Would an extraterrestrial really be offended by the word 'alien' ? Image Credit: PD - Pexels
Speaking in a recent interview, the singer claimed that the term 'alien' is offensive to extraterrestrials.
Lovato, who is currently promoting a new investigative TV series on the subject of UFOs entitled "Unidentified with Demi Lovato", had been speaking to media outlets when she made the rather controversial claim that the term 'alien' is actually offensive to the aliens themselves.
"I think that we have to stop calling them aliens because aliens is a derogatory term for anything," she said in response to a question about an unreleased song. "I call them ETs."
Her comments ended up going viral, with her quote becoming a trending topic on social media.
The TV show itself follows the singer, her best friend and her sister as they go on an expedition to visit UFO hotspots, eyewitnesses, alien abductees and UFO researchers in a quest to uncover the truth about the phenomenon.
"I wanted to film everything that goes down when I go and search for these UFOs so that my fans can come along for the ride," she said.
Lovato also remains adamant that extraterrestrial visitors harbor no ill-will towards humanity.
"I want people to have an open mind and heart and to realize that these beings are looking out for our best interest," she told Entertainment Weekly.
"There's nothing to fear. If they wanted to hurt us, they would've hurt us."
Pronoun - it, that, deathmachine. In all seriousness. I find it worrying that folk now don't want to use the proper describing words for the things that they actually are. Language is slowly being obliterated by folk who have lived there lives through social media. Online etiquette is now social etiquette and anything that doesn't fit the narrative shall be ignored or destroyed.
They get the reality shows because watching stupid people is a LOT more entertaining than listening to smart people drone on and on about things that most people don't understand. You will pay to go to a circus to see people do all sorts of insane things but you would not pay a penny to watch a scientist doing an experiment over and over to see if the results are repeatable or a one-time anomaly. Lets face it watching idiots is funny and entertaining...
For the smart people... I like watching Sabine Hossenfelder on YouTube. She explains stuff to a more down time earth level. She's a Top Researcher on Dark Matter in Germany.
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