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The UFO Phenomenon

USAF officers: 'UFOs tampered with our nukes'

By T.K. Randall
October 12, 2021 · Comment icon 53 comments

What were the mystery objects, who sent them and where did they go ? Image Credit: DoD
A panel of former USAF officers will be presenting evidence that UFOs tampered with US nuclear weapons.
Set to take place on October 19th at the National Press Club, the event will be attended by four former US Air Force officers - nuclear missile crew commander Robert Salas, nuclear missile targeting officer Robert Jamison, nuclear missile crew commander David Schindele and missile test photographic officer Robert Jacobs.

According to the press release, the four men will "discuss their involvement in UFO incidents at nuclear missile launch facilities and test sites during the Cold War era."

Salas in particular, who was stationed at an underground launch facility assigned to Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana in 1967, has spent the last 25 years talking about his experiences there.
To this day, no explanation for the objects witnessed by the officers - or the mysterious disabling of the nuclear weapons in connection with these sightings - has ever been found.

They are now calling for Congress to launch an investigation and to hold public hearings.

"Numerous other UFO-related incidents with possible implications for national security have been publicly acknowledged by former public officials - whose efforts resulted in the creation of a secret Pentagon UFO investigations group, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)," the press release reads.

You'll be able to watch the event live on YouTube on October 19th - here.

Source: PR Newswire | Comments (53)

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Comment icon #44 Posted by Tim Hebert 3 years ago
Yeah, Robert Jacobs has held true to his claim since 1964.  Accordingly, what he saw was the malfunctioning of the shroud separating from the dummy warhead...Atlas D or E launch code name Butterfly Net (?)  Fragments of the shroud supposedly are what Jacobs saw circulating about the RV.  This debris nocked the RV off of it's trajectory path.  Jacobs thought that it was a UFO shooting ray beams at the RV.  This testing failure revealed a strategic vulnerability with the RV delivery capability and was instrumental in the decision process to eventually phase out the Atlas ICBM.  Of course ... [More]
Comment icon #45 Posted by Nobu 3 years ago
Yes , but knowing a little about this. Your story is not what happened. Like I said… UFOs? Very unlikely. Unknown??? 1000000000000 percent.
Comment icon #46 Posted by Tim Hebert 3 years ago
Yeah, I made the mistake of reading the actual report from the launch project manager.  I feel foolish.  Perhaps you can provide more information about the launch in question.  Please do not regurgitate Jacobs' story since I'm fully versed in it.  Please provide other corroborating evidence sans Jacobs.  Thank you in advance. PS:  I failed to mention the failed deployment of the RV penetration aids...I believe this was the defining culprit...but again... Edit:  I see that you are disclaiming Jacobs' UFO claim so disregard my above.  I'll leave the post intact for forum transparency.
Comment icon #47 Posted by Nobu 3 years ago
The problem is the public isn’t privy to all of the interviews and investigations —-they see one old guy with a story and immediately say “money grab” or “liar for attention” for every Robert Jacobs you guys read there are 20-100 others that witnessed something in an investigation  the government did. The company you guys know as alphabet got a lot of its seed money from the US. There is an INCREDIBLE Dod database (three actually, probably more) that is like a google for top secret.    I have searched this incident and countless others. You don’t have to believe me. And hon... [More]
Comment icon #48 Posted by Tim Hebert 3 years ago
No sweat.  I'm just a guy that likes to shake the boxes of UFO stories and see what tumbles out.  Alternative theories sans UFO are my thing when the mood gets me.
Comment icon #49 Posted by Nobu 3 years ago
I get you. I just want to find out all of the answers that I don’t know before I am gone. And I know it will not happen. It will be you younger guys that the torch will be passed to. Keep an open mind bud.
Comment icon #50 Posted by godnodog 3 years ago
We need to install 2 giant inflated balls at the basis of these missiles, this way we can say it was consensual.
Comment icon #51 Posted by Manwon Lender 3 years ago
Man you have a radioactive sense of humour!
Comment icon #52 Posted by godnodog 3 years ago
well I'm happy if at least one person smiles.
Comment icon #53 Posted by Manwon Lender 3 years ago
You always feel better if you don't take things too seriously, and that especially goes for things beyond our control. Peace 

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