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Space & Astronomy

Curiosity rover finds possible evidence of life on Mars

By T.K. Randall
January 19, 2022 · Comment icon 6 comments

Has Curiosity struck gold on Mars ? Image Credit: NASA
Carbon associated with biological processes has been discovered in samples analyzed by the rover.
It's the news that everyone has been waiting to hear - possible evidence of ancient extraterrestrial life that scientists have speculated could have once thrived on Mars billions of years ago.

But don't get too excited just yet because, as always with such discoveries, it is impossible to rule out alternative explanations and it will take further study (and possibly future missions) to know for sure.

The excitement surrounds the results of an analysis of powdered rock samples carried out by the rover's on-board Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) chemistry lab.

The results indicate the presence of a type of carbon usually indicative of biological processes.
"We're finding things on Mars that are tantalizingly interesting, but we would really need more evidence to say we've identified life," said NASA's Paul Mahaffy.

"So we're looking at what else could have caused the carbon signature we're seeing, if not life."

The key to determining whether or not the carbon is indicative of ancient alien life will be to take into account the differences between the Earth and Mars.

"The hardest thing is letting go of Earth and letting go of that bias that we have and really trying to get into the fundamentals of the chemistry, physics, and environmental processes on Mars," said Goddard astrobiologist Jennifer L. Eigenbrode.

"We need to open our minds and think outside the box."

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Bavarian Raven 3 years ago
We really needs "boots on the ground" - imagine what a few scientists/researchers could do with a few months ... or longer. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by MysteryMike 3 years ago
This is how Life (2017) begins.
Comment icon #3 Posted by spartan max2 3 years ago
This is pretty cool 
Comment icon #4 Posted by Abramelin 3 years ago
What "type of carbon usually indicative of biological processes" are they talking about?
Comment icon #5 Posted by Abramelin 3 years ago
Carbon isotopes:
Comment icon #6 Posted by taniwha 3 years ago
C-13 might not be the chicken but might it be the egg?  So to speak?      

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