick people never see them."
When it comes to concrete physical evidence, however, Heal maintains that these elusive hominids are intelligent enough to conceal anything that might give away their existence.
He even believes that some of those who encounter them end up becoming their lunch.
"There are a lot of people who go missing in the bush and the cases remain unsolved and it is usually put down to a homicide," he said. "But I think some of these are the work of Yowies."
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