Locking eyes with the long-lost past. Image Credit: FAPAB Research Center / Cicero Moraes
Thanks to modern facial reconstruction techniques, it is possible to look upon the face of a woman who died 2,600 years ago.
The mummy - a woman named Shep-en-Isis who died in Egypt during the 7th Century BC - was discovered at the Deir el-Bahari mortuary complex all the way back in 1819.
Evidence at the site suggested that she belonged to a wealthy family (whose tomb she was found in) and was the daughter of a priest who lived in the city of Thebes.
Now thanks to modern CT scanning technology, researchers at the FAPAB Research Center in Sicily and Flinders University in Australia have built up a highly detailed reconstruction of her face based on a detailed analysis of her skeletal structure.
Layer by later, the team built up her appearance from her muscles to her skin, even going so far as to add minor cosmetic details such as freckles and individual hairs.
The resulting image is like a ghost from the past - the face of a woman from ancient history.
"The harmonious and well-proportioned skull suggests that Schepenese was probably a beautiful lady during her lifetime," the researchers wrote.
Interesting although this bit makes me wonder how was that possible if there is no Mary around to work with either seeing as how Jesus has left the planet so there are absolutely no skeletal artifacts to work with you are left pretty much to work with that cultures historical genetic qualities go for facial features. Moraes created earlier a series of facial reconstructions of historical figures such as Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.
It is easy to forget that every single mummy is a person that once lived and was lovingly entombed by their loved ones and should be respectfully returned and interred at where they were from. ~
The next link explains how they were able (or thought they were) to reconstruct the face of Mary Magdalene: https://historyofyesterday.com/experts-reconstruct-mary-magdalenes-possible-appearance-b7af0249c3f3
Hi Rob Thanks, I was referring to Jesus' mother Mary as a reference point for the construction of Jesus because his dad was AWOL and nobody knows what he looks like.
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